Mochi Overload with MINIMONO! (A Review)

Friday, August 16, 2024


I am easily drawn to all the endless food reels and photos on the internet, but the call for this came stronger than the rest.
I undeniably love the texture of mochi and other similar desserts. When I saw the ad for MINIMONO Cafe on Instagram, my thought was that I just had to have it. Right there. Right then.
I have not seen them in the food delivery apps that I used, so I assumed they just did not have any deliveries. I messaged them on Instagram if I could just have my order picked up by Grab, but they did not respond. I did not take this negatively, though. A few hours later, out of a whim, I searched for daifuku on Grab, and lo and behold, I found MINIMONO!

Mochi Wrapped Ice Cream (Matcha)

Mochi Wrapped Ice Cream (Matcha), Php 180

The matcha ice cream was a little soft (almost melting), but it was understandable because it was a delivery. I live around 15 minutes away from the cafe. 

Everything about this dessert is divine. The matcha ice cream was so delicious. It was very creamy and not sweet at all. I personally like that my matcha is not sweet because the flavour is richer that way. The sweetness can sometimes overpower the matcha, but in this case, it did not at all. The mochi complements the ice cream really well.

This is just a little difficult to eat with a plastic spoon because it does not cut through the mochi easily.

Mochi Wrapped Ice Cream (Matcha), Php 180

Mango Cream Daifuku

Mango Cream Daifuku, Php 80

I also really loved the texture of both the mochi and the cream in their mango cream daifuku. This even has real fruit bits with the mango-flavoured cream! 

I honestly could eat multiples of this in one sitting. It made me regret that I only ordered one. 🙈 

The only thing I was not so pleased with was that the mango flavour of the cream and/or the fruit was a little sour. I don't know if that was intentional or just a case of a sour mango. Nevertheless, I would be more than happy to order this again.

Mango Cream Daifuku, Php 80

Mochi Bites (Plain)

Mochi Bites (Plain), Php 120

I ordered this because I wanted to have a taste of their plain mochi as well. I honestly can and am very willing to consume mochi, plain or bland. This did come with cream cheese and crushed Oreo dip.

For the plain mochi, there's not much to say, but it was no surprise to me that I really loved it. It was very well-made, and it's a fun snack. 

Mochi Bites (Plain), Php 120

As much as I loved the plain, the cream cheese and Oreo dip were very great additions and took the dessert to another level. I have not had this combo before, but I also ended up enjoying it too.


Shakerato, Php 130

I also got myself iced coffee just to balance out all the mochi overload. I found that coffee is perfect with mochi or daifuku.

This is an iced shaken cold brew. It was sweetened, but just the right amount. If you're planning to order this, make sure to note if you want it unsweetened. 

The coffee had a good, rich flavour. It was not watered down to oblivion, which was just to my taste.

In conclusion...

I am so happy to say that I enjoyed everything I ordered from MINIMONO. The only teeny-tiny qualm is the sourness of the mango, but it didn't throw me off that much. The coffee was also very good.

I don't think I've heard many people talk about this cafe, though I do hope more people discover this gem soon because they have some good dessert!

MINIMONO Address and Socials


Disclaimer: As you can tell by my not so poetic description of the food that I am not a food critic/expert nor have I ever claimed to be one. This is out of personal experience. Your experience and preferences may differ from mine. This review is not written with the intention to harm any individual, group or business. This review is not sponsored nor is it in any other type of x-deals.

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