Unlocking Joy: Simple Lifestyle Changes for a Happier You

Friday, July 5, 2024

Happiness, as we all know, is very subjective. We find joy in different things and respond differently to whatever life throws at us. What I do know is that true happiness is a very strong force in driving us to the correct decisions and spreading positivity to those around us.

The path to finding happiness may be intimidating at times, but I hope this post will give you some insights into some practical and realistic ways that you can take to create subtle or major changes in your life. Stephen Chbosky wrote in his book The Perks of Being a Wallflower: "We accept the love we think we deserve." Almost always, we deserve more than we think we do. In terms of happiness, I do hope that today or one day, you will also be able to find and accept the happiness you truly deserve.  

Finding Joy in Movement

If you know me, you will know that I am not an active person, so it would be hypocrisy if I suddenly became an advocate for fitness. But hear me out here. It does not mean that I do not believe in the great benefits of fitness. When I was in a horrible mental state, my doctor advised me to keep going to the gym even if I feel tired or even if I just go and do a 15-minute treadmill walk. And for a long time, that kept me going until I was okay.  

Getting stuck in your room all day is very dangerous when you are not in a good place mentally and emotionally. So, you don't have to be a fitness enthusiast to find joy in movement. Take a walk, no matter how short it is. Go outside and have coffee somewhere else. Travel if you can.  Get yourself out there, even if you have to do it alone.  If you can push yourself to do and keep up a regular fitness routine, by all means please do.

Little changes like this may help you find more clarity, and eventually you'll find joy in the world outside the four walls of a room.  


Finding Joy in the Food You Eat

Relationships with food are complex topics on their own, and I am not an expert on them. I certainly am not fit to talk beyond what I have personally experienced. However, what I do know is that joyful eating habits are a really effective positive energy generator.

Eating is (obviously) a very frequent human activity, which is why it is important that you find joy in it. Depending on what your health concerns are, prioritise the eating habit that you're most comfortable with. Incorporate healthy and nutritious food without denying yourself to the ocassional treat. Don't tailour what you eat based on what others think and say about your personal appearance. 

I think the most important aspect here is learning to take a step towards loving and accepting your body. If you'd like to set body goals, there's nothing wrong with that as well, as long as you don't punish your body in the process.

If this is still very difficult for you, there may be underlying pain or a haunting past that needs to be unravelled, so I do encourage you to seek help from a certified mental health professional.


Finding Joy in Relationships

Relationships play a vital role in how we prosper or burn. This includes not only romantic relationships but also friendships, work and professional relationships, and our relationships with our families. The relationships we have with the people we live with and interact with every day, or most frequently, are very strong factors in how happy we are.

I have learned how important it is to hold on to the relationships and connections that matter most to us, as well as those that bring positivity to our lives. It's not worth hanging on to people or situations that do not accept us or deliberately exclude us. It's not worth holding on to love when it does not give back the same or more than what we can give.

In order to find joy in relationships, we also need to understand how important it is that we truly love ourselves first. That way, we make sure to sort out our unresolved traumas or issues so we can properly identify the relationships that support our prosperity and happiness.


Finding Joy in Hobbies

If you feel like you have so much time in your hands or when you do have a little time, you find that there's absolutely nothing to do. In these idle times, when you are restless, then there is a need for you fill this. 

There is a wide range of activities you can try that does not need a specific/complex skill set or talent. Hobbies like paint by numbers (there are sets for adults), wooden 3D puzzles, diamond painting, candle making, origami, beading, etc. There are starter kits for these in Amazon for cheap. If you are looking for activities that cost next to nothing, physical activities like following a yoga or pilates routine in Youtube, going for a walk, volunteering, local music shows are good options as well. These hobbies do not require a whole lot of learning or purchasing expensive kit so if you feel like it's not for you, you can just drop them anytime.

Finding joy in an activity outside of work and house chores is a great way to free your mind from what is normally expected of you. It's very rewarding to spend some time for yourself.


Finding Joy in Your Environment

In my earlier point, I mentioned that who you live with is important, and where you live is equally important as well. I am not talking about the lavishness of the space, but what I mean is how you make the best of where you live.

A cluttered space, no matter what justifications some may give, is a space that will clutter your mind. A cluttered mind is a very vulnerable target for stress. I am aware that there is such a thing as organised chaos. However, organised chaos is chaos that is purposeful. A cluttered place is just plain cluttered. So, if you feel like everything outside of your home is causing you stress, you come home and you don't find a single feeling of peace, or the stress gets worse, then there is a major need for a declutter.

Another thing you can do is decorate your space and make it your own safe haven. Your safe space is an expression of yourself. Think about the decor style that you feel most at home with or that you resonate best with. Slowly rearrange and incorporate your personality into your decor. 


I believe that eventually, the consistent small drops will fill the bucket. Small changes in our lives such as doing a non-work activity during our free time, having a space that we feel at home with or even just as simple as going out regularly for a short walk contributes to a much larger purpose which is ultimately our own happiness. 

Hope this helps!

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