Farewell to my 20s

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Do you know the cliche that goes something like..."if you told me five years ago if I will be where I am right now, I would not believe you"?

That line has been used and overused but boy, that is just so true.

I am saying farewell to my 20s and with that, I am also saying that exact same cliche.

My early 20s was not by any means a stellar success and it will never count as inspirational. With all honesty, it was a little shameful really. I did things I was not proud of, I refused to acknowledge so many mistakes and I hurt friends who were always there for me. I'm just really so blessed to have people who didn't give up on me and when I found the love of my life, everything just fell into place.

If you ask me what I'd do if I could go back, I would only ask to unhurt the ones I did. Just a few months ago, I apologised for hurting two of the dearest friends I had. They did not and will never deserve any hurt and I'd forever be grateful that they showed me mercy.

I wish I didn't have to be lost just to be strong. But things happen, I guess and I'm still very thankful that it led me to where I am now. I remember hearing this from a churchmate before...

"There is no such thing as wasted time with God"


Whatever happened - all the good and the bad - they happened for a reason. 

Now that I'm saying farewell to my 20s, I look back and it makes me very proud how much I've grown and how much I have learned to value those who mean the world. 

I look forward to my friends' lives as I watch them grow and be their best selves. 

I look forward to being a better sister, a daughter and an auntie.

I look forward to every single day with my husband and our dog and one day building a slightly bigger family together. 

I'm blessed beyond what I deserved and for that, let's cheers to the big 30!

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