A Sunday and an Impulse Decision: My Digital Perm Experience at Bangs Prime Salon (SM Seaside)

Saturday, June 24, 2023

For the last few months, I have been on and off on wanting to perm my hair. I thought I was totally over the idea because I was scared that it would just frizz the hell out and I won't be able to manage it well. I also have been rehabilitating my hair for four years now - it's finally in a place where I can call it healthy and I did not want to fudge it up.

However, it was one random Sunday when out of nowhere, I just wanted to put my hair through the unpredictable chances of chemical alterations. I thought I'd finally just head to the salon without any  much hesitation, research, etc. I knew if I gave myself space to overthink it again, I wouldn't be able to do it.

It is worth noting that I had this treatment on the 27th of March 2023. I am posting the blog a little later. We all have different hair type, hair tolerance, etc so your experience may differ with mine. 

Before anything else though, here's a quick profile of my hair and scalp condition:

  • It has not been dyed or salon treated for the last four years.
  • It has never, ever been rebonded nor has it experienced the brazilian blowout.
  • The last (old school) perm I had was almost a decade ago. Damn, I'm old.
  • My hair gets frizzy when the humidity is high or if I shampoo more often.
  • I have thin, fragile hair. It's not too thick, but not very thin either. 
  • My scalp, I just found out in this perm trip that it's highly sensitive. I've always thought it was problematic, but it was only until this time that I realised what its problem really was. It flares up on intense products.

The Process

  1. Since this was an impulse decision, I just walked in to the salon. I was lucky that I came a few minutes after they opened and my preferred stylist (Miss Ruby) did not have any appointments for that hour. Even with that stroke of luck, I would not suggest doing the same. Make sure you make a booking for rebonding, perming, colouring or other treatments. You can book through their website or over the phone. 
  2. Miss Ruby checked my hair and asked questions about my hair history as well as the style that I wanted. After she confirms it was good to go, she began to trim my hair into a soft layer.
  3. My hair was technically "virgin" so I was able to choose from any of their three perm options. At that time, these were the promo prices:

    Screenshot from Bangs Prime Website, 27 March 2023

    I chose the Prime Aqua Rebond for Php 1,999 at that time. I was also made to choose from three treatment options and I chose the Prime Keratin for Php 1,300. Ergo, those two were the cheapest options. Lol. 

    Screenshot from Bangs Prime Website, 27 March 2023

    You may check their latest promotions here (link is not affiliate): https://www.bangsprimesalonbytonyandjackey.com/hair-trends
  4. After shampooing, it was time for the real deal.
  5. For the next parts, I will try my best to describe as much as I know and remember but I will be honest and say that I don't have much idea of what was going on. After the perming medicine was applied and my hair wrapped in small sections, an octopus looking device was attached. 

  6. My hair was then steamed through those rods for 20 minutes. Some people might find the steaming pretty warm, but you can always tell them if you're uncomfortable with how warm it is. 
  7. Then, my hair was cling wrapped to allow cool down for another 20 minutes. 

  8. Miss Ruby checked my hair and oh dear, my hair did not go down without a fight. The initial application only very partially worked so they had to repeat the process.
  9. My hair was drenched again in perm medicine and was steamed for another 20 minutes. 

  10. After the second round, it was a great thing that my hair finally caved and curled. I went for another round of shampoo and I was told that my hair also received the keratin treatment during this time.
  11. My hair was not blown dry, only scrunched up with towels and they applied hair essence before steaming it for 10 minutes.  

  12. Miss Ruby gave it a bit some final scrunching up and taught me the basics of caring for it.

One hour later...

I decided on a very close up photo because my hair is very black and it's difficult to see the curls from a distance, but this is how it looks like with most parts still a bit damp. It took me a while to get out of the mall (because I got lost, but that does not matter) so you will see there are some dried out pieces as well.

A few hours later...

So I was told not to wet my hair for at least 24 hours, but I've decided to go for 48 hours just to be sure the curl has the best chance of holding up. I took a nap and my curls were still intact - pretty much the same as pictured above. Showering was a bit of a challenge because my hair falls below my shoulder. At first, I tried just stuffing it all in my shower cap but that did not hold. So I decided to very loosely tie it up and clip the sides with salon before covering it with a shower cap. I took the slowest shower ever because I was really too scared to mess it up. I did remove the tie and clips right after taking a shower.

After a good night's sleep...

Some of the curls started to loosen, but only because they were starting to get more frizzy by the hour. I did not tie my hair, put it up in a bun, clip or even wrap it with anything. I also still could still smell the perming medicine.

Day 2 of no washing...

On the second night, I just used salon clips to hold them up inside my shower cap and it surprisingly held up well, though a bit loose.

By this time, my head just felt uncomfortable. It was a good thing that the smell was gone or I was desentisised to it by this time. I am usually able to go up to four days without washing my hair without feeling any bit of discomfort, but it was different this time. I was just thankful that I work from home because I don't know how I could have faced the public with day 2 post perm hair. 

The curls got very loose already and they looked flatter. 

After the first wash...

Other than the styling wax I got at the salon, I did not purchase any other curl-specific products. I read that the one thing that makes the curls go wild is lack of moisture and I already have moisturising hair products at home so I just stuck with it. I just got a new shampoo because I ran out but that is besides the point.

I washed my hair like how I would regularly, only concentrating on the scalp. Like the usual, my fine hair did get tangle. I applied my first coat of hair treatment (no conditioner) as how I usually do and let that sit for around thirty second. I then took a wide tooth comb to manage all the tangles and scrunching up as I go. After my hair was fully detangled, I applied another layer of treatment by scrunching it up this time. I rinsed that afterwards.

Before I got out of the shower, I squeeze out the excess water by scrunching it up again with my hands and a regular towel. I applied a little bit of hair oil and again, scrunching that one up. I swear I'm not trying to hit SEO, but there really is too many scrunching involved here. Anyway, after half an hour, I applied the hair styling wax to set it.

What I liked about my experience

  • Miss Ruby is a stylist I have always been comfortable with even when we only came to her for haircuts. She's gentle, but meticulous. She did not rush into anything and she made sure that I did get the curls I wanted. She was not judgmental and intimidating. She helped me understood my scalp condition and how to better care for my hair. Miss Ruby and also the nice lady who shampooed my hair in the beginning really made me feel at ease.
  • I got the curls I wanted with surprisingly very little damage. My hair was still soft and bouncy after the perm. The old school perm I tried before ended up making my hair look crusty.

What I did not like very much

  • The smell of the perming medicine is probably one that stands out. This is no one's fault, but I just thought it would be worth emphasising in case you have a very sensitive smell. I am quite tolerant with strong smell, but this really got to me.
  • The waiting time for the process. Due to the extreme stubborness of my hair, the process took three hours. Bring some entertainment if you're going to do this because you might be in the chair for a loooong time.
  • The only time I felt uncomfortable was with one lady who gave me so much shizt about my dandruff that I felt like it was a disease. It was the total opposite of how Miss Ruby initially explained my scalp condition to me. Maybe (and hopefully) I just misunderstood, but that was really weird.

If you're going for a digital perm or even a rebond from the salon, feel free to ask Miss Ruby for the aftercare. She is pure Korean but she is really good in English and Bisaya. Some staff tried to upsell me with other hair products, but I only took Miss Ruby's recommendation which made the most sense to me - a styling wax. I will continue to use it (so far I like it), but I will save the long-term review for another day.

When going to salons like this, feel free to decline the products that they offer if you have preferences or you just don't see yourself paying the premium for salon grade products. It is normal to feel pressured to buy, but it is even more normal to say no

Overall, I really liked my experience. I know I keep singing all praises for Miss Ruby, but she was really awesome and I would recommend her any day. 

Now, let's hope I get a good maintenance routine going.

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