June, Reimagined by Rebekah Crane

Friday, January 13, 2023

Trigger Warning (TW): This book contains minor scenes of verbal harrasment. Please proceed with caution if these can trigger your mental illness or any trauma.

I have yet to find a fictional heroine that I hate more than Daisy Buchanan, but this book's heroine almost came close.

Welcome to the world of June Merriweather.

The Story

June Merriweather who was still heartbroken with her brother's loss and who bears a heavy secret, travelled to the Scottish highlands just to escape the darkness that lingers in her home.

She finds a job at a local cafe and the kind owner just happened to know of an inn that offered her a free stay while she's in town. The inn's co-owner, Lennox who seemed to have a dark past also happened to dislike her for I cannot even remember why.

As June tried to live a normal "new" life, her past continued to haunt her in the form of her best friend Matt who wanted to understand why she ran away. June tried to look for a better future and as she begins to fall for Lennox (despite their constant bickering), Matt shows up in Scotland and just tangles up everything that she wanted.

What could the future hold for June? Will she be able to have one without having to confront the demons that she hides?

In conclusion...

While good ol' Daisy B. still tops the list of my hated fictional heroines, this did give her standing quite a scare.

Before anything else, I had no problem with the storytelling in this book. It did not drag on for too long and I really felt like I was in Scotland with all the characters (not that I wanted to be around them). Honestly, I actually like Hallmark-type romance novels no matter how much cliched they all are. I really find these small-town settings fascinating.

But I just had too many problems with this book. Where do I even begin. I do not like June at all. I tried my very best, even tried to read a little slower just to be able to connect with her and understand why she is the way she is...but I just couldn't. She's selfish, immature and just plain annoying at times. I believe that in her subconscious, she always thinks the whole world owes her something just because she exists and therefore everyone should act accordingly. Her actions time and time again showed that. Other than admitting what her secrets were, there wasn't any character development.

And Lennox, he's that "huge" male character full of tattoos and just full of himself. Nothing more, nothing less.

The other characters are just so plain and shallow. Even June's best friend Matt could not even be the least bit interesting no matter how he's described in the book. He's just one of June's all-worshipping minion.

TW. I would like to give a not so special mention to another character. I think his name was August. He's just one giant shizhole. He is in love with this other girl but everytime he's around her (or any other women for that matter), all that he could do was make dirty jokes and flirt non-stop even if she tries to shut him down. In my opinion, it's actually harassment but the other characters just brush it off and say "Just don't mind him, he's always like that." It's actually sick. Actions like this should not be tolerated.

I have not written this much dislike about the characters in a book because I always try to like what I read but this was just a painful process. I'm sorry but I don't even want to recommend it even to those that I don't like...unless I really wanted to annoy the heck out of them.

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