The Last Story of Mina Lee by Nancy Jooyoun Kim

Friday, January 27, 2023

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TRIGGER WARNING: The book contains thoughts of su|c!de. Please proceed with caution or skip this altogether if you feel that this will trigger your current or past condition.

Two people and two timelines - forever intertwined by blood, separated by the very culture they share.

Mina is an immigrant Korean mother who speaks very little English and fully embodies her home country's culture raised Margot, her all-American daughter who can barely speak let alone understand Korean and dreads every single bit of her culture.

The Story

Margot comes back home to Los Angeles when her mother did not pick up the phone after a few days. She comes home to her mother's dead body. Doubting that her mother's death was just an accident and after the police's indifference, she sets out to find the truth on her own.

In an alternate timeline, we are taken back to the first time Mina lands in the United States as an illegal immigrant. She just lost her own family and was alone in a foreign country. Just a few months in her job in the United States, she meets a gentleman named Mr. Kim and quickly fell in love with him. The good days went almost as fast as it came and Mr. Kim had to leave her, not knowing Mina was already pregnant.

Growing up, Margot never learned how to properly speak Korean and worse, she grew to dread it. She hated her mother's culture, she hated that she didn't speak English, she hated her poverty and she hated who she was. With all this, as a consolation she immersed herself in the American culture. She only loved American food, wore American clothing and even moved out of Los Angeles to live an opposite life from her job down to her home decor.

Margot's investigation of her mother's death unearth not only the struggles of her immigrant mother, but also her identity.

Will this understanding and eventually an admittance of her love for her mother help her finally heal her?

What I think...

For being a light read and even just revolving around two characters, this book has many facets that I think would speak to a lot of people most especially to immigrants and even their friends or families.

Mina and Margot are two polar opposites. Mina did not have an easy life in Korea and though moving to the United States was her escape, it only led to more problems. I saw a lot of immigrants in Mina - she came to a strange land alone, tried to make a life for herself despite being different. I honestly truly felt sorry for her and even up until now, I thought that Margot has always treated her unfairly.

However, Margot was only a child. I also couldn't let her take all the blame because she didn't know any better. She had no connection to her mother's roots and identity and it was not her responsibility to figure it all out. She was so lost and in many ways, she was also very much a victim of circumstance.

Although the book did drag on for far longer than expected, it still was not painful to finish. I also did not expect Mina's cause of death - it was a very sharp left to be honest. I expected more intensity than what was given but again, still not too bad because the book did have a good closure at the end.

☆☆☆ | Young Adults and Adults | Newbie-Friendly: Yes | Fast Read: Not really

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Quick Review of Purple Yam Cebu

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

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Purple Yam Cebu Canned Ube Cake

My cravings for something sweet and creamy knows no day, no hormonal imbalances and completely ignores the fact that I cannot digest dairy very well.

I have been intrigued by Purple Yam Cebu for a few months now. I kept seeing it in my Foodpanda window shopping. It looked really moist (sorry for the word) and delicious. So, as predictable as it may be, I caved in to it one day.

Purple Yam Cebu Canned Ube Cake

I ordered mine from Foodpanda and this six-inch cake costs Php 425. The delivery took almost an hour but it was still cold when it arrived.

This reminds me of the dream cake concept which I have never tried and not really planning to anytime soon. This is a good size if you'll be the only one eating it and really practical because you can just eat it out of the can and not worry about taking out another plate. You can also repurpose the can if you wash it well.

Purple Yam Cebu Canned Ube Cake

For the photo above and almost all of my food photos, I try to take them in the best natural light possible so I won't distort any of the food's real-life look. 

I ordered this with the expectation that it will have the same consistency of a moist cake which is way more flavourful and dense because that is how it looked like in the photos at least in my point of view. However, I was surprised when it actually is a chiffon cake with creamy purple yam "frosting". 

In conclusion...

If you're like me who cannot digest dairy very well, do not eat too much of this. Even though the cake is just chiffon, the yam is actually very creamy and will mess up your digestion which we know that will not end well.

Anyway, the yam frosting is really delicious. It really is made from scratch and has amazing consistency that compliments the cake. It is not too sweet but is still very rich in flavour. I think this will still be delicious even if you pair this with a sweet beverage. The cake is also great, but does not stand out to me. It is honestly a little bland and I am not a big fan of its consistency. 

I personally don't think I will buy this again but this is a good cake if you're craving for some good ube flavour without too much sweetness. 

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Beautiful by Danielle Steel

Friday, January 20, 2023

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I know I initially said that I'd wrap up my readings monthly but as I was writing about the books I read this month, it ended up very lengthy so I'll keep doing the usual individual posts. Not that it matters much. Lol.

This is the story of the supermodel Veronique Vincent who is young and is on top of her game. She has everything most women could only dream of: career, wealth and fame. At the moment when she's almost unstoppable, her life broke down around her when she became a victim of a terrorist attack losing her mother and everything she worked hard for. Having gotten used to being looked up for her beauty, Veronique suddenly felt like she had to hide herself from the world. In this book, the reader is taken through Veronique's life after the attack and how she struggled to heal not only her physical wounds but also her grieving heart in order to see that there is more to her than meets the eye.

What I think...

This was my first Danielle Steel book that I am aware of because I may have read a couple of her novels back in the day when I'd just pick up anything that I thought was alright in my grandfather's collection. Anyway, I was really surprised by how easy Danielle Steel's writing style was to get on board with. Although not everyone (or at least I did not) really relate to Veronique's outlook but I think it's very easy to emphatise with what she was going through. The plot is very linear, you don't get to see anything more than Veronique's life and all other characters seem to be just side pieces to the story. There's not much to all other characters except for Veronique...which could be a really good thing if you don't like complexities in a story. There's not much depth to this, but I think this is still a great book even for casual or newbie readers.

☆☆☆ | Young Adults and Adults | Newbie-Friendly: Yes | Fast Read: Yes

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Sizzlin' Steak / Sushi Boy in Ayala Center Cebu

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

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Glifesnaps sizzlin steak sushi boy ayala center cebu

Do you know how there are restaurants in your local area that you see almost everytime but never really had the urge to try it? 

This was the case for Sizzlin' Steak / Sushi Boy in Ayala Center Cebu. Maybe because I've never heard anyone rave about it or even talked about it or maybe it just never drew me in. 

I went there with my boyfriend when he craved for steak again one time and here's our honest experience:


When we dined there, the entrance to Sizzlin' Steak was not available but we entered through Sushi Boy. It was only then that we realised that the restaurants are "combined".  The only opened area at that time was the one for Sushi Boy. However, we were able to look at and order from both menus from where we were seated.

The restaurant had Japanese-inspired interiors but was a little gloomy for my liking. The aircon also was not very cold. There were only three groups dining that time but it still felt a little cramped - maybe this is just a personal non-preference.


As I mentioned, there were only three groups of people dining at that time and there was more than enough service crew but they were all staying together in the farther end of the restaurant. It was a struggle to get anyone's attention. There was a nice lady who served us and she did really great, she was all smiles and she deserves some kudos.

I always try to be the most understanding for food and service workers in general because it is not easy having to deal with almost all types of people in a day's work but I really think their service could do a bit better.


We ordered two meals - one for each restaurant. My boyfriend had the ribeye steak while I had the pork tonkatso.

My boyfriend was asked for his preference for the doneness of the steak and he requested medium rare. What arrived looked like this:

Glifesnaps sizzlin steak sushi boy ayala center cebu

The meat looked raw and maybe it really was. We figured since the plate was hot and sizzling, it would eventually cook the meat to medium rare.

We gave it a few minutes and it turned to this:

Glifesnaps sizzlin steak sushi boy ayala center cebu

Since the plate was hot, the meat continued to cook all throughout. When he started to eat, even if it was just a few minutes, the meat was no longer medium rare. It was well done and by the time that he was almost done eating, the meat was beyond well done.

What we didn't get is why there was a need to ask for the preference for the doneness of the steak when it will end up well done anyway. My boyfriend still liked his meal and said that it tasted really nice, but he would have preferred it to be medium rare. If you're the kind of person who has very specific preference for his steak, you will be disappointed with this.

Glifesnaps sizzlin steak sushi boy ayala center cebu

I got the Pork Tonkatsu and I really liked it a lot. Sushi Boy has their tonkatsu done right. The flavours were all just right and very enjoyable. The pork was not oily. I was able to finish an entire big bowl and I enjoyed my food so much.

In conclusion...

We liked our food but we weren't highly impressed. The steak costs more than what you could get at Acacia but the steak in Acacia's was still so much better. I know they're two different dining styles but if you're just going to spend for steak, just spend it on a good place.

Sushi Boy's Tonkatsu took home the medal that night. 

It wouldn't be a place that we'll think of going back over and over again but it still wasn't terrible.

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Questions to Help You Before Committing to Pet (Dog) Care

Monday, January 16, 2023

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Having a pet dog is probably one of the best things you can experience in life only if you do it right.

I have written a couple things in the past about the same topic but I have been seeing quite a lot of  irresponsible pet ownership recently which prompted me to write yet another one. Not like there's a lot of you will read this anyway, but it's here in case you ever need it.

There are a number of things that you should ask yourself before you go ahead and commit yourself to a pet dog. You should have sure answers to these in order to make a sound decision and not hurt a furry friend in the process if you, in fact, are not ready to have one.

Can you afford it?

I am not asking if your parents, your significant others, your siblings, etc can afford it. As the main owner, can you afford to provide for all of your dogs needs without having to ask for anyone else's assistance? Can you fit an additional pet category in your monthly income? This includes regular vet visits, professional grooming (if you want a very furry pet), proper dog food, treats, toys, etc. Depending on where you live and the breed of your dog, this can get very expensive. 

Another telltale sign is: if you have to ask someone else for money to initially acquire or support your dog, it means you cannot afford it. 

What breed best fits your lifestyle?

Just like any other human relationships, there are dog breeds that fit a specific human lifestyle. You should be able to assess your own lifestyle or routine. For example, if you are considering very active dogs like  golden retrievers, are you able to regularly walk it daily? Provide time for outdoor play?

In contrast, if you're an active person, you will find that "lazy" dog breeds like Chow Chow and Bulldogs will not like having long walks or outdoor activities. 

Before you consider any type of dog, make a thorough assessment of how you live your daily life and do really good research on what dog breeds will fit your lifestyle.

Don't just go for the first cute one you see.

Are you able to provide the dog with an appropriate living space?

Dogs are animals but they do not deserve inhumane living conditions. If you cannot provide an appropriate living space for your the dog, please save any dog from misery by not pushing through with this. It is always heartbreaking to see a dog suffer just because of irresponsible ownership.

For example, do not attempt to adopt or acquire high maintenance breeds like Chow Chow or Siberian Husky if you're going to let it live outside in the scorching Philippine weather.

If you are not able to provide a safe space for a dog, then you should not be committing to this at all.

Are you willing to be there through the cuteness and filthiness?

Dogs are cute, but they also not always are. There will be days when they will randomly throw up, have accidents or days where they just love to be filthy. Are you willing to clean up after them?

Would you be able to pick up their dirt and wipe off their accidental pees? Will you be able to clean their living spaces without asking anyone for help?

A quick way to reflect on this is to check how much work you do with the basics like laundry, cleaning a room and your toilet. This will give you a good starter estimate on how much work you're also willing to do for your pet.

Do you have the time and patience to train it?

I know there are others who think training is optional. However, based on personal experience, training is actually an excellent way to form a strong bond with your pet as well as establish an alpha dominance. Training depends on the overall personality of your pet and its breed. Generally, this would take time and a ton of repetition. 

Your pet does not really have to know tricks like knowing how to add up numbers or put on a show. You should be able to willingly train your pet the essential obedience tricks like sit, wait and/or down. 

Do you have time for it?

Dogs are pack animals. In this case, you are their pack. They will constantly seek for your company. Having a pet is not a 15-minute commitment daily. Don't get a dog only to give a few minutes daily or just to have someone to see when you come home. They are living, breathing animals who only have you and no one else.

They are not plush toys that you give attention to whenever you wish or simply to just "have something to see around."

I hope this will be able to help guide you in the decision making process. It is okay if you're not fit to be a dog owner. That is always much more admirable than forcing yourself into this commitment and having a dog suffer in the process.

If you find that you're ready, prepare yourself for the most fulfilling decision you'll ever make!

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June, Reimagined by Rebekah Crane

Friday, January 13, 2023

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Trigger Warning (TW): This book contains minor scenes of verbal harrasment. Please proceed with caution if these can trigger your mental illness or any trauma.

I have yet to find a fictional heroine that I hate more than Daisy Buchanan, but this book's heroine almost came close.

Welcome to the world of June Merriweather.

The Story

June Merriweather who was still heartbroken with her brother's loss and who bears a heavy secret, travelled to the Scottish highlands just to escape the darkness that lingers in her home.

She finds a job at a local cafe and the kind owner just happened to know of an inn that offered her a free stay while she's in town. The inn's co-owner, Lennox who seemed to have a dark past also happened to dislike her for I cannot even remember why.

As June tried to live a normal "new" life, her past continued to haunt her in the form of her best friend Matt who wanted to understand why she ran away. June tried to look for a better future and as she begins to fall for Lennox (despite their constant bickering), Matt shows up in Scotland and just tangles up everything that she wanted.

What could the future hold for June? Will she be able to have one without having to confront the demons that she hides?

In conclusion...

While good ol' Daisy B. still tops the list of my hated fictional heroines, this did give her standing quite a scare.

Before anything else, I had no problem with the storytelling in this book. It did not drag on for too long and I really felt like I was in Scotland with all the characters (not that I wanted to be around them). Honestly, I actually like Hallmark-type romance novels no matter how much cliched they all are. I really find these small-town settings fascinating.

But I just had too many problems with this book. Where do I even begin. I do not like June at all. I tried my very best, even tried to read a little slower just to be able to connect with her and understand why she is the way she is...but I just couldn't. She's selfish, immature and just plain annoying at times. I believe that in her subconscious, she always thinks the whole world owes her something just because she exists and therefore everyone should act accordingly. Her actions time and time again showed that. Other than admitting what her secrets were, there wasn't any character development.

And Lennox, he's that "huge" male character full of tattoos and just full of himself. Nothing more, nothing less.

The other characters are just so plain and shallow. Even June's best friend Matt could not even be the least bit interesting no matter how he's described in the book. He's just one of June's all-worshipping minion.

TW. I would like to give a not so special mention to another character. I think his name was August. He's just one giant shizhole. He is in love with this other girl but everytime he's around her (or any other women for that matter), all that he could do was make dirty jokes and flirt non-stop even if she tries to shut him down. In my opinion, it's actually harassment but the other characters just brush it off and say "Just don't mind him, he's always like that." It's actually sick. Actions like this should not be tolerated.

I have not written this much dislike about the characters in a book because I always try to like what I read but this was just a painful process. I'm sorry but I don't even want to recommend it even to those that I don't like...unless I really wanted to annoy the heck out of them.

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What It Means to Be Tone Deaf, Why People Are Angry and Why It Needs Accountability

Monday, January 9, 2023

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Quite a few local and international influencers have recently received some heat because of reckless and insensitive comments. While a lot of people are rightfully enraged, there are still some who think that those people are just nitpicking on the influencers and being too sensitive. If you're one of the bunch that do not really get the rage behind all this.

Global Cost of Living Crisis

In case you are not aware, there currently is a cost of living crisis globally. For instance, the UK is predicted to be under recession in 2023 that could possibly stretch on until 2024. Surveys say that adults in the country would struggle with even just a $20 increase in their costs. The situation in the UK is quite complex and without the intention of downplaying the crisis, the simplest I could put it is that the inflation is high and the income is not matching up. Countries like the United States, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, among others are gearing up their economy and their people as they are starting to get high inflation hits. I will leave suggested readings below for your reference if you want to understand more about this. 

Understanding how the global cost of living crisis is affecting even the richer countries, just imagine how things are not going absolutely well for the third world countries especially for the underprivileged. This is important to know in order to understand the way people are enraged right now. If you still think this is irrelevant, I highly suggest you do more readings and take and even bigger needle to burst your privileged bubble.

About Being Socially Tone Deaf

An Urban Dictionary definition describes this as:

"A condition of being oblivious and/or clueless regarding the existence of social cues, nuances, mores, norms, et cetera, within a given social subset, or more often than not totally and completely and all the time. This is distinct from the more estimable traits of being indifferent or irreverant, where one is aware of social expectations, cues, et cetera, but simply doesn't care or flat out mocks and/or rejects them."


As an example, at the height of the global pandemic in 2020, a celebrity sparked outrage after downplaying the seriousness of the pandemic, not understanding why people are so serious about it and even said that if everybody's going to get it, people are going to die which is inevitable. This was extremely insensitive especially during the time when people are suffering and anxious in all ways possible not to mention the numerous lockdowns in place. The celebrity did later apologise and realised how insensitive her statements were and that it was a huge wake up call.

A UK-based fashion influencer also recently received scrutiny for her tone deaf Tiktok video where she said she's checking in a luxury hotel in London because her heating at her country home broke. As I mentioned, the UK is under heavy cost of living crisis right now. Seing that just really made a lot of locals go off on her because a lot don't even know how they're going to pay for next month's rent and the lady just rubbed her wealth to their face. 

A more common occurence for influencers locally is poverty-themed skits or content, dismissing the struggles and hard work of the average Pinoys, irrelevant "inspirational" messages, flaunting of wealth and luxury during natural disasters, etc. If you know, you know.

Even religious institutions can be social tone deaf especially when they gaslight members who cannot regularly pay their tithes or contributions when all that they earn in a month is not even enough to feed their families.

Why Are People Angry?

People are angry because they are suffering and the last thing they want to hear is dismissive actions from influencers who receive millions a month for what they do. I am not saying that influencers don't deserve what they earn, but I am only saying that people work hard in different ways and we're not all paid as much as we deserved. The world is not fair, it never was and I don't think it ever will be. We are all aware of that but it does not mean it needs to be constantly rubbed in our faces by the privileged because it hurts.

In the Philippines in 2021-2022, two out of four five Filipinos are considered poor and 19.99 million Filipinos lived below the poverty threshold.

That partially explains why there is a lot of rage for socially tone deaf content creators and celebrities and the privileged or those who feel like they're privileged do not get why the people are angry when it's not the celebrities' fault why people are poor. Their hustle, their decision on where they spend their money and they are not obligated to save the country from the poverty. That makes it more valid that the least that they could have done is to be aware of the country's state and be more cautious of the content they post online.

Why It Needs Accountability

I am not for cancel culture but I will gladly do so for brands or celebrities that are just inhumane. Being socially tone deaf is a bad mistake though I still think it's something that can be corrected. For a recent influencer's socially tone deaf post, it was not the first time. She has repeatedly shown socially tone deaf behaviour and just slapping some poor apology when she gets called out.

I don't like cancelling people, but I am all for them taking accountability.

I know you're thinking that it's their page, they can do whatever they want with it. A political science professor told us this before and it has stuck with me since...

"Your freedom stops where the right of others begin"


You may not understand how your toxic neighbour Martha might have expressed the same tone deaf sentiments and she never got hate for it but you also have to understand that Martha's influence may just be a half mile radius. She does not have millions of sitting ducks at home with a percentage of them consuming her content without rationalisation. Martha does not have as much influence as those creators or celebrities with millions of following.

It is very important to understand that social media, no matter how personal it is, will hold a certain amount of power that is equivalent to their following. If they show this kind of behaviour or any kind of toxicity, it can greatly affect how we all function as a society.

You should also be aware of how other people can gaslight you into thinking that it is your fault for not understanding what they meant. This could be said in ways like "I've been through worse so your  response is invalid", "That's not what I meant, you should check yourself instead" or  "I know/study/experience that so I don't see anything wrong with it. It is basically a lack of admittance of one's mistake and deflecting it to you to make them look good. Communicating on a larger scale, such as with influencers, should be treated with much care - this is why PR companies do not come cheap but are extremely necessary.

This is why we should hold influential people accountable for their wrong actions. I don't call for hate, I only call for them to take responsibility when they mess up and not end up blaming everyone else for not understanding what they meant.

Let us stop taking half-ass apologies when they end up making the same "mistake" over and over again. I think it is about time for accountability, for change and for us to have a higher standards of the people we look up to.


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Before the Coffee Gets Cold (Book 1) by Toshikazu Kawaguchi

Friday, January 6, 2023

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Readers of any kind would somehow crave for a good lighthearted book once in a while. This is set in a quaint coffee shop in Tokyo that has the power to take one back to the past and just with that, what's not to love?

Before the Coffee Gets Cold is about the lives of some of the people who came to a coffee shop called Finiculi Finicula in Tokyo with the hopes of going back to their past. I know the book's cover has the question "What would you change if you could travel back in time?" but the thing is, while you can visit the past, there is actually nothing you can do to change it. Here's why.

Too many rules

Going back to the past in the coffee shop is not as simple as it seems. People didn't just walk in and order it. There's a set of protocols that they need to know and follow.

Rules like you can only visit and interact with the past if the other person has visited the cafe, nothing you can do in your visit to the past will change the present, there is only one seat that will take you to the past and the time limit is you have to get back before the coffee gets cold.

It's valid enough to ask what's even the point with all those rules but with the four stories in the book, it will be easy to understand why people would grab on to the little bit of chance of knowing and living the past one more tine.

The gift of knowing

As mentioned, there's really not much point going back to the past if there's nothing they can do to change the present. However, the gift of knowing what could have been or what really was has great impact to what the future could be.

In the book, we have a girl wanting to go back to the day she broke up with her ex-boyfriend, a wife wanting to know more about her husband before he lost his memory, a sister seeking to make ammends and a mother wanting to meet her unborn child (this though travels to the future). They all have different stories but the chair somehow made the similar effect on them which was a change of heart.

"It just takes heart. And if the chair can change someone’s heart, it clearly has its purpose."

In conclusion...

This book is a simple but a sweet read. This does not take you to the depths of the literary world - however, it will make you feel short waves of emotion and is very much interesting enough to keep going. This is a book that I would happily recommend across all ages because it's easy enough to understand and does not contain anything NSFW.

If you're looking for a light read, then I would say give this one a try. 

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