The Gift by Cecilia Ahern

Friday, December 16, 2022

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I was not one to specifically read Christmas-themed books during or leading up to the festive season but I thought this year, I would try it.

I've done a couple books and so far, even though I have yet to read a book that gets a good grip to my heart, I think I now understand why people love to read holiday or Christmas-y books during this time of the year. If you have any recommendations, please leave them down in the comments below or through the contact form of the website.

The Story

Lou Suffern is one of the best at his job. During the time of his life when he's chasing a much deserved promotion, he meets a homeless guy named Gabe who told him a few things about his coworkers as he has observed them.

Lou thinks that he's got it all together but in reality, he does not. He takes his loving wife for granted and never spends time with his family. He thinks just because he gives them the best that money can buy that it's already enough for them. 

Gabe gives him some pills that allows him to be in two places at once. For the ever busy Lou, this meant that he could still work for the promotion and be the family man that his wife and children have always wanted.

Little did he knew, this gift was not going to last very long but it's still the most precious one of all.

What I think...

This book reminds me of the Mitch Albom type of storytelling. There's a supernatural thing going on, but it's almost too real to be magical.

It's not very lengthy and the author does not go on describing the room for an entire chapter which I think is a very good thing for a story like this. There are parts though that I found just skimming through - like when Lou goes into a boating competition. It's not the author's fault, I just have not experience that to connect or understand it to the very least. 

If you think you're always out of time or you're not too confident that you know much of its value, this story might help shed a little bit of light. It's a great, light read. There's no intensity except at the very end. It's calm and chill like a good winter morning. I don't expect this to be a book that I would always remember, but it wasn't too bad as well.

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Being a General VA: FAQs and Common Misconceptions

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

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Do VAs do the same thing?

No. There are VAs who do general administrative tasks just like an executive assistant or secretary and they take care of a larger scope of daily tasks like answering phone calls and emails, managing meeting schedules, etc. There are also those who specialise in accounting, marketing, social media, graphic design, web development, software, customer service, etc. Whatever job that can be made virtual, it's a possible job for the VA. 

How much does a VA earn?

This can be from Php 8,000 to Php 80,000 or even higher. I heard some would earn six digits in a month but I've never personally known those people so I cannot vouch for that though that could be possible.  This highly depends on what your field is and how much experience you've had in that field. Those who specialise in graphics, software or websites have higher rates especially when they are hired direct. 

It depends on the scope of work, working hours and the size of a client's company. Your experience is also a great determining factor. Most clients don't really care about which school you came from but they care most about how well you can do the job.

Where do I apply?

There are tons of virtual assistant companies in the country that you can start off with if you don't have any experience. Clients pay a little lower if there is a middleman because they also have to pay the management but this is a good way for you to have a grasp of the job and how this whole thing works. You can find job listings on the local Indeed or MyNimo.

Your second option is to be hired via websites like Upwork. I have tried Upwork in the past but I don't excatly know how it works these days. From experience, in Upwork there is some sort of bidding for job listings based on your rate and skills. I have been told that there is so much competition in Upwork nowadays so also take that into consideration. The site also has fees but they're much lower compared to what a client pays at an office. If you're starting here, I suggest you go for shorter gigs or project based ones just to build up your portfolio and clientele.

The third option is to be hired direct. This option pays the highest because there are no additional fees on the client's side but this is also the trickiest to get. You can apply for this on websites like The best way is to be referred by a friend who's already working as a VA but this opportunity also comes by chance.

Do I have to be good in English?

The minimum would be that you can use the language to communicate well and convey your message accurately. Unless your job is reliant on your skill like writing jobs or research-related, then grammar is not a ride or die. 

It's just regular admin tasks, anyone even without experience can do that.

Oh the good ol' smarty pants. While generally the job is not as "grand" as what scientists, engineers, etc do, it still has its own special complexities. If you think making a reservation on a restaurant in behalf of someone is easy, you should also consider that the VA must take into account the ideal timings, communication, making sure that the restaurant is fit for your boss and/or the clients. 

Organising documents is easy? Then you may not have any idea that you have to categorise files and folders logically (and this logic differ for every department, company and industry) so that users can easily navigate themselves easier and not to mention all the technicalities that needs to be learned when using the cloud drives and the systems that the company is using.

The lesson here is that this, and no other job, is ever easy peasy. Remember that if it looks like someone is doing his job very easily, it may be. Just like any other job, a person needs to come in with an open mind and be willing to be trained.

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More ways to save money while travelling

Monday, December 12, 2022

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Travelling as we all know is a treat and just like all other treats, this costs extra money and man, can this be expensive. Travellers who just got enough for a trip often find themselves financially and physically drained after.

It can sometimes be a sorcery but it is possible to save some more money during your trip but it still is possible.

Here are some ways you can save more from your budget:

Shop for souvenirs from local grocery stores or local shops.

In my travels, I found that the best and cheapest way to find souvenirs are local grocery stores and local shops. Forget the good old ref magnets and keychain - a lot of times, people you give them to won't feel any connection to those because they were not on your trip or they have never been there.

But you know what always will establish a connection? Good and practical stuff like clothing pieces or accessories. Search the local grocery stores and look for food products that are locally made and produced. They can be food that are totally new or something already familiar to your taste buds and your destination might just have a different take on it. 

Buying local will not only help you discover hidden gems, but is also one of the most helpful things you can contribute as a tourist.

Take the public transportation.

This is one of a backpacker or budget traveller's most basic rules and may not be for everyone. This too will take research because there are public transportation systems that are far more confusing and can sometimes be dangerous. However, as much as you can and if you can, I would highly suggest taking public transport if you're just heading somewhere nearby. It's almost always cheaper than booking private car rides.

Bring as much of your essentials as you can.

If you're only travelling for a short period of time (say one or two weeks), you can definitely bring travel sizes of your most essential products. I know buying toiletries or other essentials in your destination can save you some hassle in packing liquids but it might add on to your expenses and might tip your budget off a little bit. It's not very practical if you already have those at home.

Go off the beaten path.

A lot of popular tourist destinations charge higher and that's not too bad, really. However, if you want another way to explore the local place without breaking the bank, you should try spots that are off the beaten path. There are tons and tons of spots that locals love that a lot of tourists don't know about. A great way to find these would be to research on travel blogs by locals or browsing forums like Reddit and TripAdvisor.

This can make your trip a lot more unique and meaningful.

Hope this helps somehow. Happy travels!

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Winter Street by Elin Hilderbrand

Friday, December 9, 2022

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I was never one to intentionally read Christmas-themed books around the holiday season but having read The Beautiful Little Things last changed that. I thought it was actually the best way to get into the Christmas spirit and actually escape to how other places and other people (though fictional) celebrate theirs.

The Story

The core of the book is about a family gathering for the most wonderful time of the year and of all the day in a year, this would be a time that when they dump all of their secrets and baggage for a little bit of drama. So, this is where it is.

Kelley, the father, used to be a New York corporate guy who decided to move into a small town and bought an Inn called Winter Street. Over time, business started to go south financially and as his business goes downhill, so did his second marriage. He found that his wife has been cheating on him for 12 years and decided to leave him days before Christmas.

So, the family members who are living separate lives found themselves drawn back to the Winter Street Inn for Christmas hoping that somehow it would mend the troubles they have on their own.

The Tip of the Iceberg

The chapters in the book give a closer look at each family member's life. We are treated with quite a few love stories or at least a glimpse of them. Actually, it's how I felt about the entirety of the book. I felt like it was a compilation of short stories that didn't even have substantial plots for me to appreciate or even just connect with them. 

The stories have potential and they could have been great if only they were given their chance to be elaborated. For example, I wanted more of Ava's story with Scott like how they met and how they realised they were in love. Or there's also Kevin's story which could have pretty romantic if only I knew more about them. Everything just felt cut short.

Happiness never ends?

Or was there an ending at all? I understand that this is a part of a series but most of the series I have read did have a solid plotline on each book and even if it leaves with a cliffhanger, I knew it was a indeed one and it does constitute to an ending no matter how much of a cliffhanger or open-ended it was.

This was different. It seemed like the writer just stopped writing or maybe left the rest out to the next book. It felt really odd at the end.

In conclusion...

As I've mentioned, this book had potential but I didn't like how I was just given tons of glimpses instead of a few, but substantial plotlines. 

I felt so disconnected with the book that I didn't even feel the holiday spirit at all. 

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A Peaceful Mind, A Happier Season

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

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I've heard time and time again how this is "the most wonderful time of the year" and while that still holds true, I do look back at previous holiday seasons and not very surprisingly I also know it's not always the case.

Sometimes, the holidays is just a mere distraction from all the bottled up feelings.

I mean it is very easy to get distracted when there's too much to do and too many people to be with. All the Christmas shopping, celebration, expenses, etc. 

Now that I am more awareness of my own mental state, I realised that the true way to be happy during the festive season is learning to have a calm mind despite the fuss and glitter during this time of the year.

It's no longer about being surrounded by a lot, but by being surrounded by those who matter even if that means sometimes it's only about being yourself or a handful of people you actually want to be around with.

It's the joy of actually picking out presents for those that you honestly like or not buying presents at all if it's not something I can afford. 

It's getting things done early and just kicking back and relaxing during the Christmastime.

It's the joy of knowing that I have everything I love and want and the season is just one of the best times to celebrate that gratitude.

This time, I am prioritising keeping a calmer mind and choosing my battles wisely (or not going to battle at all). I am not giving any space to anything that makes me unhappy. I don't force myself into situations and circles that I know I don't belong.

I know these are things that I should practice on a daily basis but I find it's a lot more challenging during the time when society dictates that you should be surrounded, celebrated, gifted and wrapped in the glamour.

In a Christmas season where I prioritise a calmer mind and choosing to personally be truly happy and okay is a much better way to celebrate it.

Happy festive season to you regardless of how you celebrate it or choosing not to. I wish you calmness, happiness and love.


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Doggo's Vet Visit: Kennel Cough and Anti-Rabies Vaccines

Monday, December 5, 2022

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Anti-rabies vaccine is probably my dog's most dreaded time of the year because he always gets it at the same time as his kennel cough vaccine on both sides of his body. Except the first time he's had these vaccines, he's never cried or screamed at the vet's. For the past years, he's been really great at taking them. I know he's trying to keep a straight face but I still see the flicker of fear that he lets out when he's at the clinic.

Our only trusted clinic in Cebu City

Ever since I got him, I have been taking him to Cebu Veterinary Doctors in F. Ramos Street. I heard they're priced a little higher than other clinics, but they have been trusted by my other relatives who have had dogs so I never thought of looking into other options.

Recording and taking photos of the clinic is not allowed so I don't have any to show, but their clinic is really spacious and clean. Their doctors and their staff are also very welcoming and friendly.

They only take walk-ins for both consultations and grooming. We went there at a Sunday which I heard has less doctors so things move a little slow. I recommend going there on other days instead.

In case you haven't been there before and you wish to take your pet there, here's the process:

  • Let the security guard know that you are new and you want a consultation or vaccines for your pet.
  • You will be given a form to fill out and a priority number/letter.
  • After you fill out the form, give it back to the security guard and he will be the one to give this to the reception for queuing. If you have vet card or any medical record from another clinic, be sure to give them to the security guard as well.
  • Wait for your turn to be called. They will call your pet's name and/or your priortity number/letter.
  • After the doctor administers all the necessary vaccines or your consultation, he/she will ask you to wait.
  • Your doctor will call you again after a while for further instructions.
  • Proceed to the cashier for payment. Do not pay before the doctor gives further instructions because that would mean he has not given your vet card to the cashier just yet.
  • If you are new to the clinic, they will give you a new vet card for free.

How much did it cost?

For this visit, my dog got his anti kennel cough vaccine for Php 470 and his anti rabies vaccine for Php 250. He had more vet visits on his first year but after that we only had to go back annually for these vaccines as well as his 5-in-1 booster shots.

How did he react this time?

He only got very sensitive on his first time but other than getting very sleepy, he was generally okay for the following years. This time though, he got sore after five hours. When we got home, he was his happy normal self but after a while, he would scream in pain when I picked him up how I normally would (picking him up like a baby) and when he jumped up and down the bed. To ease his pain, I would pick him up sliding my arm under his torso and lifting him up. I also gave him hot compress a few times as the vet suggested and this seemed to help a lot.

It's a good thing that he's appetite for food and water is completely normal so I'm not too worried. I might have to pick him up differently until he's better.

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The Beautiful Little Things by Melissa Hill

Friday, December 2, 2022

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With Christmas just a few weeks away, I think the timing is just right for stories set or centered on the most joyous time of the least for most.

The Beautiful Little Things is a story of an Irish family who just lost their mother, were horribly divided during their grief and brought themselves to their first Christmas without her.

We don't normally try to associate sadness with the Christmas holidays but this is actually the truth for some people and don't get taken aback by the theme of this book because beneath all the coldness is the warmth of love of one very important thing this season - family.


The book starts with a Christmas celebration in the Moore household in Ireland. The children Joanna, Romy and Matt have all grown up and are living their lives quite far from home. However, they make it a point to always be together in their parents' home during the Christmas season where they keep good old traditions alive. 

That year though, was different. Despite them coming home with their own heavy baggage, they left with a much heavier load to carry which was their mother's terminal illness. They did try to keep it together even if they went back to their lives after the celebration but nothing could ever prepare them for what came next.

Drifting Apart

When their mother's condition reached its end, the siblings were brought back together again. Brought together in an event of utter sadness, the time also brought with it the worst sides of the siblings. What happened during  their mother's funeral tore the family apart and with their father also too distraught to keep the family together, they all eventually fell apart.

Home for Christmas

Like how the story started, the Moore siblings without even planning it, came back to their home in Ireland for Christmastime. They used to be welcomed by smiles and warm embraces, but this time it was just as gloomy as when they last saw each other.

Desperate to honour their mother's memory, Romy convinced her family to relive their family traditions following what the note that their mother left behind. Considering they still haven't made ammends, it was obviously very difficult to force themselves into the traditions built around love and happiness.

In conclusion...

The only two things I didn't like very much were the use of the word "albeit" way too often and the lengthy parts where I just dissociated with the story - there was half a chapter just about building a gingerbread house and another treading on a cooking scenario. 

It is also worth noting that the story shifts into three POVs: Joanna, Rory and a third person. There were no labels of which POV a section or a chapter was but it was too obvious that I didn't have a difficult time identify who's POV was it.

I have never read any book (as far as I can recall) about Irish Christmas traditions and I was very amused by the Moore family traditions. It had a lot of similarities with what I am used to, but its uniqueness is also very lovely.

This book didn't really make a very strong mark on me but it was really good while it lasted. It's sad, it's heartwarming, a tear-dropper at times...emotions that a lot of us feel during the Christmas season even if we don't fully relate to what they're going through. 

I think this would be perfect to those who recently lost their loved ones or are truly missing someone for the holidays.

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