Things We Never Got Over by Lucy Score

Friday, October 14, 2022

The story begins with Naomi walking in a cafe where she was mistaken for her troublesome identical twin sister Tina. She meets Knox in this unpleasant way. While she was initially attracted to him, she quickly had a change of heart when he tried to throw her out of the shop.  

Naomi has always been in control of her life who has always lived to please others because she solely wants them to be happy. She got entangled into this little town where she is thrown out way out of her comfort zone and discovers all the things she has bottled up throughout her life.

"I’d lost myself while trying to convince someone else that I was what he wanted. I’d forgotten who I was because I’d let someone else take over the definition."

When things went on a downward spiral

The moment Naomi left the cafe things went on a downward spiral for her. See, she was a runaway bride. As to the reason why, I would hold that one back because it's one of the character "revelations" in the book. So her car went missing and when she went to her motel, her money, cards and some of her stuff got stolen and she was left with a teenager on her care. All thanks to her beloved sister.

Because of all these, Naomi decided to stay in town and figure things out first. She stayed in a cabin that Knox's grandma owned and got a job at Knox's bar. Well, if you have read or are still reading tons of romance novels, you will already know where this is going.

Bump in the road

There was a time when Knox and his brother Nash had a physical fight over Naomi. What shocked me was that there was not a single talk or the slightest moment leading up to that.  At that time, Knox also suddenly had a jealous nerve when he saw Naomi holding a bouquet of flowers. He was wondering in his mind where she got them. This all happened right after their fight at the coffee shop. I actually thought I missed a chapter or two but I didn’t. It just happened.
Some bonds between characters in the story like how Knox just suddenly got super attracter to Naomi or her closeness to some people in the town were just too sudden. There was only a handful of characters that were introduced as her new friends and the happenings of their lives got around town through word of mouth (as it always does in small towns in books and reality), I couldn't rationalise why the entire town hated Knox when he did something terrible to Naomi. I mean, if I was one of the townspeople, I would have some form of judgment when something horrible is done towards another person who is innocent but I wouldn't go as far as hating him. 

These are some of the things that made me go "what happened" while reading the book. These were little bumps in the road that I couldn't emotionally connect to the rest of the plot, but it was generally tolerable.

How the characters were

There are no dramatic character developments in the book except for the bad boy who had daddy and commitment issues falling for the good girl and the good girl turning into an ice princess for a moment when she got her heart broken. All the other characters have remained the same - Tina was horrible from the beginning with a split second change towards the end, those who were kind from the beginning remained their adorable selves until the end.

In conclusion...

This book reminds me of the Tagalog pocketbooks I used to read during high school and college except that this might be a lot better quality. There's not much intensity and some scenarios are more predictable than I would like, but the story is very interesting enough to keep going. 

I don't recommend this to the younger ones who haven't had "the talk" with any of their parents or guardians yet.

I think any adult who appreciates a good romantic novel would like this one. I liked this book more than I initially thought I would. It is cozy, romantic and just enough spice. 

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