She Fits Inside These Words by r.h. Sin, S.K. Holmes and R.M. Drake

Friday, September 30, 2022

She Fits Inside These Words is a book of poems written by r.h. Sin, Samantha King Holmes and R. M. Drake. They’re well-knows modern poets and I have come across their poetry a lot of times in the past but this was the very first book of theirs that I read.

I came into this with very less expectations because I got excited over a recent hyped poetry book that I read that turned out to be like tap water disguised as poetry.

This book is written for women who have been fighting hard battles and to look at themselves 

I think this would speak volumes to a woman who has been through so much hurt or maybe got her heart broken and is mourning over lost time or opportunities spent on the wrong relationship. Now, imagine there is another person seeing all that pain and knowing how much that woman is worth. That exact person would be saying all these beautiful and genuine things to make that woman smile again.

This is what book is like. It contains poems and verses that every woman I just described would very much need to hear and to feel. These would feel like a warm hug to anyone who is hurting.

This is the perfect pair to that glass of wine or a pint of ice cream on what seems to be a cold and lonely night.

r.h. Sin

I haven’t explored his work other than why I saw on Pinterest and Instagram but I have to say he is absolutely divine  with his words. His poetry is like reading very powerful love letters that would either sweep you off your feet or break your heart into pieces.

I really fell in love with his writing style and I am definitely going to look into more of his works.

R.M. Drake

R. M. Drake’s poetry “format” is one that would be familiar to those who have studied or are passionate about literature. His sections are also really great ones. They’re poetic in all sense and are truly passionate ones. He writes so beautifully that he makes heartbreak sound something beautiful because of how it leads to more positive outlooks. His poetry recognises that yes you broke your heart, but you can stand up and move on to the path that may lead you home.

This is an excerpt from one of his poems entitled “When You Lose What You Love"

Samantha King Holmes

Samantha King Holmes in this book will serve as pieces of advices that you won’t see coming but you will realise that you needed to hear that for the longest time. She comes in hard, but it’s a good hit of reality. Her writing forces you to look at yourself in the mirror and enumerate all the reasons why you keep letting people treat you poorly and allowing them to play with your heart.

Some verses are pills that are not very much easy to swallow but if you let it play its magic on you, these will open your eyes and your heart to the things and people that you truly deserve.

In conclusion...

I really like this book. I would recommend this with much confidence if you're into modern poetry no matter whether your heart is broken or not - this will break and comfort your heart either way. There are quality poems in this book which makes it worth it.

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