Love Her Wild by Atticus

Friday, September 2, 2022

Atticus is a poet who has been popular in Pinterest for some time now. He's also quite popular in Instagram and perhaps other socials as well. I don't know much of him as a poet except that he wears a mask or covers his face which is really not that strange for poets. I always see snippets of his poetry but I never had the reason to take the time to read a whole book of it. 

Until now.

This is a book attempts to express passion and love in poetry. There are parts of falling in love and there’s also a good share of the love that ends.

I was really excited for this because poets, when they’re good, have the power to make love feel like a strong gust of wind just simply blowing the reader to ways he can never imagine and just leaves him almost dumbfounded.

I was speechless...but not in a good way.

I thought I was in for a ride and I feel bad for saying this because a lot of people love Atticus but these just fell short for me. They didn’t speak to me the way poems usually do. As a matter of fact, they didn't speak to me at all even if the language was very straightforward and there's very little mystery to the poems.  I am very tolerant and I do enjoy this style of modern poetry. However, a lot of verses just seem like sentences. There’s no give, no emotion…nothing. 

Take this, for example:

This sounded like a quote from a cheesy romantic novel or film. 

There are some modern poems that are more like prose but I still would give them the pass for poetry because they are very well articulated and there’s a sense of strong emotion running through the “verses”. This is just not one of them. Almost all of the poems feel like those good Facebook status or photo captions.

The good one

On the positive note, there’s one poem that I really did love. It was unique, it was raw and just a reality of what love is like. 

The entire book took me half an hour to read. It was very smooth, very easy but the experience was unfulfilling. I didn’t even have to stop and reread verses out of astonishment.

There are also photos in between poems. I have nothing to say about these because I don’t have the physical copy. I did try to connect them with the preceding or succeeding poems in my Kindle but a lot of them are simply disconnected.

In conclusion...

I am very sorry if you’re a fan of Atticus and I would totally understand if you hate me for this. I really did try to love this but even with constant hoping that the next page will be something great for me, that never happened.

It makes me sad to be disappointed in a book because I have been on a good streak of reading really great ones lately.

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