Signs You Are Ready for Your Own Dog

Monday, August 1, 2022

Owning a pet looks really easy and appealing. For those who have not taken care of a dog before, it might seem like all rainbows, butterflies and a cuddly living plush toy. This misconception draws in a lot of people to think they are ready for their own dog at home.

But how can you really tell if you are really to take care of one or two (or maybe even more)?

Here are some of the telltale signs that I personally believe you should look out for:

You won't do it just for the 'gram

I know some people who just flash their dogs on their socials but behind the scenes, they're not really well taken care of. Dogs are not props nor are they show toys that you just take a photo of, upload with a caption of how much you love them and leave them off on their own after.

If you genuinely want your own pet, while taking photos and uploading them is completely normal, this won't be your main priority.

You have enough budget

Owning a pet dog no matter what breed it is, will take an extra amount of money. An aspiring pet owner should consider the amount needed for dog food, vet visits, vitamins (if necessary), toys, etc. The rule of thumb is if you cannot afford the basic needs then maybe you should hold off getting your own pet until you can confidently provide for it.

You have the time to spare

Dogs need some or a lot of your extra time to thrive. The first few months will need your time for training, bond forming and simply just paying attention to their needs and behaviour. You will also need the time to take them out to do their business if they are not yet housebroken and the time for play and walks. You are all that your dog has in this world and if they do not receive the time they need, they will be less responsive and generally just less happy.

You are willing to clean up after them

It is just a fact that the cuteness and cuddliness comes with the stinky and dirty bits. Dogs do not have the ability to clean up after themselves so it is up to you, their human, to do this for them. If you are willing to clean up the area that they have done their business in and you are willing to clean them if they do get dirty, then you can be confident to have your own.

You are not getting one just because you are lonely

Dogs have this strange superpower to take away stress and sadness away but it does not mean that it is okay to get one just because you are lonely. 

Getting a dog with pure intentions of taking care of them is one of the strongest signs that you really are ready for the responsibility. The benefit of having a cuddly companion is only just a plus. Why is this so? If you're getting a dog just because you are lonely, that greatly affects your willingness and ability to care for one. If you make this decision clouded with negative emotions, you will not be able to assess yourself if you are ready for it.

Get a dog when you are ready and when you can reciprocate the amount of love that they give you. Remember, it is another living being that needs equal love and attention that his human needs.

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