How to Stay Safe as a Female Solo Traveller

Monday, July 25, 2022

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Solo travel is something I would always recommend to anyone who has been wanting a different kind of experience. There's just too much you can learn out of it and every single trip writes a totally different story than how you would if you had company.

However, there is no denying that even with the present day advancements in gender equality, safety for female travellers is still an issue in most countries even in the first world ones. 

One single stupid moment of letting your guards down as a female traveller could send you into a spiralling danger.


The risks should never stop you though because even if you are travelling with a group, the risks will always be there. It is all just a matter of using great common sense and research. These are also some ways that you can keep your safety while travelling solo:

Have someone receive constant updates on your whereabouts

It does not have to be a boyfriend or a girlfriend so let's not get into the argument of not having a special someone. As I have mentioned in my previous solo trip guide, it is important to inform someone of your whereabouts. You should also keep that certain someone or a group where you are heading and what time you plan to be finished at a certain spot or activity. This could be your parents, siblings, group of friends, etc. This way, they will be able to track if you've gone home for the night or if you stayed longer than planned on an activity.

Do not entertain strangers

I know tons of other travellers will tell you that the fun is in meeting new people but this is something I would not suggest at all. Personally, I think solo travel is all about really getting into the experience on your own and meeting new people is out of the equation. I have stayed in hostels in the past and quite a few times I went to the common area to grab a drink or a snack but I've never made an attempt to have a conversation with anyone else. I had conversations with locals (usually at hotel reception or security personnel) but it was only to ask about the neighborhood or a certain spot but never a casual conversation.

Also, I don't suggest you go around telling everyone in your destination that you are travelling alone.


If anyone asks, you can always say that you are travelling with a group but you're just exploring on your own for a few hours.

Book your accommodation in the safe area of the community

This is important whether it's your first solo travel or your 50th. When booking your accommodations online, there are tons of cheaper options but you have to consider the safety of the neighbourhood that the accommodation is in. You can check in Google maps and see how the community looks like or check the reviews of the accommodation listing since there's often comments on what the neighbourhood is like.

I would suggest staying out of red light districts because they're quite unsafe at most and they're really loud at night so it will be difficult to get some sleep. Make sure to also check how far the accommodation is to the nearest train or bus station/stop so you won't have to walk very far especially when coming back at nighttime.

Join tour groups in farther flung areas

During my trip to Taipei, I wanted to go to Yangmingshan which is a national park that is quite far away from the city centre. It was also inaccessible by the main train lines and is difficult to get to by bus for a tourist like me. I had the option of a less hassle private car transfers from my hostel to the park but for my security (and because it is way cheaper), I joined in a tour group that is going to the park. Taiwan is a relatively safe country but I didn't want to risk it. 

If you're thinking that it is very uncomfortable joining a tour group with complete strangers, it actually does not matter because the other tourists don't really care about you so they won't disturb you at all.

Research the safety of taking cabs and private car rides in your destination

In a lot of countries, the common risk of taking cabs is that if they notice you are a tourist, they might overcharge you or take you into unsolicited tours around the city. The only country that I have not had to be scared of cabs would be Australia. I really cannot vouch for the others.

Check forums on the safety of the cabs and private car rides in your destination city even the ones you booked through an app. Read about the experiences of other tourists. You can read or ask about this on websites like TripAdvisor or Reddit. It would be much better if you know a local who has lived or living in that country as well.

Avoid packing your valuables if you are backpacking

When I am backpacking and travelling alone, the only valuables that I bring are as much as I am willing to carry on my day bag - the bag that I will bring with me while I roam around. I never leave my valuables in my hostel just so I won't have something to think about.

Stay safe and happy travels!

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What It's Like to Live Alone and How Much It Costs in Cebu City

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

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 Glifesnaps apartment solo living cebu city cost

Ever since I packed my bags and moved out to be on my own seven years ago, I don't regret any of it although there really are some challenging times. The first time I moved out, I only had a small bedroom to myself and had to share a bathroom with a roommate which I did not really mind because she was a really lovely one to have around. 

I have since come a long way and I now am living in a more homey place and here's what it's like for me.

No one complains about my sleeping schedule or my schedule in general.

I am a big napper and I did receive some crap about it way back and I won't dive in to the details. Sleep is not only a physical rest but a mental and emotional rest as well. It's great to be living alone because I get up when I have to on the weekdays and nap as long and as much as I want after work or on the weekends. I don't get crapped on about it anymore which is really the best part of this all.

My decisions are a lot more personal.

I do ask my boyfriend, my family and a few of my closest friends for advice from time to time but the decisions about what I spend my time or money on are a lot more personal and it really is more about having my life in control according to the terms that suit me. Even small decisions like how to clean the space or organise things around, I don't answer to or am not accountable to anyone else so there's more freedom of choice.

The decisions that I independently make do come with a risk of having to be responsible for them but I still believe it's a lot more worth it.

Grocery shopping is both fun and challenging challenging.

It's really absolutely fulfilling to shop for the groceries that I want and have a pantry that is completely up to my preferences. I honestly spend so much time just thinking about what to eat and what cleaning supplies to try. The only challenge is that because I really cannot lift so much weight and I like to buy my groceries in bulk, I just order them online and have them delivered. 

Having an elevator in the building does help a lot and it was so much easier when my boyfriend was here for a while. What I do now is to have my main grocery items delivered via MetroMart which has delivery fees and the others via Foodpanda where I can almost always get the groceries delivered for free because of my pro subscription. I also like to have delivered on different days just so I won't have to bring tons of them all at once.

Does it get lonely?

It's only lonely in the sense that I would also love to have my family closer and my boyfriend with me but other than that, I never really feel bad about living alone. I keep in touch with those who matter to me and even if I rarely ever go out of the house, I don't feel empty. It's actually a lot of fun living on my own. 

It is of course a different kind of life when you have tons of people around you or when you're living under someone else's roof - but it is not in any way less than that. Once I get to experience having a space of my own, I have a better appreciation for my independence and myself as a whole. It makes me more confident that when the time comes that I'll have a household of my own, it wouldn't be so much of a difficult transition.

How much does it currently cost to live alone in Cebu City?

Living in the city is much more expensive as living in rural areas, obviously but I prefer to be here to be close to the essentials and also the internet connection is a lot more reliable.

I am living in a rental condo in Cebu City - close to the city centre and to the shopping malls and this costs me Php 11,400 with condominimum dues monthly. This is a bit expensive because there are cheaper apartment options in the city but I chose to live in this type of building complex because of safety and security.

Utilities with an airconditioning on for 24 hours almost everyday and with daily use of tap water costs me approximately Php 3,000 per month. My fibre connection is Php 1599 per month as well.

Grocery expenses vary from how much I consume and how often I have food delivered but in total that runs an average of Php 5,000 to Php 7,000.

I hope this helps those of you who are thinking of living in the city!

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Pillow Thoughts II: Healing the Heart by Courtney Peppernell

Friday, July 15, 2022

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Pillow Thoughts II: Healing the Heart is one of Courtney Peppernell's popular works. It has been around for a while but it's only until recently that I got the chance to read it. 

There are quite a few emotions that run throughout the book. While it does not necessarily lead you to cry over your broken heart in order to nurse it back to health, this also shines a light on the brighter things ahead - on having a hope for love after a broken heart, on finding someone who will help you heal or just finding contentment in solitude.

Do not go into this book expecting just to cry over your misery (although other good books about that really does help a lot as well) because this will take you through the heartbreak and getting over it.

There are chapters for when your heart is in love, when it is aching, mising someone, when it's happy. 

The good thing about a poetry book is that you don't have to read it in chronolical order. You can pick exactly where you start and which chapters you come back to.

Broken hearts

Just a word of warning - when the poems about broken hearts hit, they hit real. They’re too explicit that even those who don’t have broken hearts will feel the pain of those who do. Since the language these poems are written in are all too familiar, though poetic, you will find yourself drowning in more than a few verses if you have a broken heart.

Take this one, for example.

When you miss someone

Surprisingly, the book also has something for long distance lovers like me. I was shocked at first but then I realised there really is tiny heartbreaks all over the place when you miss the one you love and those heartbreaks are what you have to heal from every single day that you are apart. 

"Find the kind of love that doesn't make you question their intentions. Find the kind of love that makes the distance between you worth it."

-Courtney Peppernell


This section also has something for those who went separate ways with the ones they love and are still missing them in so many ways.

The poems in this section are very comforting and they tug on the heart.

Finding Happiness

If your broken heart is still fresh and you’re still mourning, I don’t suggest you start with the first chapter. It can bring you back to the very first moments when you fell in love with the person who broke your heart and we know that’s only going to make things even worse. Better come back to this when you’ve finally healed and found someone else you are falling in love with.

But if you want to seek as much hope of finding the love of your life after the pain, if you want to smile for the love that others have, if you want to know what finding the right one for you is like...then look no further. There are two chapters that talks about the happiness one finds after healing and I think it's an absolutely beautiful thing to add to this book.

In conclusion...

This is one of those easy to read modern poetry. It is safe to say that her writing style and how the language is used can be understand by almost anyone who has a good grasp of the English language. This is not a bad thing especially if the poetry aims to speak directly to the reader's emotions.

This book is also a quick read. It only took me around 45 minutes in total to finish it from cover to cover. There are some parts where it sounds more a prose than it is poetry, but they're also so beautifully and soulfully written that I don't mind whatever it is really. 

I know there are those who say that this kind of writing style is too easy that just about anyone can write this - but can you really though? I still think it takes talent and skill to be able to articulate very strong emotions and experiences in this way.

The paperback costs $18.72 CAD in Amazon and in the Philippines it's around Php 800+ in the Philippines (copies are not always available in mainstream bookstores). The price is way more than I am willing to pay for very quick read books and is actually the reason why I held back on purchasing it for so long. So when I saw this on Kindle Unlimited, I just knew I had to read it. If you ask me, I think this book is worth the read if you got money to spare for a book that you can finish in one brief sitting or you could always wait around for deals or secondhand copies.

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Solo Living 101: The Very Basics of Cooking

Monday, July 11, 2022

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Living alone and actually striving on it is probably one of the most fulfilling things an adult can experience in his/her life. However, for some who just did not have the opportunity to learn some essential life skills, this stage can be daunting.

I thought of writing Solo Living 101  of what could be the basics that could make solo living a lot easier for a younger me had I known these in the past. These will be written with the hopes that it would also help those who had no idea at all what they're doing.

On this post, I will talk about the very basics of cooking that one should at least know for a smoother process. I am admittedly not a chef or an expert cook - I can cook enough to eat well and survive. Having said that, I have learned a few of these tips that I would give to someone who is just starting to.

Prepping your ingredients

Before the cooking even starts, there are some things you need to do in order to properly prepare:

  • Thaw your meat or other ingredients that needs to be thawed. You can start this process by placing your meat in a bowl and moving this to the lesser cold area of your fridge (usually the bottom part where all the rest are stored) the night before you plan to cook. Around three or four hours before you start cooking, take your meat out and wait for it to go down to room temperature. 
  • IMPORTANT: Thawed meat must be cooked as soon as it is in room temperature. Do not store it back in the fridge.
  • If you forgot to tow your meat and you are in a rush, you can use the defrost feature of your microwave. This may affect the taste of your final dish so I don't suggest you do this often.
  • Wash your meat and veggies prior to cooking. There are other frozen products that need not be towed or washed so make sure you check the instructions if there are any.
  • If you want to disinfect your ingredients, you can soak them in a vinegar-water solution (1:3) for 15 minutes and drain completely after. You can also do this prior to storing your ingredients if you have the time.

Slicing/chopping your ingredients

For almost all recipes, you will have to cut or chop ingredients as part of the preparation. Here are some ways you can avoid accidents:

  • With your non-dominant hand, stabilise your ingredient by applying pressure in the area the closest possible to the "slicing area" and start cutting/chopping with your dominant hand. Keep your non-dominant hand away from the "slicing area". I really hope this makes sense. 
  • Personally, I like to keep the distance from the tip of my non-dominant hand to the knife around 0.5 to 1 centimeter. If the vegetable is a lot more slippy like an eggplant or a cucumber, I hold it in the middle to help keep it more stable while I chop.
  • Start cutting or chopping very slowly and gradually increase your speed as you build up confidence.
  • Do not rush this process. This can take months to really learn and it is normal to end up with uneven portion.

If you don't like to tear up while chopping onions, stick them into the freezer for a few minutes before chopping them or keep a wet paper towel near your chopping board. 

Follow exactly as the recipe says

When you are starting with cooking, the best way to start would be to follow exactly as the recipes say. This will help you learn how much seasoning and condiments you prefer. I suggest looking for recipes with the exact amount of ingredients. It will also be handy to have measuring tools with you.

Finding the right recipe that matches your preference will be a matter of trial and error and that is completely okay.

Once you get the hang of it, you will be able to modify or even cook without following any recipes. Heck, you'll even be able to make something out of whatever is left on your fridge.

If you're scared of oil splashing...

Make sure your ingredients are in room temperature unless they are required to be cooked frozen. You can also buy splatter screens to protect you from oil splash while frying. 

Honestly though what I can tell you is you can only do so much because getting tiny bits of oil splash when cooking is completely normal. There will be dishes like fried pork, fried chicken or even a simple fried egg where it is unavoidable so it's best to avoid it while you can and don't freak out if there are oil splashes while you are cooking. It's a matter of getting used to.

Start simple

You can start off with a few fried dishes or even just salads until you learn to be more confident with cooking. This is a skill that has no guaranteed shortcuts and we all have different learning phases. Just be sure to be patient with yourself and do give yourself some credit for whatever progress you make.

I know this barely scratch the surface but I do hope this help kickstart your cooking skill and lessen chances of mishaps in the kitchen.

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The Wish by Nicholas Sparks

Friday, July 8, 2022

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A good romantic novel feels like a warm cup of hot chocolate on a winter evening. It's cosy enough to tug at your heart making it smile a little bit more. Nicholas Sparks has long been known for putting good romantic novels. I must admit it has been a while since I gravitated towards one of his works but this definitely caught my eye.

When I read the title and the plot summary of the novel, I really got curious on what this wish could be that it warranted this entire story.

I came in with really no expectations but that was a good thing actually. This book surprised me in more ways than I could imagine despite the feeling of calmness all throughout. Here's why.

The Story 

Don't worry, no spoilers ahead. This book is about a famous photographer who loves to travel and live a carefree but suddenly her life  came to a halt when she was diagnosed with cancer and her days got numbered. Each day she felt her physical body and emotions succumbing to her illness.

This starts with her story on the present day. She lives alone and did not seem to have a problem with it. She meets a new employee who at first she was unreasonably cold towards.  

In able to understand how she got to the kind of life she lives now, the book also takes us to the most important part of her past that paved the road. Something happened in her teenage year that caused her to live with her aunt in a small town far from home. This is where she meets Bryce, one of the very few people her age in that town. Bryce started tutoring her and their relationship developed even through what she considered the worst of times.

This book is a very easy but a beautiful read

Nicholas Sparks wrote the events in a manner that is easy to read but does not compromise the substance of the story. The setting is also beautifully described and I just found getting immersed in the town like I've been there as well.

Even though the main plot is in Maggie’s past, the present also holds an equal value because of her ordeal with her illness and how she warmed up to her new employee, Mark. She tells the story of her past to Mark and just like him, I just found myself wanting to know more about what happened with Bryce because obviously, they didn't end up together since Maggie lives alone in the present. 

A large part of the story is teenage love but...

...this should not bother you at all if you’re an adult. Their love story is actually not cheesy and unbearable. Theirs is a love that a lot of people might have experienced. 

"He could have any girl he wanted, while I was nothing but ordinary in all ways that mattered and a definite screwup in the biggest ways of all." - Maggie

Just when I thought that the twist of the story was what happened between Bryce and Maggie which was unreasonably very sad, I was surprised with a much bigger plot twist towards the end. I was prepared to read the last bits of the book only to be blindsided by the sudden revelation. It was uncalled for, but it was still beautiful.  

While reading the book, I had speculations on what the wish could be, but I didn't expect the actual wish and definitely didn't expect that it would come true.

So, should you read this?

I have not read much of Sparks’ works in the past few years because a lot of them were too romantic for my liking. However, this one seems to set itself apart from a lot of them.  More than the romantic part of the story comes a bigger realisation of love in all different aspects and how we should keep a strong hold to those we love most, give them the gift of time as much as we can and never give up on our greatest love. 

I would highly recommend this to those who have loved and lost and to those who love someone they'll never give up on.

"And in the end, isn't that the most important thing in life? To be truly known and loved by someone you've chosen?"


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Brique in Ayala Center Cebu

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

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 Glifesnaps brique ayala center cebu dining

Brique is quite known in the city for their comfort food for a while now. According to their Facebook page, they offer modern cuisine with a rustic touch when it comes to their interiors. 

It's always a good time for some great comfort food and I think this is just the right spot to be.

Glifesnaps brique ayala center cebu dining

Dining in Brique feels like you are dining outdoors without being under the blazing heat of the sun in Cebu City. The ambiance actually reminds me of the restaurants in the alleyways of Melbourne in Australia.

I think there initially was a problem with their air conditioning when we went there but the staff busted out an air cooling system and some electric fans. The temperature in the restaurant eventually cooled down even before our order arrived.

The service is very much commendable. The staff are very professional and they give positive vibes and we didn't see anyone frowning. They were all smiles.

Glifesnaps brique ayala center cebu dining

Their menu leans toward Western type of cuisine. There's a good selection so I don't think it will be hard for anyone to choose a dish.

We just decided to have one main dish each and a dessert. Serving time wasn't too bad as well. I believe it took around 25 minutes for what we ordered and that's pretty normal for restaurants here in the city.

Glifesnaps brique ayala center cebu dining

My boyfriend wanted something that's not too heavy so he chose the Meatballs Stroganoff. I had a taste (very rightfully so) and though I only had a tiny bit, I still think this dish is absolutely delicious. I'm not a big fan of cream-based pasta because of my lactose intolerance and I think they're generally overwhelming but this hits home just right. It's not too heavy and the meatballs deserve a recognition on their own.

Glifesnaps brique ayala center cebu dining

I had their classic and famous Brique Chops. This is not my first time having this but it's been so long since I had been to Brique so I just wanted to have a go at this again. I remember this being a little more buttery in the past but I am honestly not mad at what it is now. In fact, I prefer this now. This is a much more lighter and enjoyable experience than the first few times that I had it in the past.

Glifesnaps brique ayala center cebu dining

We capped off the meal with their Tres Leches cake in ube flavour. I personally think this is one of the most delicious desserts I have had in a long time (other than my sister's baked stuff of course). This is a very moist and decadent cake that it feels like almost a guilty pleasure. I honestly found myself craving from time to time after I had this. 

Have you been to Brique? What dish is your favourite?

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How to Pack Light for Your Next Trip

Monday, July 4, 2022

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Packing light comes with a number of benefits - you can score cheaper flight fares, move around the airport quickly, board and deplane quickly, etc. Generally, packing light makes travels a lot less stressful. Or sometimes on a trip you're just required to bring just one light bag and that's it.

However, this can also be very difficult. It is but a human instinct to bring as much as what we think we need as possible.

If you're still struggling on ways you can pack light, you might want to give some of these tips a try:

Go for lighter clothing items

In your travel bag, your clothes grab a huge chunk of space and weight. If you have to or want to travel lighter, go and pack your lighter clothing items. For women (and those who identify as women) specifically, rompers and lighter pants are your best bet. 

Have a look at your wardrobe and see what are appropriate to the trip activities that you are planning and narrow down which ones weigh the lightest.

For winter travels, there are ways that you can still pack less and lighter but still keep yourself warm. There is a number of brands who have light parkas, high quality warm undergarments like long johns, scarves and gloves made of warmer but lighter materials, etc.

Bring clothing items that you can wear in multiple ways

Another way you can save up some space and weight would be to bring clothing items you can wear multiple ways. Be creative with your outfits and bring items that serve more than just one purpose and you can use for more than one time.

Choose a smaller bag

One of the best ways that could help set your mind to packing light would be to choose a small bag. In air travel, for example, you can bring a small trolley that is compliant with airline standards. How about going for a duffel bag instead? Or just bring a backpack alone? 

Having a smaller, lighter bag as your main carry-on will help you achieve a goal of bringing only your essentials and prioritising what you really need for your trip.

Travel-sized toiletries

If you're only travelling for a short amount of time, I suggest to skip the full size toiletries. Smaller versions of your favourite products are most likely available. Sephora even has a section of travel-sized makeup products. 

If your favourite products are not available in travel sizes, you can always purchase reusable containers and this is a much more eco-friendly option.

Wear your heaviest clothing on the way

Don't even mind if you're coming from a tropical country and you're wearing a heavy coat at the airport. You can always stuff it in your bag or leave it at your hotel room in your destination. Just wear your heaviest and puffiest clothing on your way and you can save so much weight room in your bag.

Plan out your outfits

I believe one of the main causes of over packing is bringing way too many things than you need in a trip. And this might be because you did not plan out what you're going to wear ahead of time and just ended up with a bunch of clothing pieces you are not wearing anyway.

It's practical to have a thought of what you're going to wear. This way, you will be able to see which items are multi-functional and which ones that don't really match with anything else.

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