Must-Watch Movies Based on Novels

Monday, May 23, 2022

Much has been debated about the movie versions of books and while I do not have any experience in screenplay writing and the movie industry, my best guess is that whoever is involved in the process did what needs to be done. They had to make certain adjustments in order to fit a different medium, different audiences. Let's face the fact that not everyone who reads watches movies and not everyone who watches movies read - so it's just fair that we judge either medium differently and not just trash the movie just because you think the book is better (vice versa).

Keeping that in mind, I do enjoy both watching movies and reading the novels and here are some of my recommendations for movies that are based on novels:

Gone Girl

If you have not watched this movie yet - why?! Gone Girl is based on a novel written by Gillian Flynn and is a story of a couple living what seemed to be the perfect suburban married life when the wife, Amy, goes missing on their fifth wedding anniversary. Her husband Nick became the prime suspect for her possible murder and we are taken through the moments when they first met to the day that led to the day Amy went missing. 

Both the movie and the book are beautifully cynical. The characterisation is so exquisite and the events are so well-written you'd almost think that the story is real. 

If you're looking for a psychological thriller that is both chilling and logical, then do not miss out on this one.

Gone Girl is currently on Netflix and available on Youtube  to rent for Php 150 or buy it for Php 490. 

The Godfather (Trilogy)

The Godfather (written by Mario Puzo - all hail Mario Puzo) is about the Corleone Family, an American mafia. When the father (Don Vito Corleone) got shot, it awaken a rage inside his youngest son Michael Corleone who has tried so hard over the years to stay out of the family business. He became entangled in a cycle of violence and betrayal. Once he got in, he realised he was in deep and there was no turning back.

This is by far the best book to movie transition that I have ever seen...ever. There is only one The Godfather book but the movie has three parts. It's almost a mirrored version of the book. Everything about this is perfect. It may not be everyone's cup of coffee but it surely is something worth the watch.

The Godfather is available on Youtube to rent for Php 210 and to buy for Php 680.  The Godfather II and The Godfather III are also available to rent/buy in Youtube.

Little Women

Based from the popular classic novel by Jane Austen, Little Women is a semi-autobiographical style that tells the story of sisters Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy as they come of age and navigate their lives, their separate callings through poverty. It is also a great depiction of feminity in 1860s Massachusetts.

Considering this is a classic and does not have high levels of plot intensity, I suggest you take a little patience of it and watch the movie for the value of the characterisation and events. I must admit I have yet to read the book but the movie (especially the latest remake) on its own really holds high value and I highly recommend it to anyone. This is the kind of movie that I would want my future children to watch. Although this is about women, I think this would speak to all genders.

The 1994 remake of the Little Women is currently on Netflix and the 2019 remake as seen on the trailer above available on Youtube to rent for Php 210 or buy for Php 780.

The Devil Wears Prada

The Devil Wears Prada is based on a novel written by Lauren Weisberger that is about an ambitious young woman named Andy who wanted to be a part of the high fashion world. She lands a job at a prestigious fashion magazine as assistant to a "tiger boss" and finds herself rapidly changing to fit in and survive. The job of her lifetime affects not only her self esteem but also her relationships. 

I must admit I have not read the book, but I think the movie is one of the modern classics that you just cannot miss. It does not fall short of great acting and storyline and is very entertaining all throughout. Though not everyone is meant for the fashion world, I think this is still very relatable for a lot of people.

The Devil Wears Prada is available on Youtube to rent for Php 150 or buy it for Php 490. 

I hope this list help give an idea of what you can watch next. And if you are looking for books to read as well, the novels that these movies are based on are also must-reads.

Have you seen or read any of the titles on this list? Share your experience below!

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