Terrible people I have seen at airports

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Having been to a number of flights means that you might have witnessed a number of people who are just unpleasant at airports. I've had my fair share witnessing these types of people and it just think what the fudge were they thinking to be able to act the way they were.

And I am not talking about the people who just look tired and may have been stressed. These are the people who just acted that way just because they think they can.

Those who just like to rub their citizenships and residence status at other people's face.

In one of my flights, while I was queuing to pay for my travel tax, there was a middle-aged lady who had trouble paying for hers because she didn't have the sticker to show what date she arrived in Cebu. For those who do not know, if you arrive in Cebu via an international flight, a machine will generate a sticker showing your date of arrival. You'll then have to place this sticker on your passport. She might have lost hers or something but the travel tax counter looked for it because she was still using a Philippine passport. She went on to insult the employee and bragged about how she lived in the United States for years now as a green card holder but she never encountered this problem. The employee responded with "Yes ma'am, but I need the date of your last arrival in the country." I don't know how long they took to resolve her issue or if they resolved it in the first place beacause I just left.

In another situation, my flight to Shanghai was delayed for around 30 minutes and the gate was moved. This was announced clearly by the ground crew. When we were getting ready to board at a new gate, an older American man and his Filipina wife who just arrived that time snapped at the ground crew. He said they didn't hear any announcements and the crew should have done better. The Filipina wife also said that they have been US citizens for years now and they've had many flights but they've never experienced that problem. For one, they made it to the boarding gate a few minutes before boarding so there really was no point complaining. Second, if you have travelled even just more than once, you will know the delays and gate changes are normal.

I still don't get what makes other people think that their foreign citizenship or residence status from first world countries gives them any privilege or holds them any higher than the locals.

Those who steal seats at the airplane.

Most airlines let us choose our seats when booking our ticket. If they don't let you do that, you can always graciously ask the check in counter at the airport if there are any seats of your preference that are available. For these reasons, I will never ever get why people try to steal seats at an airplane like savages. I personally prefer window seat and I make sure I get that seat in either of those two ways. There was one time a much older woman just conveniently took my seat and when I told her she was on my seat, she just said she wanted that one and even had the audacity to call the flight crew. I just came from a long flight and I was extremely tired but I still stood my ground. Judge me all you want, but I really could have given the seat if only she asked nicely. Just because anyone's older does not automatically give them the right to walk over another person.

I just really hope that people will stop stealing seats. You can have the seat that you want, just make sure you get it right before you ask for your boarding pass.

Those who cut lines.

For someone who is able to afford expensive plane tickets, you will expect him or her to at least have the basic human decency to follow the queue, right? Not always. There are way too many instances where I saw people just conveniently cutting lines - there was once that they used their senior citizen companion to hopefully cut the regular lane and make way for their senior citizen companion and three able adults  and another one  able adult who was still on the way to the airport that they wanted to wait while they are in the check in counter. Note that was another lane for people who need special assistance. The regular lane that they tried to delay had tons of people behind them who have been waiting in line for hours. The audacity.

Unless you are someone who needs special assistance, please follow the basic rules of queuing.

Those who hog the overhead compartment space.

Time and time again I have seen passengers just hog the entire overhead compartment space for their row. The others who came in a little later had to check in their bags or place them in compartments that are much further from their seat.

Most airline guidlines will actually state that each passenger is allowed two carry-on bags: a large bag for the overhead compartment and a much smaller bag for under the seat. It is not right to sneak in around four bags and just occupy the entire space. 

I would like to sincerely apologise if this seemed like a rant post but it's really difficult to talk about this without showing the emotional impacts. 

What terrible ones have you encountered in your travels? Tell your story in the comments below!

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