Skills you should learn before moving out

Tuesday, April 5, 2022


The thought of living on your own after years of living under your parents' or guardians' roof can be one of the most exciting stages in your lifetime. Some move out to live alone, others move out and live with roommates or their significant other. No matter who you live with or live without when you move out, it's really important to have survival skills because you should be able to fend for yourself when you move out.

While you can still move out without a clue on anything, it will make your life a lot easier if you at least know these:

Basic cooking

This might be an unpopular opinion but it is not always cute to hear that someone does not know how to cook. If eating is a basic human activity, then there is no reason for anyone not to learn how to cook. When you move out, it is important that you learn to cook even the basic dishes to get you through. YI know there's always takeout and deliveries, but that is not very sustainable in the long term.


Unless you are moving in with a personal butler, then you will have to learn how to do basic cleaning chores like laundry, dishwashing, vacuum/sweeping, mopping, etc. I am hopeful that you would not be calling any other adult in your life to do this things for you. 

Financial management

I have mentioned this in my previous moving out post. Basically, when you move out of your parents or guardians' house, you will have to take care of all the bills that they may have covered for you in the past. These bills will become your priorities so all other expenses have to take a backseat. If you have the money to cover both then this wouldn't be a problem at all. However, for a lot of us, there will be luxuries that will be compromised, there will be trips that will be cancelled or we'll have to learn how to choose the best value products when shopping for groceries.

Financial management is not something you'll get right the first time around but it is okay to let yourself to navigate the best way that works for you and your lifestyle.

Time management

How sane you will be when you move out largely depends on what things you make time for. The best thing about this is that it will be easy to make self care a priority because you are on your own now and your main priority is yourself.

It is important that you manage your time according to your highest priorities.

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