Things You Should Know Before Getting Your First Dog

Thursday, March 3, 2022

 Glifesnaps pet dog

Having a furry companion like a pet dog is one of the most fulfilling things I have ever done in my life. However, like among other responsibilities, it's not the easiest thing to do if it has to be done right. 

What most people realise is that having a pet is not just having something cute to post on your social media or just another item on a bucket list. It takes so much of a person's time and effort to be able to raise and live with a pet.

I still have a long way to go when it comes to being a pro furparent, but here are some things I thought you should know if you're thinking of getting a dog for the first time.

It is an extra expense.

Dogs have needs you need to provide such as vet visits, vaccines, food, toys, hygiene, etc. When my dog was a puppy (up until 8 months old), I needed to take him to the vet 1-2 times a month costing me about Php 1,000 per visit. If you are not prepared to spend for another living thing in your life, then you might think twice about getting a dog. 

You will have sleepless nights.

When you first take your dog home, he or she may not be able to adjust immediately. During the first night, my dog cried all night and I couldn't go to sleep but he wouldn't come near me either. So I had to patiently wait all night and days after before he warmed up to me. I must admit that I wanted to give up, but I'm just happy I didn't. If you will experience this, just know that this will all be over. Just be there because your dog will eventually build up the trust. How long it takes will differ so be prepared. It's best if you take your dog home maybe a day before a weekend.

Training is not easy.

If you want your pet to pee/poo on specific areas you want them to do their business on, you will need to train them. If you don't want them to scratch or bite all their life, then you have to keep an eye on them and discipline them when their biting/scratching phase comes. All these and more that is needed for a decently behaved dog sometimes takes months to complete and can be incredibly frustrating. Please don't get a dog when you're just going to leash them because you cannot discipline them. 

There will be lifestyle changes you need to make.

Having a pet will mean that you cannot have things lying around on the floor or else they'll end up chewing on them. You will also have to adjust what time you come home because you will have to follow their feeding schedule or take them out for a walk if it's needed. You also have to set aside time on your day to play and to train them. There will be so much lifestyle changes and you should be ready to adjust accordingly.

Be ready for an endless amount of unconditional love.

Your dog will take a huge amount of work but nothing can ever prepare you for the abundance of love that you will receive each day. There will be no more days and nights when you feel alone because you will always have someone with you to talk to and cuddle with. It will be one of the best feelings knowing that you will have someone who will never be disappointed in you and love you no matter what. Be prepared for that. 

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