Different Kinds of Love I Found In Lang Leav's Poetry

Sunday, February 6, 2022

I will forever believe that poetry is one of the most romantic expressions of love. There's so much magic in how the words just tumble upon each other like a domino.

I have been fascinated with Lang Leav's poetry ever since I first read them. Others would say that her poems are not really "poems" because they're sometimes too brief to even have a rythm. However, I believe that writing shorter pieces is so much more difficult than having the luxury of word counts. Also, Lang Leav's poetry is so beautifully articulated and at the same time, they're very easy to understand that even those who have not studied or are not fond of literature can still relate to them - and isn't that what's important about what we write?

Lang Leav writes about many things but mainly about love and heartbreak. This time, I'd like to share what I think are the best of her poetry expressing love in different ways.

The love you have not met

This poem is like a letter to a love that has not been recognised yet. This love may be someone who has been known or a total stranger but the narrator is longing for the day that some day they will find their way to each other.

The love that is far away

Being in a long distance relationship myself, I can definitely say that the distance really does not make things easier but we're committed to make things work no matter what it takes. I love how this poem is brief but still speaks the truth of distance - that even if two people are far from each other, when distance is not about the proximity their emotional bond will bring them closer to each other.

The love that has to end


It is quite an unfortunate thing when love is just not meant to be no matter how hard two people try. In all my life, I have not found a goodbye poem that is more beautiful than this one. This expresses both heartbreak and love. It expresses letting go out of love, but knowing that one will never come back.

The love you are meant to be with

They say that when you finally found the one you are meant to be with for the rest of your life, there won't be any hesitations because you will just know. There's really no reasonable way to explain it. It just happens. This poem describes just that love is friendship and there will be times you will hurt each other and all of it will be worth it in the end because having each other is the most beautiful thing in the universe.

There's so much more great poems from Lang Leav so if give them a read if you haven't already!

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