Long Haul Flights Made Easy

Sunday, February 27, 2022

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They say sometimes it’s about the journey, not the destination. But it’s also true that there are times when the journey is the most unpleasant part of the entire trip - especially when you’re taking a long haul flight in economy.

Long haul flights are not easy. I’ve had a few long haul flights in the past but I still don’t get excited when I hop into one.

However, these are a few ways that I found helped me a lot to survive those long hours inside an airplane:

Bring your own entertainment

Planes for longer flights have entertainment screens but unless you’re flying with a pricier airlines, the movies and series are usually not enough. So, I highly recommend you bring an entertainment “system” you are most comfortable in. Think of what usually entertains you at home that you can bring inside a plane like books, portable gaming console, magazines, colouring books, etc. These will help you forget about the time you have to wait until touchdown.

Get cozy

One of the best ways to make yourself comfortable is to get comfortable. I like to be in a comfortable outfit or bring some things to help me get cozy like fuzzy socks or a scarf or a neck pillow. You can also bring a small pillow if you prefer or a plush toy. Again, whatever makes you cozy at home that fits in and you are allowed to bring in your carry on.

Catch up on those postponed tasks

If you have a book that you wanted to read, an artwork you wanted to start on, or anything you usually cannot do because of all the distractions back home, long hours inside a plane is a really great way to finally get those started or finish them off. Not only does this get things done, it will also take your mind off the hours and on your task. 

Look forward to touchdown

Instead of just counting the hours and miles, look forward to touching down when you can finally relax and enjoy your destination. I honestly find it entertaining to keep track of the flight map in the entertainment screen and seeing for the plane get closer to the destination. 

Being in a plane for long hours is not easy but it will be worth. It’s all about being comfortable and thinking of this as half glass full - think about a few hours to yourself without distractions, it’s actually a great thing somehow.

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Winter in Downtown Toronto

Thursday, February 24, 2022

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 Glifesnaps downtown toronto winter 2022

I remember just loosely mentioning to my boyfriend that I wanted to spend a day in Toronto just to take photos. I was surprised that he really took me there to do just that. It was a bit more challenging because the weather was really cold and with the new COVID restrictions that time, we couldn't have a proper meal inside a restaurant.

Glifesnaps downtown toronto winter 2022

We just walked around Eaton Centre and even though it was a Saturday, the area was at all crowded. I think it was because of the new restrictions. Right outside Eaton Centre is a seating area where a lot of people eat their takeaways. With the cold, you'll find that both your hands and your food freeze at the same time.

Glifesnaps downtown toronto winter 2022

I took this photo just a couple of blocks from Eaton Centre, in Dundas Street West. We wanted to eat there but dining in was not allowed at that time so we grabbed a box of Pablo's Cheese Tarts and walked to Nathan Phillips Square.

Glifesnaps downtown toronto winter 2022

The ice skating rink opens in Nathan Phillips Square during the winter and it would have been a really great experience if only we knew how to skate. Maybe someday we'll finally learn how to and the world is a little safer, we will definitely join the crowd.

Glifesnaps downtown toronto winter 2022

Our trip to downtown Toronto was brief, but I enjoyed every moment of it. I took a lot of photos and for the second time around, I had the chance to have a good look around town and really took in the charms of this famous urban jungle.

Downtown Toronto is one of the very few urban areas that I really adore because of its charm and its life. It is the perfect place to practice street photography and I would really want to keep going back, hopefully in the warmer seasons.

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Kung Fu Tea in Mississauga | Takeaway Review

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

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 Kung Fu Tea Review Glifesnaps

My boyfriend and I are fond of the occasional (that sometimes become too often) bubble tea treats to ourselves. Our favourite is definitely Gong Cha, but this time we decided to try out another famous bubble tea brand - Kung Fu Tea. 

We had this takeaway delivered via DoorDash and I left a referral code at the bottom of this post if you want $45 credit when you use DoorDash for the first time.

Passion Fruit QQ Jelly

Kung Fu Tea Review Glifesnaps passionfruit qq jelly

My absolute favourite bubble tea toppings are boba and jelly. I also cannot digest so much dairy so I always go for plain or fruit tea flavours. For these reasons, I almost always go for a QQ Jelly drink whenever we order bubble teas and whenever they're available. I was thrilled to see that Kung Fu Tea has this drink on their menu.

This was a very nice drink. I can still taste the tea in the drink and it's not too sweet. Their boba and jelly toppings also taste way better than most that I have tried in the past. The only problem I had with this was that they have no options for ice quantity and this had too much in it.

Overall, I really love this drink and would definitely go for it again next time.

Chocolate with Ice Cream

Kung Fu Tea Review Glifesnaps chocolate with ice cream

My boyfriend loves to order these milkshake types of drinks wherever we order bubble tea from. Kung Fu Tea does not have chocolate smoothies so he went for their Chocolate with Ice Cream drink. 

This drink is for those who have sweeth tooth. This is very rich in chocolate and is very creamy. The consistency is much more thicker - really just like a milkshake because of the ice cream blended with it. I tasted it and find it very much okay for what it is. However, my boyfriend said he does not like it as much as what we usually order from Gong Cha.

This may not be ordered a second time around unless there's no choice.

Final Verdict

Kung Fu Tea has great bubble tea. We didn't mind that they don't have those takeaway cup holders because the cups are nicely sealed and those would just be wasteful anyways. I loved my QQ Jelly drink and my boyfriend somewhat adored their chocolate with ice cream. This still ranks high on our list of bubble tea places.

DoorDash Credit

While this post is not at all sponsored, here's our referral link to get $15 off your first three orders from DoorDash. We also get a credit if you use this code, but you won't be charged any additional fees for using this referral link.

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Of flurries and windy days

Sunday, February 20, 2022

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 Glifesnaps winter ontario canada

Winter is probably that one season that I have always loved to hate. Ever since my first experience a few years back in the US, I only loved I guess a few hours of it and then all the love was over. Don't get me wrong - I got really excited too. There I was a girl who grew up in the tropics and for her first trip out of the country, the destination was in wintertime. 

My first snow experience was magical. The flurries were all so beautiful and the details when you see them up close is one of nature's most intricate works of art. Well, after that came all the "almost" slipping, frozen lips, bleedy nose as I walked to my class.

That same experience came back to me as I was walking home during a heavy snowfall. Just when I thought things couldn't get any better, the wind started blowing so hard on my face. It was like the perfect happy meal. Please sense the sarcasm.

Winter is pretty. Layering up and getting to wear the clothes I would never be able to wear back home is undeniably fun. However, winter also comes with its strings of bad. When the snowfall is calm and the temperature does not drop that low, it's actually a very enjoyable season. I just wish the wind wouldn't blow so hard or the sidewalks wouldn't freeze as bad. 

Flurries and windy days are one of those times when I do wish the season is a little gentler or maybe even different but it also is a great reminder that I really do have to make lemonade if life throws me lemons. Make the most of what it is, I guess.

So I gear up with a fluffy coat, snow boots and enjoy winter while it lasts.

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What You Should Know About Moving Out For The First Time

Thursday, February 17, 2022

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Independence is such a sweet little thing. When we live with our parents or any figure of authority in our lives, we're bound by their rules and usually the stricter these figures of authorities are, the more likely it will be for the child to want to move out.

Moving out is different for a lot of us. Some of us move out and be literally on our own, some move out with pets and some move out to move in with other people as roommates or a partner. And it also happens at different points of our lives.

When I started to live on my own, I did my research and asked around but there really were some things nobody told me about:

Do it when you’re able.

The time to move out differs for all of us and there is no deadline really. However, when you are able to, I don’t think it’s something you should delay. When you’re at the right age and are able to provide for yourself, then you really should consider trying to see the real world - unless you have financial factors like debts or people you need to provide for or you are saving for your own property that will drag your financial state to the negatives if you move out. Move out when you are able to  and not just because everyone else is moving out. Do it primarily for yourself.

Be your own backup.

I personally believe it is not a good mindset to move out with the belief that you have your parents as a back up or you can just move back in when things get difficult. I think the best thinking to go for is "I made this choice and I have to make it on my own." So you do everything (legal) it takes to make it on your own. Be your own backup. This way, it will be easier to get priorities straight especially your finances.

Compromise is key.

When we don't normally pay for rent, food or utilities or we pay only portions of it, we have spending power for other unnecessary things and that is alright. As long as your situation allows you to spend as much as what you have, then the world is your oyster. However, when you move out, all those home bills will be up on your shoulders now. Unless you're extremely wealthy, then it's really better to start learning to compromise with the spending or else you'll end up acquiring debt. This is actually the most difficult lesson I had to learn.

Get skilled.

Whether you are moving out to be on your own or to be with your partner, this is the time to really learn some skills for yourself. Just because you have someone else around does not mean you’ll completely depend on him/her. This is your chance to finally learn how to organise your finances, to cook, to clean, do your laundry or just basically anything any adult should be able to do for himself.

This will be one of your best decisions.

It is scary and everyone who moves out will have their own kind of fear and that is okay. That is completely normal because you are uprooting yourself from your comfort zone and trying something out on your own. But you should also know that everything will be alright.

There are so many things about yourself and the world around you that you can never learn under the comfort and protection of your parents. It is good to stay where you are loved but it is even better to learn to provide that kind of love and protection for yourself.

This might even be the one of the very best decisions you'll ever make in your life because it is surely one of mine.
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Trying The INKEY List Oat Cleansing Balm

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

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I recently ran out of my favourite makeup/sunscreen remover so I had to look for the next best alternative because Heimish is quite expensive here in Canada. I've heard a lot of good things online about The INKEY List's Oat Cleansing Balm so I decided to try this out and see if it beats my favourite one.

The Good

This claims to be a luxurious cleansing balm that removes makeup without stripping the skin off its natural oils. This is a fragrance-free and a very no-fuss skincare product. 

It does as it claims. It really does gently clean the face and even if you double cleanse, your skin will not feel as tight. The best thing about this product is that it comes in really cheap compared to a lot of cleansing balms available on the market. This retails for CA$12 + tax in Sephora. 

It effectively removes sunscreen and makeup but you need to really work this in the skin and make sure you get all areas covered. It does remove even waterproof eyeliner and mascara so that's a huge plus. This also does not sting the eyes. 

However, it is not very good on long lasting liquid lipstick so that's something to keep in mind if you love using those types of lip products.

The Bad

This has a very balmy texture - think of a Carmex lip balm in a tube, that's what it is. Although this comes in a fairly easy to squeeze tube, I still don't like how I only get a little bit of product at a time. 

I also had a difficult time using this compared to previous balm-type removers that I have tried in the past. The first time was all my fault because I did not read the instructions. I was supposed to dampen my face before applying the balm so it absolutely did nothing for me. The next few times, I dampened my face and although it felt a little weird dampening and applying balm after, it did help make the product go a lot smoother. I also found that melting the product by rubbing it at the back of my hand helped a lot.

I hugely rely on my first cleansing to remove all my makeup and my second cleanse is just some sort of "final sweep". I found that if I don't follow the instructions on how to use this product,  I still have makeup left on my face even after double cleansing. 

Final Verdict

This product is not perfect, but it's also not very bad at all. I can see this working very well for those who wear just sunscreen or minimal makeup. It will also not break you out as long as you use another cleanser after it.

The INKEY List's Oat Cleansing Balm does not beat the Heimish Cleansing Balm, but this is still a good runner-up.

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Our Favourite TV Shows as a Couple | 2022

Thursday, February 10, 2022

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Being in a long distance relationship for most of the time, my boyfriend and I bond over watching TV series and movies online. This has been a really great way for us to spend our time together whether we're together or miles apart. 

If you're looking for your next big series to watch, you might also love our top three so far and the reasons why we're obsessed with them!


This was the first show that we watched together and our absolute favourite as a couple. The show, if you haven't seen it yet, is about a group of friends in New York City trying to figure out adult dilemmas like money, dating, children, family, among others. 

Some people say that Friends is a bit too much and the characters are exaggerated but...aren't all fictional characters exaggerated in their own ways? We actually think that one of the things that made the show very interesting is how the characters' quirks and their situations are exaggerated. This show made us laugh in almost every episode - except for the Rachel-Joey situation. 

Our favourite characters would be Chandler and Monica. Chandler used to be that one guy who could never commit but it turned out, he was just chasing the wrong people after all. He changed and was able to commit more than any of the other characters in the show when he finally fell in love with the woman he was meant to be with.

Friends is the kind of show that you might not like at the beginning but give a few more episodes a chance and just like us, you'll fall head over heels in love with it! The show in most countries is available to watch on Netflix and in Canada, you can catch in on Crave.

Modern Family

Now, this is the show that I found through Tiktok. This is guaranteed to make you laugh from the very first episode. It is about three families in three different modern set-ups: a typical large American family, a family of an immigrant and her much older husband and a family of two gay dads who adopted an Asian baby.


Not only does this show made us laugh, the characters are depicted in a much more realistic way that my boyfriend and I actually found ourselves relating some situations we come across to the characters in the show.

We both love Phil and Claire's family most especially Phil Dunphy. He might be a very quirky and weird at times, but he is definitely a very good father and husband. His character always bring fun and light to any situation that the family face. He's equally positive and realistic and extremely funny which makes his character very likeable and never annoying.

Modern Family is currently on Netflix.

Wanda Vision

My boyfriend has this goal not to miss storylines related to Dr Strange's Multiverse of Madness before its release on the big screen so he's watching tons of Marvel series on Disney+. Out of all the ones he dragged me to watch, this is the series that we both enjoyed a lot.

Wanda Vision is about a community that Wanda has "created" or isolated from the world and turned into an old school television show setting. In that world, Vision is alive and they are married. They tried to live their normal lives as a married couple but soon enough, the world catches up as Wanda loses control of everything.

At first, I found the setting a little dull but I eventually got so hooked up in it. If you're a Marvel geek like my boyfriend, I'm pretty sure you'd love this show from the very beginning. We both give this series a two thumbs up so if you're looking forward to Dr Strange Multiverse of Madness, be sure to catch this one on Disney+!

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My Love-Hate Relationship with Timberland's Nellie Chukka

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

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Glifesnaps Timberland Nellie Chukka

Timberland holds a good reputation especially when it comes to footwear because a lot of people say they do last forever and their waterproof ones really serves well across all seasons. 

So after years of considering, I finally bit the bullet and grabbed a pair once it got on sale in Zalora. I got mine for around Php 2,000+ but its regular price is around Php 10,999. Good deal, right? You can still get this specific pair on the Zalora website in two other colours (click here for black or brown). Zalora regularly offers huge discounts on their Timberland boots so I suggest you look forward to that.

I have used my pair both in the Philippines and during the fall and wintertime in Canada and I have finally come to terms with how I feel about it.

What I Love

Glifesnaps Timberland Nellie Chukka

These boots are worth the price you have to pay for it even if it is bought without a discount. It is sturdy and you can really see and feel that the materials used are very high quality. 

Even if you were it during the summertime or in tropical countries, I still think it will look stylish and fitting. This goes with a lot of different outfits but I mostly just wear jeans anyway so this is just up my alley.

I find this the most helpful during the colder months especially when it's snowing. Even though it's not lined with anything else, the thickness of the leather is enough to insulate my feet. My absolute favourite "feature" of these boots is how it has kept me from slipping down icy walkways because its outer sole has a good grip. It's also waterproof so even if it snows or rains during the winter or fall, my feet are still protected from freezing.

What I Hate

Glifesnaps Timberland Nellie Chukka

Oh the pain that comes with this pair of boots. I have been wearing it for so long but I feel like I am still breaking into them. The first few wears were the worst. I would come home with blisters even though I wore them for like an hour or two. It's so much better nowadays but my feet would still get painful when I wear them for longer walks. I cannot wear this with socks shorter than the shoes themselves because the upper portion causes so much friction on my legs. 

These are also a bit heavier than your usual shoes so even that takes some time of getting used to. I believe the weight helps to stabilise when I'm about to slip and that's the only good thing about it. Its weight makes me tired a lot faster when I'm walking.

Final Verdict

Glifesnaps Timberland Nellie Chukka

If I would ask myself if I'd buy this pair again, I don't think I will. My Aldo snow boots are also snow and water proof but they're very comfortable - not as slip-resistant but still has a good grip. I got these because of the reputation that the brand has but I don't think this is for me or maybe I still have to find ways to make it work.

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Different Kinds of Love I Found In Lang Leav's Poetry

Sunday, February 6, 2022

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I will forever believe that poetry is one of the most romantic expressions of love. There's so much magic in how the words just tumble upon each other like a domino.

I have been fascinated with Lang Leav's poetry ever since I first read them. Others would say that her poems are not really "poems" because they're sometimes too brief to even have a rythm. However, I believe that writing shorter pieces is so much more difficult than having the luxury of word counts. Also, Lang Leav's poetry is so beautifully articulated and at the same time, they're very easy to understand that even those who have not studied or are not fond of literature can still relate to them - and isn't that what's important about what we write?

Lang Leav writes about many things but mainly about love and heartbreak. This time, I'd like to share what I think are the best of her poetry expressing love in different ways.

The love you have not met

This poem is like a letter to a love that has not been recognised yet. This love may be someone who has been known or a total stranger but the narrator is longing for the day that some day they will find their way to each other.

The love that is far away

Being in a long distance relationship myself, I can definitely say that the distance really does not make things easier but we're committed to make things work no matter what it takes. I love how this poem is brief but still speaks the truth of distance - that even if two people are far from each other, when distance is not about the proximity their emotional bond will bring them closer to each other.

The love that has to end


It is quite an unfortunate thing when love is just not meant to be no matter how hard two people try. In all my life, I have not found a goodbye poem that is more beautiful than this one. This expresses both heartbreak and love. It expresses letting go out of love, but knowing that one will never come back.

The love you are meant to be with

They say that when you finally found the one you are meant to be with for the rest of your life, there won't be any hesitations because you will just know. There's really no reasonable way to explain it. It just happens. This poem describes just that love is friendship and there will be times you will hurt each other and all of it will be worth it in the end because having each other is the most beautiful thing in the universe.

There's so much more great poems from Lang Leav so if give them a read if you haven't already!
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Unboxing the 10th Gen Kindle + First Impressions

Thursday, February 3, 2022

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 Glifesnaps kindle 10th generation review unboxing

Over the recent years my eyesight has been less tolerant with difficult reading conditions. If I read physical books, the lighting conditions had to be just right or else my eyes would hurt so bad and I won't be able to read for as long as I wanted to. Also, having to move quite a few times made me realise that I just cannot collect and carry around physical copies anymore.

A few years ago, I tried the Kindle paperwhite because back then, the basic Kindle models did not have backlights on them. I loved the device so much before and I was both intrigued and excited to finally get back into more reading with the 10th generation Kindle.

Glifesnaps kindle 10th generation review unboxing

The packaging that the device comes with is a very sleek box. There's nothing really much going on with it actually and I think they're going for the same thing that Apple's been doing with their packaging with the hopes of it being more sustainable. 

I did throw out the box as soon as I was sure that my Kindle was working properly just because I don't like storing boxes that I know I'm never going to reuse.

Glifesnaps kindle 10th generation review unboxing contents

Inside the box was the device, a charging cable and some instruction manuals. Just like the packaging, the contents were also pretty straightforward. I think we're finally over the days where companies just add in a bunch of junk for their products to appear more expensive. It's just worth noting that this does not come with an adaptor. 

Glifesnaps kindle 10th generation review unboxing

When I ordered this kindle from Amazon, I chose the option to have the Amazon account logged in to the device. I found that this made the set-up process a lot faster. I also skipped adding a mobile number because that slowed down the device upon startup. I did, however, logged in to my Goodreads which I also recommend if you get yourself a Kindle.

The display is still the same (but very good) old "paper" experience. It looks exactly like a well-lit paperback or hardbound page.

First Impressions

The 10th generation Kindle surprisingly matched up to my experience with the Kindle Paperwhite in the past considering this is cheaper. I like how they added in the backlight which I think was the only advantage of the paperwhite over the basic version.

The reading experience so far has been superb. I read comfortably in different lighting conditions and even at different angles. I have always read longer with a Kindle and this has not changed at all. My eyes does not get so stressed out and my head does not hurt which are the reasons why I loved this device even in the past.

The size is also perfect for holding it with just one hand and it's easy to travel with. This fits into most purses and it is extremely lightweight.

I know some might think that it's a bit too much to buy a different device that's made for just one purpose but I honestly think that is a huge advantage because there is no distraction when I'm reading and I am reading in the best visual condition possible.

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Solace in Kariya

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

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Glifesnaps kariya park mississauga ontario canada

One of the things that impresses me in the cities I go to is a good balance of nature and structures. This is also one of the reasons why I absolutely love places like Taiwan, Australia and Canada. Up until now, I wish that having slices of nature in a bustling community would also become a priority back in the Philippines.

Tucked somewhere in a bustling downtown Mississauga is Kariya Park - but one of the many parks one can find in the city. 

Kariya Park is a Japanese garden with cherry blossoms in the summer. It has pretty walkways, plenty of benches and a cute duck pond. The park is said to be named after Mississauga's sister city, Kariya (Japan).


Glifesnaps kariya park mississauga ontario canada

The sun peeks through fall colours.

Glifesnaps kariya park mississauga ontario canada

One of the things I found enjoyable was just watching the ducks seemingly undisturbed by the people around them. Someone came to feed them what seemed to be bird seeds and they flocked below where he stood.

I am not sure about what the city law says about feeding them, but what I do know in general is that they should never be fed bread especially expired ones.

Glifesnaps kariya park mississauga ontario canada

A squirrel quietly observing his target.

Glifesnaps kariya park mississauga ontario canada

I saw that almost all who came there just sat and enjoyed the view. It's not a big park so I don't think people would go there to jog. Nevertheless, the park is a very great and peaceful place to stay for hours.

This main structure in the park ties it into its Japanese theme. Back in Japan, the city of Kariya also has their own replica of Mississauga's City Hall. The two parks reflect each other cultures even from a thousand miles away. 

Glifesnaps kariya park mississauga ontario canada

If you're ever in town, I suggest you make a visit to Kariya Park especially during the warmer seasons. It's not very grand, but that is actually the best thing about it.

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