Travel Solo At Least Once in Your Life

Tuesday, January 25, 2022


Many good things have been said about the tons of great memories you get when travelling with great company, but have you tried just enjoying places and experiences all on your own? You might think that sounds lonely or unexciting. However, it can also be the most satisfying adventure you'll ever have in a lifetime.

I am not talking about a travel where you're with a group and you stray for a few hours to discover a spot on your own. 

Solo travel involves only you from the planning to going back home. 


It's a travel where you get to make all the decisions on your own and modify them according to your liking once you are in your destination. 

The planning might be challenging because you have to make sure you get the details all aligned to make your journey easier. On the other hand, imagine a trip that is all based on your preferences and goals. Think about a trip where you don't have to ask around or adjust things just because everyone else likes to do different things. 

This trip is all made for you and you alone. 


Solo travelling will let you wake up on your hotel room, get dressed and leave for the day's schedule without waiting for anyone. 

It is scary, but it will teach you a lot about responsibility. Since you are on your own, you are responsible to keep yourself and your belongings safe. You'll be able to make decisions without relying on someone's company in a foreign place. 

You get to stay longer, leave earlier. You get to rush your schedule or take a moment to relax. And it's all up to you.

If you get lost or realised you planned or did something incorrectly, you get to pick yourself up and keep going. No one's there for you so you really have to do it on your own. 

In travelling alone you get to manage your resources because if anything goes wrong, it's not easy to just borrow someone else's resource. Your initiative to be more careful and responsible with the things you do will usually kick in.

Solo travel taught me so much about self-reliance more than any other experience.

Nowadays when dependency seem to be the norm, a solo trip will take you out of your comfort zone but towards a rewarding experience that you will less likely (or even never) regret in your life.

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