Trying Out Maybelline The Matte Bar Palette #300

Sunday, January 30, 2022

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 Glifesnaps maybelline the matte bar palette 300

Last Christmas, I got Maybelline's The Matter Bar Palette in #300. I have heard good things about this palette so I got really excited to try this out.

The colours are something up my alley and the size is perfect for travel especially if I don't have the chance to carry my larger Morphe palette with me.

Glifesnaps maybelline the matte bar palette 300

The packaging is entirely plastic and I would take a plastic packaging on a makeup product over cardboard because it is easier to clean and I think it's a lot more sturdy. 

This palette is slightly bigger than my phone. It fits into one small compartment of my makeup bag and can even fit at the back of my jeans if I wanted to. However, the big compromise with a palette this compact is the size of the pans. They're really small. I find it tricky to use a larger blending brush without also disturbing the colors right next to the one I am using so I suggest to pinch larger brushes when picking up the pigment.

Glifesnaps maybelline the matte bar palette 300

The shades are very pigmented and easy to blend. I found it very easy to use with my mediocre skills. However, the eyeshadows are powdery compared to my Morphe palette. I used a large blending brush with a very light hand, but the kick off was still as shown in the photo above. It only has less kick off with packing brushes or when I am using my fingers to apply the shadows.

I don't mind that it's powdery because it's still very easy to blend - I just tap off the excess and I am good to go. It also does not give off a lot of fallout that way.

Glifesnaps maybelline the matte bar palette 300

Final Verdict

This palette is great if you're packing lighter on a trip or you need something for a to-go makeup kit. I think this fits almost anywhere and you wouldn't have to worry too much because the packaging is sturdy. As for the color palette, this could give a range of looks from day to night with brown, mauve, orange or plum looks. This is versatile and for it's price (CAD $14.96 + tax), I think it's very much worth it.

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It's Nice To Feel Unwanted

Thursday, January 27, 2022

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A young woman steps off the city bus

The world oblivious of her existence

She's no ordinary girl, she knows

But she's also not very special - she remembered

She strides along a broken path

As fleeting moments brush through her like the winter wind

"It's not to feel unwanted", she said, as she moves along with the crowd

She stops by a pastry shop

Watching everyone pick the prettiest things

It's human nature after all

To seek for the better, 

Leaving out all the burnt ones to be thrown away

"It's nice to feel unwanted," she said, as she moves along with the crowd

She stops by a park

A place where people stay to get away

She sees two old men playing chess toppling one pawn after another

They don't mean anything she realised

They are, after all, pieces of a game

Meant only to slow down the loss of the most important piece

"It's nice to feel unwanted," she said,

as she sits down and takes a deep breath.

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Travel Solo At Least Once in Your Life

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

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Many good things have been said about the tons of great memories you get when travelling with great company, but have you tried just enjoying places and experiences all on your own? You might think that sounds lonely or unexciting. However, it can also be the most satisfying adventure you'll ever have in a lifetime.

I am not talking about a travel where you're with a group and you stray for a few hours to discover a spot on your own. 

Solo travel involves only you from the planning to going back home. 


It's a travel where you get to make all the decisions on your own and modify them according to your liking once you are in your destination. 

The planning might be challenging because you have to make sure you get the details all aligned to make your journey easier. On the other hand, imagine a trip that is all based on your preferences and goals. Think about a trip where you don't have to ask around or adjust things just because everyone else likes to do different things. 

This trip is all made for you and you alone. 


Solo travelling will let you wake up on your hotel room, get dressed and leave for the day's schedule without waiting for anyone. 

It is scary, but it will teach you a lot about responsibility. Since you are on your own, you are responsible to keep yourself and your belongings safe. You'll be able to make decisions without relying on someone's company in a foreign place. 

You get to stay longer, leave earlier. You get to rush your schedule or take a moment to relax. And it's all up to you.

If you get lost or realised you planned or did something incorrectly, you get to pick yourself up and keep going. No one's there for you so you really have to do it on your own. 

In travelling alone you get to manage your resources because if anything goes wrong, it's not easy to just borrow someone else's resource. Your initiative to be more careful and responsible with the things you do will usually kick in.

Solo travel taught me so much about self-reliance more than any other experience.

Nowadays when dependency seem to be the norm, a solo trip will take you out of your comfort zone but towards a rewarding experience that you will less likely (or even never) regret in your life.

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A View Across the Rooftops by Suzanne Kelman

Sunday, January 23, 2022

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A View Across the Rooftops is written by Suzanne Kelman and was published in 2019. It is a historical novel set in Amsterdam during the second World War. 

This is a story about how a professor helped his student hide from the Nazis who occupied their city. Professor Josef Held who has lived alone since his wife passed away takes his Jewish student as a refugee in his own home. Distressed by the feeling of captivity in his own city, Josef struggles to adjust to having company again after a long time and at the same time trying to heal from old wounds to be able to be genuine with how he feels.


The book is emotionally captivating and even though there are times when the story paces a little slower, it still grips you enough to keep going and to hope for a happy ending for everyone. It constantly breaks your heart, makes you hopeful and happy. It's one of those books that's really hard to put down.

Although taking Michael in was not an easy decision for Josef, his humanity still is the best of him and he hid Michael away in his attic to be safe from the Nazis. Josef eventually went to great lengths to make life easier for his student and even to the point of endangering his own. He was not used to having someone around and I think that's probably one of the most difficult adjustment for him especially in the middle of a war.

The friendship between Josef and Michael is the most unlikely to develop in regular situations, but their city's captivity under the Nazis brought them together. Their personalities conflict more often than not. However, the necessity to keep each other alive reconciles them naturally. Their friendship is a reflection of being at the right place, at the right time with the right people. 

The book has a lot of interesting storylines. We have Josef's niece Ingrid who fell in love with the enemy and how she struggled to survive making one wrong decision after another. We also see how Josef learned to heal from the pain of losing the love of his life and to feel things again despite the situation he was in. Then we have the story of one little girl who understood so little, yet still felt the pain of losing everything she once had. 

All these storylines were pieced beautifully together by the author to give us one whole story that is sure to give the reader's heart a little ache but a whole lot of faith that in the end and that although we might lose sometimes, it's all going to work out alright.

I think this book is worth the read even for the new readers. If you want to read about how these different kinds thrived and survived in the darkest of the nights, this might be a good book for you.

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First Time Traveller's Packing Guide

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

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Glifesnaps packing guide

Packing has always been the most stressful especially when they're international flights and if they are for longer travels. There's just way too many things to consider like the destination country, weight limits, prohibitions, etc. 

Even until now I still dread the process but I have things I always remind myself in packing for travels that has helped made packing and travelling a much smoother experience.

1. Pack according to airline regulations

Always read airline regulations for checked and carry on luggage before even packing. This is usually printed with your flight itinerary and when in doubt, make sure to check the airline's website - not older forums or articles because they may be outdated.

All airline regulations are set to make the flight as safe as possible for all passengers and crew. They are there for very good reasons. No matter what the situation is, airline crew do not bend the aviation rules to adjust to one or a few passengers' pleas. So, if you don't want throwing things away at the airport, make sure the things that you are planning to check in comply with the regulations.

2. Be mindful of what is prohibited in your destination country

Most countries do not allow bringing in of fresh meat, fruits, seeds, wood, plants, among others. This is mainly because the country is also protecting what is native to their land and invasive species commonly found in those products can mess up their ecosystem. These are only a few examples and each country differ in their prohibitions.

You might hear from some people not to worry about sneaking in prohibited items because you'll get away  with it but do not believe that. If you get caught trying to beat the system, you will get in trouble and not "those people" so it's better to be safe than sorry.

3. Do not pack valuables in checked luggage

No matter what type of flight you take, there is always an unfortunate chance that your luggage might be opened by dishonest employees or your luggage might take a longer route and will take a longer time to reach you. 

If an item is too valuable for you, always pack them in your carry on if you can. A neat trick for at home weighing of luggage is to put a light cooking pot on top of a human weighing scale and place your luggage on top of the cooking pot. There will be a slight weight difference but it is always a lot safer to bring a bag that’s under the weight limit of the airlines.

4. Check the weight

This should go without saying, but I almost cannot believe how many times checking in took really long just because other travellers overpacked their bags and rearranged their bags right at the check in counter. Weight limits differ by airlines and by types of flight so it is worth checking this information before leaving for the airport. 

Making sure your bags are all complying with the weight limits of your ticket will save you a lot of time and money - those excess bag/weight fees can get very pricey! The person next in line to you at the counter will also (silently) thank you for your contribution to a faster check in experience.

These guidelines are general, but I think they're great to keep in mind especially if you are travelling for the first time. Your travel experience begins even before you step on a plane so it's best to avoid as much stress as possible.

Happy travels!


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One Day In Melbourne + Itinerary

Thursday, January 13, 2022

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Glifesnaps melbourne australia travel itinerary

Melbourne is one of the prettiest place that I have ever been to and one of my top favourites. There’s so much good in Melbourne - the shops, the people, the food, coffee…just everything!

A couple years back I had the chance to visit Melbourne for a business trip. Because I was there for business, I didn’t have a lot of time to explore the entire city. 

Looking back, I was able to piece together this itinerary for those who might only have one entire day to explore Melbourne for a stopover or just to squeeze in the middle of your Australia trip.

I also added in a downloadable itinerary at the end of this post in case you need it.

7:00 am - Breakfast at Degraves Lane

Glifesnaps melbourne australia travel itinerary

If you only have little time in a place, it is best to start as early as possible. It’s also good if you want to reach touristy spots earlier if you want better photos unless it’s the huge crowd you’re after. I like Degraves Lane because it’s closest to Flinders Lane.

Degraves Lane is an alleyway of coffee shops and it’s not a Melbourne experience without dining outdoors in one of their alleyways even in the wintertime. Choose any open cafe to your liking. I don’t think there’s a bad one in Degraves so eat away!

8:00 am - Take tons of photos in Hosier Lane

Glifesnaps melbourne australia travel itinerary

After you’ve enjoyed a hearty breakfast in Degraves and you’ve relaxed a bit, it’s time to head to Hosier Lane which is only a short walk from Degraves. Hosier Lane is another alleyway, but this time it’s full of street wall art. They make really cool and pretty background for your portraits. I suggest to get this out of the way the earliest because it can get super crowded here on regular hours.

9:00 am - Relax at the Royal Botanic Gardens

Glifesnaps melbourne australia travel itinerary

The Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne is picture-perfect. There’s no words to accurately describe it. If you want both a place to relax and take pretty pictures in, then the Royal Botanic Gardens is just the perfect spot. Please keep it in mind that this is a peaceful place and not be too loud if you are coming in groups.

10:00 am - Explore the Shrine of Remembrance

Glifesnaps melbourne australia travel itinerary

The Shrine of Remembrance is not only an astonishing architectural structure, it is also rich in history. The building is a war memorial that was initially built to honour the men and women who served the first world war but eventually became a memorial for every single one who served in the war. There are tours available inside which I highly suggest if you want the full experience.

11:00 am - Have your best steak (yet)

Glifesnaps melbourne australia travel itinerary

Melbourne probably has the best food and when you're there, never miss the chance to have at least one steak meal. After taking a train back to Flinders, head over to A Hereford Beefstouw restaurant for what might be your best steak meal yet. Their meat, cooking and service are all top-notch.

The restaurant is kind of difficult to locate (at least for me because I have a poor sense of direction) since this is kind of a hole-in-the-wall and in a very narrow street. If it gets too tricky, don't be shy to ask around.

1:00 pm - Shop at the Queen Victoria Market

Melbourne is filled with really great shops, but the Queen Victoria Market is the queen of them all. If you're looking to buy souvenirs, local artisan goods or just anything under the sun, you must make it a priority to visit the market. It is also within the city centre so it is easily accessible.

3:00 pm - Visit the State Library of Victoria

Glifesnaps melbourne australia travel itinerary

After a good two hours of shopping, it is worth relaxing at the State Library of Victoria.They have guided tours which takes you around the library and its history and after, you can explore the books in the library on your own and just pause and take your time to relax. It's not easy to be walking around all day.

4:00 pm - Ride the Melbourne Star

Glifesnaps melbourne australia travel itinerary

The Melbourne Star might be the best way to see Melbourne from a high altitude. I suggest you go there a little late in the afternoon so that the sun is not blazing hot and it is not too dark yet. You can also opt for a night ride if you prefer to see the city lights. The ride up has an audio recording as a tour of the views that you can see from different sides. The establishment is currently closed because of the pandemic but let's hope everything goes back to normal soon enough!

5:00 pm - Have a walk and dinner at Docklands

Glifesnaps melbourne australia travel itinerary

A walk at Docklands is a pretty nice way to end your day. Though there is not much going on in this area, I still think it's worth having a walk around, watch the sunset and perhaps wait for dinnertime to dine in one of the many restaurants by the docks.

6:00 pm - Bask in the city nightlights

Glifesnaps melbourne australia travel itinerary

After dinner in Docklands, head back to Flinders Lane and this time explore what the city has to offer at night time. I personally went to Woolies and Chemist Warehouse to do some more shopping, but there are tons of shops and pretty places to explore and take photos of at night. Melbourne is as beautiful at nighttime as it is during the daytime.

I don't think I can ever get enough of Melbourne. Maybe anyone who has been to Melbourne has left a piece of their heart there. It's just really, really lovely. It's that one place that you know you'll always want to go back to time and time again.

Downloadable Content

You may download a summary of this itinerary below. I added in details on how to get there, but I did not include costs this time. If you are reading this at the time that we are still in a global pandemic, be sure to research on the opening hours of the establishments for a smoother trip. Happy travels!

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Airline Travel During a Global Pandemic

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

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 Glifesnaps airline travel global pandemic

It goes without saying that travelling in general is challenging since the pandemic started in 2019. From travel bans to insanely expensive fees, travel is now frustrating in so many ways.

Having travelled a few months ago, I had a firsthand experience to how it is like. Experiences are always different for everybody, but here are a few things to consider or keep in mind before heading on to your next flight.

Get vaccinated.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to protect yourself before even going out of your house. If you do not like the idea of vaccination for other people's safety, do it for your own - this is a good kind of selfish. When you travel, you can only do so much to protect yourself. Even though passengers tested negative before the flight and the air inside the plane is purified, the risk is also at your destination.

Health insurance might be needed.

This was not required by the Canadian government for tourists, but when I travelled, the airlines back in the Philippines and the Philippine immigration officer asked me if I had one. It's a good thing I did have one. It might have been stressful for me if I didn't. So, before you travel, it might help if you check if the airlines, the destination or immigration office requires it.

Organise your documents.

In my case, I found that organising my documents by importance and labelling them on the side made it easier every time it had to be checked at the airport. This will really lift off a lot of airport stress.

Be earlier than usual.

All the documents checking, immigration, queues add up so much time especially if you have to transit. This differs by airport so check your airline's recommendation on how early you should be. Also make sure you have enough transit time in between flights.

Book direct.

A few years ago, I booked a flight via a travel agency website because it was cheaper. Unfortunately, I had to change the flight. I called the airlines to have it changed and they said they cannot do anything directly from their end because the flight was not booked direct. I was also advised that for flights that I may have to change or flights during critical dates, it is better to book direct if I wanted direct help from the airlines. I was able to change that flight, but the fees were very expensive. I had to pay all the airline charges plus the travel agency charges.

During these uncertain times, it might be better to book direct especially now that most airlines offer refund and/or free rebooking. Flight changes and cancellations will be easier to manage if you book direct.


Again, these are quite critical times and it is important to sanitise before touching your face. In the airplane, I made sure to sanitise the tray table and the window because I knew that's where I will have the most contact. I also carried my alcohol spray with me all the time and placed it in the outermost portion of my backpack, the one that is most easily accessible. Most importantly, I disinfected all my luggage after picking them up from the carousel and my shoes before leaving the airport.

Travel these days is a lot more complex, but it is still possible. Just make sure you have your complete documents and you have done your research beforehand. 

And even without a pandemic, always travel responsibly and travel safely.

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Uncle Tetsu's in Downtown Toronto | Takeaway Review

Sunday, January 9, 2022

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 Glifesnaps uncle tetsu toronto review

In our last trip to Toronto, we walked our hearts out to make it to the business hours of another cheese tart brand but we weren't able to make it. They only had two pieces left and they weren't the flavours we wanted so we went for the next best thing which was Uncle Tetsu's Cheesecake.

Their Toronto shop is in 598 Bay Street - just a few minutes walk from Eaton Centre. I am not sure if they had a dining in option pre-COVID but they only had takeaway when we went there.

Glifesnaps uncle tetsu toronto review

Their takeaways come in this cute paper bag which perfectly fits their cheesecake boxes. 

I have not tried Japanese cheesecakes before so I was excited to give this one a try. They also have another branch at the floor above Union Station foodcourt.

Glifesnaps uncle tetsu toronto review

It was almost closing time when we got there so there were only three chocolate flavoured cheese tarts and their original Japanese cheesecake. We should have known better about these popular pastry shops selling out their products earlier in the day.

Glifesnaps uncle tetsu toronto review

This is the famous Uncle Tetsu's Japanese cheesecake for $12 + tax. This was the one I was most excited for because it's the most hyped cheesecake (at least from what I've seen).

However, I am a bit underwhelmed because it was a little too plain and light for my liking. That could only be just because my preference is with richer desserts. Maybe if you have less tolerance for sweets or rich dessert or snack, you would really enjoy this.

Glifesnaps uncle tetsu toronto review

We also got their chocolate flavoured cheese tarts. I forgot how much they were though! I'll be sure to take a photo of the menus next time.

We walked in a -1 weather for a while and I ate this right when we got home and the crust was rock hard I almost did not enjoy it.

However, the chocolate filling is so decadent. There is a great blend of the sweet cream and richness of the chocolate flavour. It's also worth noting that this is not a very sweet dessert. I would willingly have this again and even try out their other flavours.

Final Verdict

My experience with Uncle Tetsu's takeaway was a 50-50 success. As I mentioned, the cheesecake just does not fall under my dessert preference but it is not bad at all. The chocolate flavoured cheese tarts is a real winner. Their customer service could improve a little more. Overall, the food is good and the packaging is great for a takeway experience.

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Mid-Day Walk at Downtown Toronto

Thursday, January 6, 2022

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Glifesnaps DowntownToronto fall 2021

A couple weeks ago, our family went to Toronto for personal reasons and we managed to sneak in a quick detour at the downtown area. We went on a Wednesday so it was not as crowded as usual that I managed to take a few quick snaps.

An urban jungle as it is, one cannot deny that Downtown Toronto has its own unique beauty. Whether it's the everyday life, the architecture, the food - there's always a pretty scene to take a photograph of. I'm still building up my confidence in street photography so my pictures are not yet remarkable but I am proud of them anyway.

Here's a few snaps from our mid-day walk at DT in Fall 2021.

Glifesnaps DowntownToronto fall 2021

I've taken this bus in the past during rush hour and oh dear, it was a challenge. I was used to the suburban buses where even if it gets full, it does not get so tense. However, given that this is a very busy city I understood the difference. The commute in DT is actually efficient so I'll give it props to that.

Glifesnaps DowntownToronto fall 2021

There's tons of food trucks much like NYC but with less queue. During the exchange program that I joined in the US, I lived off almost every meal from a food truck so I definitely want to try out what the Canadian food trucks have to offer.

Glifesnaps DowntownToronto fall 2021

Forgive me if this is a little too overexposed but the sun was blazing. I took this during noontime and I had no filter and no hood but I really wanted to take this photo so here it is. I am hoping for a better shot next time (fingers crossed).

It was a short but sweet trip Downtown and I was glad I get to take a few snaps to remember the day. There's still so much more of the place to take photos of.

Soon, we'll be back.

Glifesnaps DowntownToronto fall 2021

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Trying Out Laneige Moisturizers

Sunday, January 2, 2022

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Glifesnaps laneige moisturizer water bank

Beyond the hype over K-pop and K-drama is also a hype for all things K-beauty from makeup to skincare to whatever helps make one look pretty.

I've heard about this Laneige "water" products a long time ago but I never really bought into the hype because their skincare is too expensive for my liking. It was only until a few days back, my sister gave me deluxe sample sizes of the Laneige Water Sleeping Mask and the Water Bank Cream and I finally got to see for myself if this was worth the hype (at least in my opinion).

It is also great if you could grab travel or deluxe sample sizes of products that you are trying out. It will save you more money in the long run.

Laneige Water Bank Moisture Cream

Glifesnaps laneige moisturizer water bank

This product is targeted towards those with dryness, acne and blemishes. It promises to strengthen the defence barrier of the skin and keep it hydrated all day. It retails for CAD $50 in Sephora. 

This is a good moisturizer. I can honestly say that I really like how this feels on the skin. It's really lightweight but it still retains moisture well. It also has a tacky finish which also makes it a good makeup base. I can see this working for a lot of people even those with oily skin. It works really well in terms of hydration retention in the skin. 

Glifesnaps laneige moisturizer water bank

However, I think this is too expensive for what the basic function that it has. There's nothing special about it. When I wake up in the morning, I don't notice a significant effect that will make me want to throw away my other (cheaper) favourite moisturizer and splurge on this cream.

Laneige Water Sleeping Mask

Glifesnaps laneige moisturizer water bank

If I'm not mistaken, this is the product that really stirred up the hype with these "water" line from Laneige. I was a little excited to try this that I didn't even bother reading up about it. Given that it says it is a sleeping mask, I assumed it works like all other Korean sleeping masks. So, I ditched my regular moisturizer one night to try this on its own.

Well, that did not end well.

My naturally very dry skin was parched. For the first time in a long time my skin was extremely dehydrated. It has not been feeling extremely well since the start of the winter season but I never had it that bad. My pores were wide open that they looked like they are gasping for hydration. It was a very horrible experience. I layered it five times but my skin drank it all up and still looked so dehydrated.

I didn't know that I was supposed to use this on top of all my skincare as a final step. I tried that and with the moisture cream and I did not have a problem with it anymore. But the cream was already great on its own. I don't see the point of adding this on top of everything else. I don't feel like it's adding up to the benefits at all. 

Glifesnaps laneige moisturizer water bank

If you have another CAD $33 to spend for facial frosting, then you might want to try this out but I don't want to spend money on something that does not work and adds an extra step to my routine. So, I will not purchase the full size as well.

Final Verdict

The experience with Laneige moisturizers was pleasing but there was nothing special about both products. I really like the cream a lot but again, I'm not one to spend that much on a moisturizer. It hydrated okay but not enough to keep my skin peeling off during the winter. Both products also contain fragrance that are way up in the ingredients list and I know if I continue using these for a longer period of time, my skin will eventually be irritated.

These are pretty looking products, but these are two hard passes for me.

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