The Gift by Cecilia Ahern

Friday, December 16, 2022

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I was not one to specifically read Christmas-themed books during or leading up to the festive season but I thought this year, I would try it.

I've done a couple books and so far, even though I have yet to read a book that gets a good grip to my heart, I think I now understand why people love to read holiday or Christmas-y books during this time of the year. If you have any recommendations, please leave them down in the comments below or through the contact form of the website.

The Story

Lou Suffern is one of the best at his job. During the time of his life when he's chasing a much deserved promotion, he meets a homeless guy named Gabe who told him a few things about his coworkers as he has observed them.

Lou thinks that he's got it all together but in reality, he does not. He takes his loving wife for granted and never spends time with his family. He thinks just because he gives them the best that money can buy that it's already enough for them. 

Gabe gives him some pills that allows him to be in two places at once. For the ever busy Lou, this meant that he could still work for the promotion and be the family man that his wife and children have always wanted.

Little did he knew, this gift was not going to last very long but it's still the most precious one of all.

What I think...

This book reminds me of the Mitch Albom type of storytelling. There's a supernatural thing going on, but it's almost too real to be magical.

It's not very lengthy and the author does not go on describing the room for an entire chapter which I think is a very good thing for a story like this. There are parts though that I found just skimming through - like when Lou goes into a boating competition. It's not the author's fault, I just have not experience that to connect or understand it to the very least. 

If you think you're always out of time or you're not too confident that you know much of its value, this story might help shed a little bit of light. It's a great, light read. There's no intensity except at the very end. It's calm and chill like a good winter morning. I don't expect this to be a book that I would always remember, but it wasn't too bad as well.

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Being a General VA: FAQs and Common Misconceptions

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

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Do VAs do the same thing?

No. There are VAs who do general administrative tasks just like an executive assistant or secretary and they take care of a larger scope of daily tasks like answering phone calls and emails, managing meeting schedules, etc. There are also those who specialise in accounting, marketing, social media, graphic design, web development, software, customer service, etc. Whatever job that can be made virtual, it's a possible job for the VA. 

How much does a VA earn?

This can be from Php 8,000 to Php 80,000 or even higher. I heard some would earn six digits in a month but I've never personally known those people so I cannot vouch for that though that could be possible.  This highly depends on what your field is and how much experience you've had in that field. Those who specialise in graphics, software or websites have higher rates especially when they are hired direct. 

It depends on the scope of work, working hours and the size of a client's company. Your experience is also a great determining factor. Most clients don't really care about which school you came from but they care most about how well you can do the job.

Where do I apply?

There are tons of virtual assistant companies in the country that you can start off with if you don't have any experience. Clients pay a little lower if there is a middleman because they also have to pay the management but this is a good way for you to have a grasp of the job and how this whole thing works. You can find job listings on the local Indeed or MyNimo.

Your second option is to be hired via websites like Upwork. I have tried Upwork in the past but I don't excatly know how it works these days. From experience, in Upwork there is some sort of bidding for job listings based on your rate and skills. I have been told that there is so much competition in Upwork nowadays so also take that into consideration. The site also has fees but they're much lower compared to what a client pays at an office. If you're starting here, I suggest you go for shorter gigs or project based ones just to build up your portfolio and clientele.

The third option is to be hired direct. This option pays the highest because there are no additional fees on the client's side but this is also the trickiest to get. You can apply for this on websites like The best way is to be referred by a friend who's already working as a VA but this opportunity also comes by chance.

Do I have to be good in English?

The minimum would be that you can use the language to communicate well and convey your message accurately. Unless your job is reliant on your skill like writing jobs or research-related, then grammar is not a ride or die. 

It's just regular admin tasks, anyone even without experience can do that.

Oh the good ol' smarty pants. While generally the job is not as "grand" as what scientists, engineers, etc do, it still has its own special complexities. If you think making a reservation on a restaurant in behalf of someone is easy, you should also consider that the VA must take into account the ideal timings, communication, making sure that the restaurant is fit for your boss and/or the clients. 

Organising documents is easy? Then you may not have any idea that you have to categorise files and folders logically (and this logic differ for every department, company and industry) so that users can easily navigate themselves easier and not to mention all the technicalities that needs to be learned when using the cloud drives and the systems that the company is using.

The lesson here is that this, and no other job, is ever easy peasy. Remember that if it looks like someone is doing his job very easily, it may be. Just like any other job, a person needs to come in with an open mind and be willing to be trained.

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More ways to save money while travelling

Monday, December 12, 2022

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Travelling as we all know is a treat and just like all other treats, this costs extra money and man, can this be expensive. Travellers who just got enough for a trip often find themselves financially and physically drained after.

It can sometimes be a sorcery but it is possible to save some more money during your trip but it still is possible.

Here are some ways you can save more from your budget:

Shop for souvenirs from local grocery stores or local shops.

In my travels, I found that the best and cheapest way to find souvenirs are local grocery stores and local shops. Forget the good old ref magnets and keychain - a lot of times, people you give them to won't feel any connection to those because they were not on your trip or they have never been there.

But you know what always will establish a connection? Good and practical stuff like clothing pieces or accessories. Search the local grocery stores and look for food products that are locally made and produced. They can be food that are totally new or something already familiar to your taste buds and your destination might just have a different take on it. 

Buying local will not only help you discover hidden gems, but is also one of the most helpful things you can contribute as a tourist.

Take the public transportation.

This is one of a backpacker or budget traveller's most basic rules and may not be for everyone. This too will take research because there are public transportation systems that are far more confusing and can sometimes be dangerous. However, as much as you can and if you can, I would highly suggest taking public transport if you're just heading somewhere nearby. It's almost always cheaper than booking private car rides.

Bring as much of your essentials as you can.

If you're only travelling for a short period of time (say one or two weeks), you can definitely bring travel sizes of your most essential products. I know buying toiletries or other essentials in your destination can save you some hassle in packing liquids but it might add on to your expenses and might tip your budget off a little bit. It's not very practical if you already have those at home.

Go off the beaten path.

A lot of popular tourist destinations charge higher and that's not too bad, really. However, if you want another way to explore the local place without breaking the bank, you should try spots that are off the beaten path. There are tons and tons of spots that locals love that a lot of tourists don't know about. A great way to find these would be to research on travel blogs by locals or browsing forums like Reddit and TripAdvisor.

This can make your trip a lot more unique and meaningful.

Hope this helps somehow. Happy travels!

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Winter Street by Elin Hilderbrand

Friday, December 9, 2022

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I was never one to intentionally read Christmas-themed books around the holiday season but having read The Beautiful Little Things last changed that. I thought it was actually the best way to get into the Christmas spirit and actually escape to how other places and other people (though fictional) celebrate theirs.

The Story

The core of the book is about a family gathering for the most wonderful time of the year and of all the day in a year, this would be a time that when they dump all of their secrets and baggage for a little bit of drama. So, this is where it is.

Kelley, the father, used to be a New York corporate guy who decided to move into a small town and bought an Inn called Winter Street. Over time, business started to go south financially and as his business goes downhill, so did his second marriage. He found that his wife has been cheating on him for 12 years and decided to leave him days before Christmas.

So, the family members who are living separate lives found themselves drawn back to the Winter Street Inn for Christmas hoping that somehow it would mend the troubles they have on their own.

The Tip of the Iceberg

The chapters in the book give a closer look at each family member's life. We are treated with quite a few love stories or at least a glimpse of them. Actually, it's how I felt about the entirety of the book. I felt like it was a compilation of short stories that didn't even have substantial plots for me to appreciate or even just connect with them. 

The stories have potential and they could have been great if only they were given their chance to be elaborated. For example, I wanted more of Ava's story with Scott like how they met and how they realised they were in love. Or there's also Kevin's story which could have pretty romantic if only I knew more about them. Everything just felt cut short.

Happiness never ends?

Or was there an ending at all? I understand that this is a part of a series but most of the series I have read did have a solid plotline on each book and even if it leaves with a cliffhanger, I knew it was a indeed one and it does constitute to an ending no matter how much of a cliffhanger or open-ended it was.

This was different. It seemed like the writer just stopped writing or maybe left the rest out to the next book. It felt really odd at the end.

In conclusion...

As I've mentioned, this book had potential but I didn't like how I was just given tons of glimpses instead of a few, but substantial plotlines. 

I felt so disconnected with the book that I didn't even feel the holiday spirit at all. 

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A Peaceful Mind, A Happier Season

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

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I've heard time and time again how this is "the most wonderful time of the year" and while that still holds true, I do look back at previous holiday seasons and not very surprisingly I also know it's not always the case.

Sometimes, the holidays is just a mere distraction from all the bottled up feelings.

I mean it is very easy to get distracted when there's too much to do and too many people to be with. All the Christmas shopping, celebration, expenses, etc. 

Now that I am more awareness of my own mental state, I realised that the true way to be happy during the festive season is learning to have a calm mind despite the fuss and glitter during this time of the year.

It's no longer about being surrounded by a lot, but by being surrounded by those who matter even if that means sometimes it's only about being yourself or a handful of people you actually want to be around with.

It's the joy of actually picking out presents for those that you honestly like or not buying presents at all if it's not something I can afford. 

It's getting things done early and just kicking back and relaxing during the Christmastime.

It's the joy of knowing that I have everything I love and want and the season is just one of the best times to celebrate that gratitude.

This time, I am prioritising keeping a calmer mind and choosing my battles wisely (or not going to battle at all). I am not giving any space to anything that makes me unhappy. I don't force myself into situations and circles that I know I don't belong.

I know these are things that I should practice on a daily basis but I find it's a lot more challenging during the time when society dictates that you should be surrounded, celebrated, gifted and wrapped in the glamour.

In a Christmas season where I prioritise a calmer mind and choosing to personally be truly happy and okay is a much better way to celebrate it.

Happy festive season to you regardless of how you celebrate it or choosing not to. I wish you calmness, happiness and love.


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Doggo's Vet Visit: Kennel Cough and Anti-Rabies Vaccines

Monday, December 5, 2022

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Anti-rabies vaccine is probably my dog's most dreaded time of the year because he always gets it at the same time as his kennel cough vaccine on both sides of his body. Except the first time he's had these vaccines, he's never cried or screamed at the vet's. For the past years, he's been really great at taking them. I know he's trying to keep a straight face but I still see the flicker of fear that he lets out when he's at the clinic.

Our only trusted clinic in Cebu City

Ever since I got him, I have been taking him to Cebu Veterinary Doctors in F. Ramos Street. I heard they're priced a little higher than other clinics, but they have been trusted by my other relatives who have had dogs so I never thought of looking into other options.

Recording and taking photos of the clinic is not allowed so I don't have any to show, but their clinic is really spacious and clean. Their doctors and their staff are also very welcoming and friendly.

They only take walk-ins for both consultations and grooming. We went there at a Sunday which I heard has less doctors so things move a little slow. I recommend going there on other days instead.

In case you haven't been there before and you wish to take your pet there, here's the process:

  • Let the security guard know that you are new and you want a consultation or vaccines for your pet.
  • You will be given a form to fill out and a priority number/letter.
  • After you fill out the form, give it back to the security guard and he will be the one to give this to the reception for queuing. If you have vet card or any medical record from another clinic, be sure to give them to the security guard as well.
  • Wait for your turn to be called. They will call your pet's name and/or your priortity number/letter.
  • After the doctor administers all the necessary vaccines or your consultation, he/she will ask you to wait.
  • Your doctor will call you again after a while for further instructions.
  • Proceed to the cashier for payment. Do not pay before the doctor gives further instructions because that would mean he has not given your vet card to the cashier just yet.
  • If you are new to the clinic, they will give you a new vet card for free.

How much did it cost?

For this visit, my dog got his anti kennel cough vaccine for Php 470 and his anti rabies vaccine for Php 250. He had more vet visits on his first year but after that we only had to go back annually for these vaccines as well as his 5-in-1 booster shots.

How did he react this time?

He only got very sensitive on his first time but other than getting very sleepy, he was generally okay for the following years. This time though, he got sore after five hours. When we got home, he was his happy normal self but after a while, he would scream in pain when I picked him up how I normally would (picking him up like a baby) and when he jumped up and down the bed. To ease his pain, I would pick him up sliding my arm under his torso and lifting him up. I also gave him hot compress a few times as the vet suggested and this seemed to help a lot.

It's a good thing that he's appetite for food and water is completely normal so I'm not too worried. I might have to pick him up differently until he's better.

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The Beautiful Little Things by Melissa Hill

Friday, December 2, 2022

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With Christmas just a few weeks away, I think the timing is just right for stories set or centered on the most joyous time of the least for most.

The Beautiful Little Things is a story of an Irish family who just lost their mother, were horribly divided during their grief and brought themselves to their first Christmas without her.

We don't normally try to associate sadness with the Christmas holidays but this is actually the truth for some people and don't get taken aback by the theme of this book because beneath all the coldness is the warmth of love of one very important thing this season - family.


The book starts with a Christmas celebration in the Moore household in Ireland. The children Joanna, Romy and Matt have all grown up and are living their lives quite far from home. However, they make it a point to always be together in their parents' home during the Christmas season where they keep good old traditions alive. 

That year though, was different. Despite them coming home with their own heavy baggage, they left with a much heavier load to carry which was their mother's terminal illness. They did try to keep it together even if they went back to their lives after the celebration but nothing could ever prepare them for what came next.

Drifting Apart

When their mother's condition reached its end, the siblings were brought back together again. Brought together in an event of utter sadness, the time also brought with it the worst sides of the siblings. What happened during  their mother's funeral tore the family apart and with their father also too distraught to keep the family together, they all eventually fell apart.

Home for Christmas

Like how the story started, the Moore siblings without even planning it, came back to their home in Ireland for Christmastime. They used to be welcomed by smiles and warm embraces, but this time it was just as gloomy as when they last saw each other.

Desperate to honour their mother's memory, Romy convinced her family to relive their family traditions following what the note that their mother left behind. Considering they still haven't made ammends, it was obviously very difficult to force themselves into the traditions built around love and happiness.

In conclusion...

The only two things I didn't like very much were the use of the word "albeit" way too often and the lengthy parts where I just dissociated with the story - there was half a chapter just about building a gingerbread house and another treading on a cooking scenario. 

It is also worth noting that the story shifts into three POVs: Joanna, Rory and a third person. There were no labels of which POV a section or a chapter was but it was too obvious that I didn't have a difficult time identify who's POV was it.

I have never read any book (as far as I can recall) about Irish Christmas traditions and I was very amused by the Moore family traditions. It had a lot of similarities with what I am used to, but its uniqueness is also very lovely.

This book didn't really make a very strong mark on me but it was really good while it lasted. It's sad, it's heartwarming, a tear-dropper at times...emotions that a lot of us feel during the Christmas season even if we don't fully relate to what they're going through. 

I think this would be perfect to those who recently lost their loved ones or are truly missing someone for the holidays.

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Seven Days, Four Cities in a Backpack: Itinerary for a Trip to Singapore, Cambodia, Vietnam and Bangkok

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

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Vietnam Mekong Delta glifesnaps

A tri-city trip to Vietnam, Bangkok and Cambodia is a part of many traveller's bucket list because other than the richness in cultures that these countries boast, they are also relatively near to each other that it's very fast and easy to move around. I have been holding off writing this specific itinerary for so long because it is far too elaborate that I didn't know how to approach this without being too lengthy. 

I will be going through per country for the guides and you will find a detailed itinerary available for download at the end of this pot.

If you have been planning to go on this sought-after trip but don't know exactly where and how to start, I hope this helps you out a little bit. Given that this packs quite a lot of spots in a very limited number of days, expect that you will be very exhausted and you will have to move fast. 

So, pack up your 7kg backpack and let's get to planning.


The trip to Singapore is only a side-trip. The key here is to book a flight via Scoot because they have trips with layovers over 20 hours. Check for the earliest trip with the longest layover.

When you get to Singapore, don't go to transfers. Instead, follow the arrow that leads to the immigration  counters. Present all your necessary documents such as flight itinerary, hotel bookings, tour bookings, etc and let them know you will only be staying in Singapore for a number of hours since you have a next flight.

Glifesnaps singapore jewel

Jewel Changi Airport. After immigration, take a train to the Jewel Changi. You will find signages for "Jewel" or you can also ask the airport staff for directions to the train to the Jewel. 

There is no free to enter, but expect tons of tourist especially during the daytime. I suggest you go up high as you can where you can take better photos.

Glifesnaps singapore skyline

I know Singapore has so many other places but if you have limited time, the spots you should visit that really does not take too much effort and time would be the Esplanade, Raffles Hotel, Merlion Park and Marina Bay Sands. You can also sneak in some time to go to Chinatown the following morning before your next flight.

And don't forget to try famous local Singaporean dishes!


Glifesnaps vietnam ho chi minh saigon

Vietnam is a truly charming country - with tons of motorcycles. The sound of beeping horns are just too frequent that is almost sounds like music. The Vietnamese culture is a unique and rich one. For this trip, let's check something very important and should be in you travel bucket list: a tour of the Mekong Delta.

On your first day, you should go on a walking tour around Ho Chi Minh or take a Grab car around. If you're staying in the city centre, you should be able to go to the War Remnants Museum, Notre Dame Cathedral, Saigon Central Post Office and perhaps catch a show at The Opera House.

Vietnam's culture is still very much embedded in their architecture so a walking tour is a very great experience.

Glifesnaps ho chi minh saigon vietnam boat

On the second day,  I booked a Mekong Delta Excursion Tour via Klook which is a join-in tour that takes you through some pagodas as well as the famous river tour. The tour also includes a lunch highlighting a few local Vietnamese cuisine. I will be posting a separate post about this full day excursion in detail. You can book the full day excursion tour for less than Php 1500 per person here.


If you follow the downloadable itinerary, you will arrive in Phnom Penh in Cambodia in the afternoon. As of today, I cannot find a bus that travels from Ho Chi Minh directly to Siem Reap which is where this itinerary focuses in. Siem Reap is where Angkor Wat is located and it is around 6 hours by bus from Phnom Penh.

Glifesnaps Phnom Penh cambodia

Since the night bus to Siem Reap leaves at 11:00pm, you have a few hours on your hand in Phnom Penh. There are plenty of options: you can rent a room for a few hours to take a rest, hang out at a cafe, or look for local food spots and nightlife. Just be sure that you are sober enough to make it to the night bus.

You should not also try and see the Grand Palace as well as the Wat Phnom Temple. I lost my photos for those places but they're also very beautiful and picture perfect.

Angkor wat temple cambodia glifesnaps

When you arrive in the morning, take the tuktuk from the bus station to your hotel and request for an early check in. You can book a Grab Tuktuk in Cambodia. They also trade in US dollars which means you can pay for anything using that currency. The only place I would suggest if you could only go to one place in Cambodia, it would be the Angkor Wat temples. My regrets were that I did not prepare my outfit and gadgets properly. I could have made the most out of my tri if I did. It is still in my bucket list to go back someday and visit every single temple.


bangkok thailand river

This would be the last country on this seven-day trip and by this time, you'll most likely be very exhausted. Bangkok is just like a lot of busy Asian cities and it can get overwhelming even if you are used to it. Traffic can get really bad and there are crowd surges during rush hours as expected.

What I recommend is that you take things a little slow on this stop. I know the past few days almost seemed non-stop and very rushed so in Bangkok, you can spend all the remaining days visiting maybe a couple temples near the city and to go shopping. Bangkok is a hotspot for budget and even luxury shopping. Hit up the markets and shop and eat to your heart's content. 

bangkok thailand Wat Benchamabophit

I hope I was able to cover the necessary details, but I am also thinking of making detailed itineraries for those countries if I can still remember as much - it has been a looong time ago.

This is not for the faint of hearts and this definitely is not for the staycation loving types of travellers. However, I think this is still a great cultural adventure, the greatest that you may experience in a lifetime.

Happy travels!

Downloadable Content

Click the button below to download the pdf file of that contains all the details of this seven-day itinerary to Singapore, Cambodia, Vietnam and Bangkok. 

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The Spanish Daughter by Lorena Hughes

Friday, November 25, 2022

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Books have the power to let your mind transcend across times, cultures and almost every aspect of life. I don't always come across books of women disguising as men so I was quite intrigued by this one. 

This is the story of Maria Purificacion a.k.a. Puri who embarked on a journey to Vinces, Ecuador with her husband who was an aspiring writer to claim a generous inheritance. While they were still on their way, a strange man threatened Puri's life, ending her husband's in her defence. Distraught, Puri felt that she couldn't reveal her identity in fear that one of those who knew about her inheritance wanted her dead. So, donning her husband's clothes and identity, she marched into the cacao plantation that her father left her and investigated the family that she didn't know about.

Rocky start

I didn't feel so connected with the book in the beginning. There were a couple of things that I wasn't sure I followed and some that just annoyed me.

For example, the night her husband was killed, they got into an argument that he wasn’t paying attention to what she wanted to do because he was too busy writing his book. However, on a much more present day when she was already missing her husband, she described him as someone who’s always eager to please her. That he didn't want to come to Vinces but went against his will for her.

There were far too many repetitions of “did he/she recognise my disguise” or expressions of relief that she is not being recognised. It does remind me of when someone is hiding from another person and keeps asking “did he see me?” Like, we get it, you’re doing a great job in disguise now please stop talking about it because we’ll definitely know when your mask has fallen.

Unveiling the masks

Puri did not knew about her father's family since he never talked about them. It just made sense that she would doubt all of their characters and intentions. She bought herself two weeks by lying that Puri died in the boat due to influenza and her death certificate would take that long to process. She took this time to get to know her siblings and her father's trusted worker, Martin. 

Instead of hate, she began to grow sympathy for them. Angelica did all that she can to gain her father's approval though her father always made sure to make her feel that was always second to Puri, the only legitimate child. Catalina, her other sister, was held up to saintly expectations but was secretly living a double life as a regular human being with sins. Her brother Alberto was a priest and even if he made a big mistake, he's also didn't seem like he could take the life of another. Lastly, Martin has been loyal to her father even after his death. Even if he expressed interests in buying her share, he also had some good in him.

Puri found herself at crossroads of vigilance and sympathy for the people she could call as family.

Family Secrets

We are treated to not only Puri's point of view in this book but also some of Catalina and Angelica's childhood as well. To be honest, I didn't really find their point of views very significant and I scanned my way through most of it. I thought their POVs could have just been conversations not very lengthy and detailed versions.

Like the good Spanish fictional family drama that we're familiar with in television, this also has a great deal of that. We find one secret after another and we could only hope as the story progressed that this too, would give us clues on who threatens Puri's life. 

At some point, I felt what I thought Puri might have felt - the confusion on who to point fingers to. 

In conclusion...

This was a good, easy read. There was a lot of family drama, secrets, just a tiny bit of romance and some quaint mystery. At times I did feel disconnected to the book but I still persisted because I knew something good was going to come out of it.

This is not the best book on my list. Nonetheless, it's very fascinating and very interesting.

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My Whys and Hows: Cooking and Freezing Meals in Batches

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

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One of the problems that I kept running in to when living alone was not being able to use fresh ingredients before they go bad and getting tired of the cook-eat-wash cycle in an almost daily basis. It was only until recently when I saw someone on Tiktok freeze cooked meals to eat for a week that I asked myself...

"Why didn't I think of that any sooner?"

I know I should have thought of this sooner but for some reasons I just didn't. I stay at home all the time so I have always thought that I don't have an excuse not to cook. However,  food supplies were getting more expensive and daily cooking was just consuming too much time and resources so I just knew this would help me a lot not only to stretch out my food resource but also to save time and utilities.

Checking how long food can last when frozen

Before I plan to cook something for days, I always search and check how long they can last (cooked) in the freezer. Freezing food can actually stretch its life span to weeks and even months. What I do is I let the food cool down to room temperature, pack them and store them in the freezer. I cook lunch and dinner for up to five days at a time. This usually consists of two different dishes just for variety.

Packing in individual servings

For both the rice and the viand, I make sure to pack each container with individual servings for each meal. That way, I will only reheat what I know I can finish for one meal. I don't do those meal prep meals that we can find on Pinterest. I just cook the ones I regularly eat. Nothing really special.


Most microwave ovens nowadays have a defrost setting. In my case, I use the defrost setting for my food for a minimum of two minutes. This setting is very low and definitely is not a miracle defrost worker but it does help lower down the temperature. At times I also just take it out of the freezer 30 minutes to an hour before heating it up. 

After that, I heat my food up in the microwave high for at least  two minutes and that will get it nice and warm. If it's still a little bit cold in the center, I mix it up in the container before heating it again on high for another one minute. 

I know this seems to simple and maybe even a no-brainer for some or maybe others will think this is just me being lazy but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. I'm just happy that I discovered this because I have been having a delight using the time that I should have used for daily cooking to other activities instead. It is also great to know that even if I get lazy or tired from work, I wouldn't have to get up and do the entire cooking ordeal because all I have to do is to heat up what I already have. Personally, I think they still taste the same even if they have been frozen for days.

If you also live alone and you're thinking of doing this as well, I highly suggest you give this one a try and see how much you can save as well.

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General VA Tasks Basics: Social Media Management

Monday, November 21, 2022

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Are you tasked of "babysitting" your boss' or the company's social media page? Is this something totally new to you? Then, this post is for you. 

Other businesses would hire marketing professionals who specialise in high returns of social media activities. This entails so much complexity that requires experience in copy writing, marketing, social media use, advertising, etc. 

However, if your boss is just asking you to babysit a social media account which means you just have to make sure you have posts up enough to have an online presence then this post might help you get started.

This is the third in my mini series of becoming or being a virtual assistant where I talk about what the basics that I know of the common tasks for a virtual assistant. I will leave the links to the other posts at the end.

Branding and Audience

Some might think that this task may seem easy because who does not have social media nowadays, right? Wrong. You should distinguish the line between personal and a brand's social media impact. Even if you are managing another person's social media if the point at the end of the day is for profit, then you should look at this as a brand. There are two things that you should wrap your head around at this stage: branding and audience. Branding basically is how you want to be seen to a larger group of unknown people and audience is that group of unknown people. Study and learn the answers to what the branding strategy is and who are your audience by asking your boss what image does the business want to achieve or maintain and who is/are your target audience. Once you have the basic grasp of these two things, you can begin researching.

Very basic research

Just because you're just babysitting a social media account does not mean you just go to town with what you do. You have to do some research on the extent of the company's products and services and all the topics that relate to those products and services. For example, if the business is selling slimming teas, you can also research related articles and facts on healthy eating, exercise, wellness, etc.

You also have to research on who your audience is. If your audience is a group of young professionals then the basic thing you should know could be things like what are the jobs of the majority of these people and what time do they usually work - with this information, you can determine a schedule of your posts based on what time they commute to and from work and NOT during their work hours. Another example is knowing the artists and influencers they typically listen to and studying how those influential people communicate with them. This would be an easy way to know what language your audience easily hears and you can adjust accordingly. Study your audience like how you would study a person you're interested in.

Creating graphics and media content

For a lot of social media platforms like Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook and the likes, graphics and other media content like videos, webinars are the main tools of communication. Your work will involve creating these graphics to share to your page. This will be a challenge especially if you have zero experience in graphic design or you think you are just not creative for these sorts of things. Be not afraid, Canva will be your best starting tool. A lot of businesses and social media managers now rely on this very easy to use graphic design platform that is free to use (with options for premium membership). I think even someone who has absolutely no idea how to create graphics would be able to learn how to use Canva within an hour. There are tons of template that are perfect for a wide variety of businesses and when you're confident enough, you can also start creating your own. You can access the site here.

If you're still scared of using Canva for the first time, here is a two-hour online course for free on how to use the platform to create visuals for businesses.

Writing the captions/copy

These are the texts that come with every post that you share even if you are just posting an image or just simply sharing another article. It is important that you have a caption and your writing style would be strongly tied to the business branding. Those without experience in writing will find this challenging but don't pressure yourself too much if you're just starting. You can also directly quote the article but for heaven's sake do not forget the quotation marks if you do. If you are sharing a graphic with text on it, do not retype the same text in your caption (it's just weird) - instead, write something in the caption that expands the thought that is expressed in the image's text.

The neat trick that you can apply is to keep it short and sweet. The less you say, the less chances of being misinterpreted.

This will take practice but you'll be able to learn this fast with consistency. Make sure your grammar is correct (you can always use Grammarly) and your message is clear, non-offensive and non-degrading.

Social media calendar

A very efficient way would be to plan your posts in advance into a social media calendar. You can also have your boss check this for you so you'll know what to adjust before actually posting it. You can create one with the many online tools available but you can also create it in the good ol' Microsoft Word if you have too much on your learning plate already. This is not necessary, but a great way to always have a post up for consistency.

Insights and Statistics

The good news is that if you're only tasked with the very basic social media management, then you don't have to create your own study of how effective your social media activities are. However, insights are available across all platforms for business accounts if you're wondering how people respond to your posts, who are the people responding and what times they usually respond. These types of information will help you create better and more effective content.

I hope this short guide will help ease your anxiety if you're ever tasked with basic social media management. Until the next one!

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After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Friday, November 18, 2022

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Before anything else, I would like to declare that Taylor Jenkins Reid (TJR) is probably one of my absolute favourite modern writers. This is my first book and I still have to discover her other works but I was just so highly impressed by her storytelling and writing skills on this one that I just knew she's just going to be one of the best in my list.

Anyway, I picked this up because this was on sale and I wanted to explore TJR's style before I dive in to the more expensive (and never goes on sale) The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. I found myself in awe even at the first few pages and it just kept getting better.

The Story

This book is the story of Lauren and Ryan's marriage as it crumbles years after they fell in love and tied the knot. When the spark seemed to have ceased, they found themselves irritated by each other more than they ever thought they would. They saw every crack in their relationship and each other. 

The story starts out with Lauren and Ryan arguing where they parked which is something so menial but may also be something that a lot of married couples would argue over some time in their lives. This argument led into a strange arrangement. They agreed to a "trial separation" for one year and decide what to do with their marriage after that.

"I’ve come to realize that resentment is malignant. That it starts small and festers. That it grows wild and unfettered inside of you until it’s so expansive that it has worked its way into the furthest, deepest parts of you and holds on for dear life."


We're also taken through the first time they met, when they started dating, starting their life together and getting married. All that, I believe, were really written so well that it did broke my heart when I had to go back to the present time when they are "trial separating". 

Ryan and Lauren tried to live their lives separately with the hopes that the time apart will fix what is broken.

What I think...

This book may not be TJR's most famous works but it sure is beautiful in its own way. It does not have much of the usual cheesy moments - this is a lot more raw and depicts a troubled marriage more realistically. Like Lauren's grandma, I don't quite agree of a trial separation because if you're going to fix something, you put your heads together and fix it together. However, TJR told the story so well that even if you don't like the idea so much, you'd still bear this happily until the end because you want Lauren and Ryan to have their happy ending whether it's together or permanently apart.

I am really looking forward to reading more of TJR especially her highly raved about works because this just blew my socks off. 

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Solo Living 101: Budgeting when you only have just enough

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

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Living alone gives room for a lot of freedom to make personal choices, but it also does not come cheap. There are no divisions to the expenses so planning your expenses and sometimes getting short is not an option.

I am not by any means a financial expert. I still have a long way to go before I even come close to that. This post will not get you rich nor does it have any hacks to magically give you large monthly savings. These are practical tips and thoughts to keep in mind when planning your finances in a month in order to survive well and enough alone without needing to call for back up.


It is okay if you're only making enough to get by.

I know there are tons of financial advice of a said ratio on how you spend your money. As ideal as it sounds, it is just not everyone's reality. Sometimes, a person only makes enough to have at least 5 or 10% of their total income to save. There is nothing wrong with that as long as you have paid your financial obligations and you are providing your basic needs. Maybe someday you'll be able to follow and have a substantial amount in savings, but if it's not possible for now there is no reason to feel bad about it.

Do not go into debt.


Having your finances on the negatives, even no matter how little it is, can topple your financial planning and can have drastic effects. Debt is a hole you don't want to dig because it will only get deeper. It is true, there are good and bad debts, but be sure that you are earning enough to still be stable. Seek for advise from your bank or a trusted expert on finances to see if a specific debt is something you are able to pay for.

Have clear outline of your leisure spend.

It is important that you know how much you have to pay for the basic expenses such as rent/mortgage, utilities, transportation, food, clothing, insurance etc with a little bit of allowance for each. Whatever is left could either be for your savings or for leisure spend. It is important that you do spend some for yourself for pampering or other hobbies, but make sure this is not a rock that will drown down your boat. Have some clear boundaries of how much your leisure spend is limited to.


Have more of your meals at home

There is nothing wrong with eating out once in a while, but you will be surprised how fast and how much it adds up if you do it very often. The advantage of having more meals at home is you can control your grocery expense and it is just cheaper if done right. There are tons of quick but delicious recipes and you can also meal prep if you don't have time or just not very willing to cook everyday. 

Learn to compromise.

Unless you are some millionaire's child (in which case you really don't need to be reading topics like this) or you're just ultra rich, you will have to learn to compromise when you are living alone. There are a lot of things that are not paid off by someone else anymore. 

Your bills are your own to pay. Naturally, you will have to give up a lot of fancy lifestyle choices or simply just your splurges. Your essentials will  have to take over and the extras to the backseat. If don't really think it's possible to be able to live a lifestyle beyond your income and at the same time, pay your bills - well maybe it is, but you'll be in debt.

Oprah Winfrey said, 

"You can have it all, you just can't have it all at once."

In an ideal world, we'd all be rich and we'd all have everything we want or money won't even be a social commodity. But for now, we'll have to live with what we got and we have to make it work.

Hope this helps!

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There’s No Reason to Feel Bad if You’re Not Getting the Chance to Travel

Monday, November 14, 2022

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When I was in college, I was told that, "Cebu ra na siya kutob" (She's not going beyond Cebu). At that time, I didn't know exactly what it meant. It was until later on I realised that the person was saying that I will never get the chance to travel anywhere else because the person didn't see me succeeding. She didn't think I could actually make it in life - not that I would I equate success with travel, but that is how the person does believe it.

Years later, I had a handful of people asking me how I was able to travel and it all really boils down to the sheer will to save up and chances. I was lucky enough to be sent to the United States as an exchange student and the trips to Australia were all paid business trips. For the cheaper destinations, it really was pure will and a concrete plan to save up.

I didn't expect that I would actually prove that person wrong. The universe just gave me the many, many chances to build up a fulfilling life for myself.

Why am I telling you this story?

It's because I was made to think that success is measured by the stamps in your passport. I was made to think that they are successful and I was not because I have not been outside of the country or have been inside an airplane that time. I didn't expect then that I would have travels and lessons that I would be able to write about.

The world is now telling us that travel is a commodity. Travel gets rub into our faces that we sometimes feel bad of not being able to do it. Others drown in debt just to be able to say they have travelled. We're not treating travel the reality that it is after all a luxury.

In reality, if you're only getting by as much as you can and trying to ends meet, it will take months or even years to be able to save for a trip. If you are trying to reach more important goals or just simply trying to provide for yourself or your family, you should feel the same satisfaction as stepping in to a foreign place. Don't worry about travel, you will have the chance when you are financially able to do so. If for now staying is what life allows you, then staying is as precious as anything else.

There is no reason to feel bad about not being able to go anywhere. There is no reason to feel bad about not being able to afford it.  It's not reasonable to be jealous of those who have other people or their credit cards paying for their trips. For a lot of us, we have to save up the little of the disposable income we have. If you're saving for a trip that you're fully paying yourself, then every single cent that you add to your travel funds is enough to be  proud because it gets you closer to your goal.

Our lives are all paced differently. We have different priorities, different chances. 

Your chance may not be now but don't give up hoping that someday it will.

For now, enjoy home and look forward to being someplace else one day.

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Carnegie's Maid by Marie Benedict

Friday, November 11, 2022

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I have read about a lot of fictional couples in books a lot more than I can remember this has to have the most odd love (if you can even call it that) of them all.

Set in the 1860s America, Clara is a young Irish immigrant who just came to America and assumed the identity of a lady who has the same name as her but passed on the ship she was on. With experience way less experience than the lady whose identity she assumed, she became a maid to Mrs. Carnegie. She captured the attention of one of Mrs. Carnegie's sons, Andrew whom she calls "the elder Mr. Carnegie" at the most part.

An odd love story

When I read that this book was about a young maid who charmed her master, I thought that this would just like a lot of stories that have a similar plotline but I was wrong.

Clara, even though she didn't have the educational and work background than the original Clara Kelly, she was still very much smart in her own ways. She was the daughter of a farmer who did not fail to encourage them to read and learn things. Her wit and her curiousity was what really drew Andrew Carniege to her. They started spending a lot of time together discussing about business, poetry, literature and whatever they found amusing.

When I say this is an odd love story, I meant it in a good way. Their kind of "love" is not full of raging passion, but theirs is something that's built on shared interests and learning from each other. Andrew did helped Clara put her ideas into action and eventually giving her back financially from that. 

Clara thought of Andrew as more than just a master and a friend and Andrew expressed his interests of actually having a future with Clara. It was actually heartbreaking how when Clara got caught by Mrs. Carnegie, she just immediately left without saying her goodbyes and even if she did stay in Philadelphia, she never came back to Andrew even he did as much as he can to find her. 

Their "love" story is the kind that's in between friendship and strong romantic love - you definitely know it was there, but it was never strong enough to make them fight for it.


The reason why Clara was sent to America was to help her family. They were farmers in Ireland but their land was already under compromise because of her father's political beliefs. She constantly worries about them and her position in the Carnegie household.

I believe this is why whatever love or affection she felt for Andrew Carnegie never really strengthen or took off because she wanted to keep her job and provide for her family for as long as she can. She wanted to be with him, but she also knew why she was even there in the first place.

Clara is a 1860s representation of a lot of immigrants who journeyed to other countries for their families. It may not be always love, but it can also be hobbies, desires, experiences or even material things that the immigrant worker has to sacrifice just to make sure the family he or she leaves behind survives. 

In conclusion...

Even though this book did not have much intensity, but I still very much loved how it went. It's a little slow paced  which others might find boring. There really isn't much going on in this book and I found myself just flowing with Clara's relatively long journey. 

This is a very easy read that does not compromise sensibility or quality and I never found myself tangled in Marie Benedict's writing style. 

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