The Times When I Chased Sunsets

Monday, December 6, 2021

I have always found sunsets so mesmerising ever since I've witnessed one. Whether sunsets are in photographs, in paintings and even so much more in person. 

When I spent some time back in my hometown, I saw a lot of breathtaking photographs of sunsets by local photographers. So when I got the chance to properly use a DSLR, I just knew I had to try and take some myself.

As a matter of fact, it's because of sunsets that I really challenged myself to learn the craft. I still have a long way to go but I have no doubt I'm glad that I got started.

Glifesnaps Sunset Photography

This is probably the sunset photo I am proudest of so far. I was still a noob so I knew almost nothing of composition and I only knew little about the settings. However, in the best of timing, nature just simply worked things out and gave me a chance to take this shot that resembled the sun falling into a goblet of fire.

Glifesnaps Sunset Photography

Chasing sunsets not only helped out my photography, but it also has made me understand why photographers never got tired of taking photos of it and why people choose to spend their afternoons just staring at it when they get the chance.

Other than family and familiarity, sunsets would be what I miss most about the island. Maybe it's the peace of just appreciating its beauty or maybe it's how it colours the sky before and after it sets each day and each day it does so uniquely - or maybe it's both or everything about it.

Let's hope we all get the chance to see one again soon.

Glifesnaps Sunset Photography

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