Mid-Day Walk at Downtown Toronto

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Glifesnaps DowntownToronto fall 2021

A couple weeks ago, our family went to Toronto for personal reasons and we managed to sneak in a quick detour at the downtown area. We went on a Wednesday so it was not as crowded as usual that I managed to take a few quick snaps.

An urban jungle as it is, one cannot deny that Downtown Toronto has its own unique beauty. Whether it's the everyday life, the architecture, the food - there's always a pretty scene to take a photograph of. I'm still building up my confidence in street photography so my pictures are not yet remarkable but I am proud of them anyway.

Here's a few snaps from our mid-day walk at DT in Fall 2021.

Glifesnaps DowntownToronto fall 2021

I've taken this bus in the past during rush hour and oh dear, it was a challenge. I was used to the suburban buses where even if it gets full, it does not get so tense. However, given that this is a very busy city I understood the difference. The commute in DT is actually efficient so I'll give it props to that.

Glifesnaps DowntownToronto fall 2021

There's tons of food trucks much like NYC but with less queue. During the exchange program that I joined in the US, I lived off almost every meal from a food truck so I definitely want to try out what the Canadian food trucks have to offer.

Glifesnaps DowntownToronto fall 2021

Forgive me if this is a little too overexposed but the sun was blazing. I took this during noontime and I had no filter and no hood but I really wanted to take this photo so here it is. I am hoping for a better shot next time (fingers crossed).

It was a short but sweet trip Downtown and I was glad I get to take a few snaps to remember the day. There's still so much more of the place to take photos of.

Soon, we'll be back.

Glifesnaps DowntownToronto fall 2021

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