Finding Happiness

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

 Glifesnaps finding happiness self help

It's true that you can never teach genuine happiness, you can only radiate so much of it that somehow it sheds a light on someone else's life and give hope. 

There are some points in our lives that the loop of sadness seem to be going on for days or years on end. Sadness turns to rage or self pity or just simply loneliness. Almost suddenly that one day, a mask just starts to form on top of the sadness - that mask is what people see and since it is easier to live that way, we just stick with it and hope that someday it will go away.

But what I learned with happiness is that it does not come to you, you have to find it.

I wish I could teach you how to directly find your happiness but no one can really do that except maybe a therapist. However, I could share some ways to help navigate your way around this broken road that many seek. I am not a therapist or a life expert, these are just a few things I have learned myself.

Be honest with your sadness

One of the worst things about one's feelings is that admitting it makes it real, but that is the first step to actually doing something about it. Living everyday life enforcing false positivity in yourself or making excuses for why you are not living your life's full potential are just temporary fixes. You don't deserve that. 

You don't necessarily have to tell everyone or anyone about it. The only important thing is that you admit it to yourself. Then, ask all the reasons why you are sad so you can start paving ways to finally be happy.

Do something about it

There's no amount of inspirational quotes, books or videos that can change your situation unless you actually do something about it. Find what you are most comfortable with, try applying them to your life and see if it works. If it does not, then move on to something else.

Do something until something works.

Do something until you're finally there.

Do not stop or else you will get stuck over and over again. Don't wait that you will get used to sadness and be there forever. To be happy is to actually stand up and find what makes you happy.

Surround yourself with those who you want to be with

Time and time again I have heard of that your life will only be as good as the people you surround yourself with. There is so much value in the company you keep and this has nothing to do with quantity or how they are related to you. We often receive a lot of damage from those who call themselves our family or friends.

Don't settle for mediocre relationships. Don't settle for relationships "just because". You must actually want to keep the relationship to keep having it. You may be left with a small percentage of them, but at least they're actually the ones worth having.

Be with those who are not only for the good times but also those who can see you for who you are but who choose to love you anyway. These are the relationships that thrive.

Your happiness is precious, don't let others weigh that down. 

I hope somehow this helps. Sadness is a normal human emotion but even that is not an excuse to just let yourself drown in it.

Save yourself. Find your happiness.

Stop faking it until you make it. Do something to actually make it.

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