Our 2021 Year-Ender at The Winter Village

Friday, December 31, 2021

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Glifesnaps distillery winter village 2021

Life has certainly been full of ups and downs this year. We all thought this pandemic would be over but it was not. The chance to spend holidays in Canada was pretty hazy to me, but the universe gave me a plot twist and all these happened.

To cap off the year and celebrate, we decided to hit the last day of the famous Winter Village at The Distillery District.

Glifesnaps distillery winter village 2021

The Winter Village's tree is the most crowded area most likely because it's actually very pretty. We took quite a few photos with the tree. Getting a good photo spot is a bit challenging because there's just tons of people but I'm happy we took a lot of good ones for ourselves.

Glifesnaps distillery winter village 2021 Glifesnaps distillery winter village 2021

I think the shops are what completes the charm in the village. They are like the ones we see in the European winter villages. Although there were a lot of them closed due to COVID, it was still fun having a look around and see what treats were available to buy.

Glifesnaps distillery winter village 2021

Glifesnaps distillery winter village 2021Glifesnaps distillery winter village 2021

Christmas is not yet over when we went to the Winter Village.

The fee to enter from 4:00 pm was CAD $10.26 (including taxes and fees) and proof of vaccination was required. We've read reviews that the experience is underwhelming. However, I strongly disagree to that.

It may not be the grandest of all winter villages and my feet were sore by the end of the night but I still think it's worth every penny. It felt like a wonderland for me. I have always wanted to experience these kinds of "winter villages" like the ones I saw on movies and I can gladly say the experience was one for the books.

Glifesnaps distillery winter village 2021

While we are surely far from going back to normal, 2021 still gave me the best few months to end it. 

I think it's the same for a lot of us. We might have been going through different things and it may have been more difficult to others, but I hope we still take a moment to see the good in our lives and realise that somehow we're still so much blessed than we deserved.

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Ethereal Niagara Falls

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

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 Glifesnaps niagara falls night time

Last October, we went to Niagara and I was extremely excited because this time, taking photos is a priority. I remember when I was in Niagara for the first time a few years back, I think I only took around five photos and I only liked two of them. 

Geared up with a tripod, a telephoto lens and some strong will to nail long exposure shots of the fall, I came prepared and I was not disappointed.

Four Seasons 

The next four photos are the "American side" of the falls. When I was taking the photos, I didn't think too much of what colours I was taking I just took tons everytime they changed the colours.

During post processing I realised that the four photos that I liked most seemed to represent the colours of the four seasons.

Glifesnaps niagara falls night time
Warmth of fall

Glifesnaps niagara falls night time
Chills of winter

Glifesnaps niagara falls night time
Vibrance of spring

Glifesnaps niagara falls night time
Deep water of summer

Fire and Ice

The Horeshoe Falls a.k.a. the "Canadian side" is majestic at any time of the day but even more beautiful at nighttime with the lights. 

This was a lot more tricky because I had to get close enough to get a good shot but still I had to be careful that my gear won't get blown away by the wind or get soaked too much. I'm just thankful that I brought the correct lens to get the job done.

For the Horshoe Falls, the colours that I was able to witness and take shots of reminded me of the poem Fire and Ice by Robert Frost.

Glifesnaps niagara falls night time


"Some say the world will end in fire,


Glifesnaps niagara falls night time


Some say in  ice 


Glifesnaps niagara falls night time


From what I tasted of desire,
I hold with those who favour fire.


Glifesnaps niagara falls night time


But if I had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that  for destruction 
Ice is also great
And would suffice"


View full gallery here 

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2021 Fiction Book Favourites

Monday, December 27, 2021

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Glifesnaps reading recommendations

Discovering audiobooks is one of the best things of 2021. It's gotten me back into "reading" without compromising much of the other stuff that I want to do. I have always been and always been a fan of classic works (there's just too much value in those treasures) but this year, I have also discovered more modern fiction books that are as exceptional as the classics.

Here are three of the best books that I have read in 2021:

Project Hail Mary (Andy Weir)

This is by far my favourite modern book. Project Hail Mary is a story of Ryland Grace, an astronaut left in space who at first couldn’t remember his identity. His and our planet’s survival rely heavily on his mission called Project Hail Mary and he meets an unexpected ally who can also help make or break the mission.

If you think Andy Weir's The Martian was great, wait until you read the entirety of Project Hail Mary. This takes your imagination to a whole different level. Project Hail Mary is written in the way that every event unfolds into a more exciting scenario. It's not your typical left-alone-in-space-how-to-survive type of novel. What I like most about this is how the Ryland Grace and his  "unexpected ally's relationship developed in a realistic way that it is related back to how all good friendships start. This book is thrilling all the way to the very end so I highly recommend it.

The Paris Library (Janet Skeslien Charles)


The Paris Library is a story of how The American Library in Paris thrived through the Nazi occupation in 1983. For the love of books, the librarians took the difficult duty of delivering literature even to their Jewish subscribers. The book has multiple points of views in different generations which added more insight to the reading experience.

The Nazi reign is a part of history that is so dark to talk about but we still need to in order to break chances of repetition. Ever since I visited the Holocaust Memorial Museum, this is one historical era that have always kept me curious and at the same time breaks my heart. The story told in The Paris Library is heartbreaking, but also gives enough hope as the story goes. 

It opened me up to a side of Paris that is not often talked about - how it is a city of readers. This book beautifully tell the story Odile's life and how she coped up with the sudden change and how she strived through it all. This may not be everyone’s cup of tea since the pacing is a little slow but I still think it’s one book that you have to read at least once.

The Midnight Library (Matt Haig)


The Midnight Library tells the story of a young woman named Nora who has lost all hope in life and one night did the unthinkable. She is taken into a midnight library where she was given the chance to read back on her past life choices and live the alternative realities if she made different choices. This is a book that will hopefully bring you hope and give you the same realisations that Nora opened herself to in the end.

I love the entirety of this book and the emotional roller coaster it took me while listening to it. This gives probable philosophical answers to the “what if’s” in our lives. If you’re someone who keeps thinking what would happen if things were not the way that they are now, you will relate to the story a lot. This is a fantasy novel but the situations are too relatable that they almost seem real.

Please note that although the “unthinkable actions” parts are only small parts of the book, if you are sensitive to thoughts of suicide, please take extra precautions.

These three books are very easy reads that I think even non-readers or newbie readers will find entertaining. They are also available in Audible as audiobooks - that's where I "read" them and they're also as great if you love to multitask.

I'm hoping to get more reading in 2022 so fingers crossed!

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Finding Happiness

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

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 Glifesnaps finding happiness self help

It's true that you can never teach genuine happiness, you can only radiate so much of it that somehow it sheds a light on someone else's life and give hope. 

There are some points in our lives that the loop of sadness seem to be going on for days or years on end. Sadness turns to rage or self pity or just simply loneliness. Almost suddenly that one day, a mask just starts to form on top of the sadness - that mask is what people see and since it is easier to live that way, we just stick with it and hope that someday it will go away.

But what I learned with happiness is that it does not come to you, you have to find it.

I wish I could teach you how to directly find your happiness but no one can really do that except maybe a therapist. However, I could share some ways to help navigate your way around this broken road that many seek. I am not a therapist or a life expert, these are just a few things I have learned myself.

Be honest with your sadness

One of the worst things about one's feelings is that admitting it makes it real, but that is the first step to actually doing something about it. Living everyday life enforcing false positivity in yourself or making excuses for why you are not living your life's full potential are just temporary fixes. You don't deserve that. 

You don't necessarily have to tell everyone or anyone about it. The only important thing is that you admit it to yourself. Then, ask all the reasons why you are sad so you can start paving ways to finally be happy.

Do something about it

There's no amount of inspirational quotes, books or videos that can change your situation unless you actually do something about it. Find what you are most comfortable with, try applying them to your life and see if it works. If it does not, then move on to something else.

Do something until something works.

Do something until you're finally there.

Do not stop or else you will get stuck over and over again. Don't wait that you will get used to sadness and be there forever. To be happy is to actually stand up and find what makes you happy.

Surround yourself with those who you want to be with

Time and time again I have heard of that your life will only be as good as the people you surround yourself with. There is so much value in the company you keep and this has nothing to do with quantity or how they are related to you. We often receive a lot of damage from those who call themselves our family or friends.

Don't settle for mediocre relationships. Don't settle for relationships "just because". You must actually want to keep the relationship to keep having it. You may be left with a small percentage of them, but at least they're actually the ones worth having.

Be with those who are not only for the good times but also those who can see you for who you are but who choose to love you anyway. These are the relationships that thrive.

Your happiness is precious, don't let others weigh that down. 

I hope somehow this helps. Sadness is a normal human emotion but even that is not an excuse to just let yourself drown in it.

Save yourself. Find your happiness.

Stop faking it until you make it. Do something to actually make it.

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My Experience with Audiobooks + About Audible

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

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Glifesnaps audible

As I have mentioned in the past, reading is magical because of how it can transport the reader to a whole new place and experience with almost no effort. One just needs an open imagination... and sometimes a generous amount of time.

I used to have a huge chunk of my time dedicated to reading when I was still in school. I read a lot - from terrible works to really remarkable ones. It's probably because it was the only hobby I had during that time.

As my eyesight became less tolerable to longer reading on paperbacks and harbounds, I tried Kindle and it's also a great experience. However, I wanted to do other things and read at the same time so I decided to try audiobooks. And it's actually so much better than I expected.

First Impressions

Audiobooks are awesome. I was able to fit simultaneously do chores and other hobbies and "read". I use Audible because I found that it's actually the most convenient way to listen to audiobooks. I know you can download free stuff off the internet, but I just didn't want to take the extra time to do all that and more importantly, I wanted to give the proper amount of recognition to the author by actually purchasing the books they have worked so hard on.

Audible also tracks your reading and I can easily look into my collection and they have almost every book in their library.

Is Audible free?

Unfortunately, not. My membership fee is CA$14.95 per month plus tax and that gives me one credit each month to exchange for ANY book that I want to add to my Audible library. The first month is free and if you are currently an Amazon prime member, you get two books for free on your first month. Considering how much physical and e-books cost, this is a reasonable price. 

What are Audible credits?

Depending on your membership plan, Audible gives you one or more credits per month. This can be used to purchase any book regardless of the price. There are also yearly plans if you want to claim all your credits in one go. One credit gets a member one book. 

Credits can also be received via gifts from others even if they are not Audible members. After a month into the membership, Audible often offer three credits for $39.95 plus tax. You can gift Audible credits here. Make sure you know the email address of the Audible user you are trying to gift the credit to. 

Any cons?

Audible does not come very cheap and it is not a streaming service like Netflix but you do get to keep the book forever even if you decide to cancel your membership. The mobile app can also be glitchy at times. It stops randomly and does not pick up on where I left off when I listened from another device. The suggested books are not helpful and irrelevant to my preferences.

How do you make sure you choose the right book?

Choosing the right audiobooks goes two ways - the quality of the audio and the quality of the book itself. Before purchasing an audiobook, make sure you check the audio preview. You have to check if you are okay with listening to the narrator's voice for long periods of time. Another thing to check is if the book is actually worth listening to. The best way for this is to check Goodreads reviews or if you have more time to spare, you can also check other blog posts about the book. Another good way is to check the BookTok space on Tiktok for recommendations.

Is it worth it?

I know there would be die-hard paperback fans who would never go for audiobooks, but if you are someone like me who wants to do more while reading, try audiobooks. I would still want to go back to traditional reading for some works like The Lord of the Rings because I couldn't for the life of me survive the audiobook version. On the other hand, I don't think I would enjoy Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir in other ways than listening to its audiobook. 

In general, I think audiobooks are a great way to read. It's not traditional, but it does not mean the experience is any less satisfying. 

Disclaimer: Links in this post are not affiliate links.
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One Chilly Afternoon

Saturday, December 18, 2021

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 Glifesnaps canadian suburb photography

Parks are naturally more beautiful during the spring and summer seasons because the colours really pop and brings so much life to photographs.  However, I still find the bare trees and warmer shades intriguing and in their own ways beautiful during the colder seasons. 

Since we might be getting more snow for the next few days, I decided to take advantage of probably the last chance to take more fall-ish/early winter photographs.

I put my fitness watch at work and took a walk at a small park one chilly afternoon.

Rockway gardens glifesnaps photography

I know it's already winter, but I have a hangover for autumn and I just found this waterless fountain really pretty. Everything about fall is absolutely magical. 

Rockway gardens glifesnaps photography

Rockway gardens glifesnaps photography

Tucked in the park are a lovely bridge and a gazebo. These are also very great locations for photo shoots or just to simply relax after a long day's work.

Rockway gardens glifesnaps photography

I was also able to take a few shots of random subjects on the way to the park. This afternoon for me was just taking photos of what I wanted no matter how regular it might look. It was refreshing to not think much of how pretty a frame is before taking the shots.

This was a good reminder that I shoot photos for myself, no one else.

Rockway gardens glifesnaps photographyRockway gardens glifesnaps photographyRockway gardens glifesnaps photographyRockway gardens glifesnaps photography

It was cold and windy and walks on a chilly afternoon may not feel as good (or as easy) as it sounds during this time of the year, but it was all worth it. I wouldn't think twice on doing it again.

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An Average User’s Experience With Morphe 35XO

Friday, December 17, 2021

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Glifesnaps Morphe 35xo eyeshadow palette makeup

For someone who only knows how to take two or three monochromatic shades and attempt to throw them together to make an "eye look", it took a lot of guts writing this and probably many more makeup-related topics to come. 

I was already very much happy with my tiny 8-pan coral palette but when my boyfriend and I dropped by a Morphe store in mid-December, I was surprised that they had a 50% off discount everything. I may be a very basic makeup consumer but I like looking at pretty things and this was just too good to pass on.

The quality is so much better.

I have tried using a Morphe eyeshadow palette before, but I remembered not being so happy with it because half of the colours looked almost identical. They were also extremely chalky and just felt cheap. I am all for affordable products but I also want them to work (don't we all?).

When we bought this, I just poured all my hopes into the chance that they might have improved their formula and my heart fluttered when this product made me realise that they did. The shadows are now creamy and the shimmer/glitter shades do not fall off like crazy - granted that I use my fingers all the time for shimmery ones.

For its price point (got this for around $19 CAD inc. tax), I think this is really a steal. I don't use so much of the product so I know this will last me a long time. 

I have to use a primer everytime I use this because my eyelids seems to be the only part of my entire face that produces oil and I don't want the colours to be breaking apart mid-day.

The shade range is very practical.

I do not collect makeup. I only keep the ones I need so I needed the only palette I own to fit in whenever it's needed. I only use brown and pink shades anyway so this fits me just right. 

Even though the shades only lean towards light browns and pinks, I think this will still be versatile enough for many occasions. There's no pop of colors and I don't mind because I never use them.

It is surprisingly travel-friendly.

I was surprised that this is slim enough to perfectly fit into my 28x24 cm makeup bag. I saw that they had cardboard packaging for this palette in Sephora but I like this plastic one better. I think this is more suitable for travel. The shade names are not printed on this plastic packaging, but another thing I do not mind at all because I never pay attention to shade names.

Overall, I really enjoy using this product and I am so happy with this that I do not see myself needing any other palette. 

The best thing about this palette is that it is extremely easy to use and I don't have to think too much. It is fast, it is easy and even at regular price, this is still fairly affordable.

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Taipei Solo Travel Highlights + Itinerary

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

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A couple years ago, I spent all of my AirAsia miles on a round trip ticket to Taipei. Even since I was in high school, I have been wanting to see Taipei 101. So when the visa requirements were waived for Philippine passport holders, I just started scraping all my extra money and just saved hard for the trip.

And it's actually one of the best I had so far.

Taiwan is an undeniably beautiful city. It has the best of both urban life and nature. And the food is just to die for.

I know we're still in the middle of a pandemic but it's never to early to start planning your next out of the country trip once all this is over, I would like to share the highlights of my solo travel.

I also added in a complete downloadable itinerary with estimated costs at the end of this post. 😉

Glifesnaps Taipei solo travel itinerary and highlights

Taking the metro. Public transportation is really a great way to save money when travelling abroad. While other countries still are struggling in this area, Taiwan has actually slayed it. The country has the best transport system that I have ever been to - and that is going up against first world countries. It is extremely easy to navigate. In this trip, I picked up a metro card at the Taipei airport and just loaded that up as needed.

Glifesnaps Taipei solo travel itinerary and highlights

Street food. Taipei has plenty of night markets and you can always find a variety of street food to munch on while you shop. It definitely is a candlyland for both foodies and those who want to try the country's local food.

Glifesnaps Taipei solo travel itinerary and highlights

One with nature
As I have mentioned, Taipei boasts the best of both urban and natural worlds. Their city is incredible and their nature is mesmerising. I had the chance to visit various natural parks such as Yehliu Geological Park, Yangmingshan and Maokong. I don't think any words would be enough to describe the beauty of those places.

Glifesnaps Taipei solo travel itinerary and highlights

Din Tai Fung
. Because what is a Taiwan trip without a visit to the famous Din Tai Fung restaurant serving the best (I think) xia long baos in the entire world. The wait was crazy. When I got to the restaurant in Taipei 101 at 2:00pm, there was an incredibly long line. I was in for a two-hour waiting time. I even had the time to go up to the Taipei 101 observatory, had a short stroll at the mall and still had to wait 15 more minutes at the restaurant. But all of that was worth the wait. They really have the best xia long baos!

Glifesnaps Taipei solo travel itinerary and highlights

Go all the way to the top of Taipei 101. I think there's no better way to see the grandeur of Taipei than being 1,200+ feet above the ground. The price is also very reasonable for the experience. There was a long queue when I got there so I suggest you book online and also get a discount.

Glifesnaps Taipei solo travel itinerary and highlights

Shopping at Ximenting
. I did not shop my heart out at Ximenting but I definitely could have had if I wanted to. The place is bustling with tons of shops selling endless amounts of anything you can imagine. Not to mention there's also so much choices of street food and milk tea shops!

Glifesnaps Taipei solo travel itinerary and highlights

Experience authentic Taiwanes culture at Jiufen. This is an experience where you will need good walking shoes. I sprained my ankle the day before so I wasn't able to climb all the way to the teahouses, but even then, I still enjoyed the food, the hospitality of the Taiwanese people and the shops. 

I've always told myself as much as possible I do not want to go back to the same place (just because I cannot afford to lol), but Taiwan is an exception. I just know that even if I go back there countless times, I still will feel like it's the first time.

I just can hope so much that one day, when this pandemic is over, we'll all get back to normal and get to enjoy the treasured places like Taipei all over again.

Downloadable Content

I added a pdf file of my itinerary of my five-day trip in Taipei that you can download by clicking the button below in case you need ideas on where to go and how much things might cost. Take note though that this trip was back in 2019 so you will need to confirm the current costs of the activities. Enjoy!

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Things Stay The Same

Sunday, December 12, 2021

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A little more than a year ago I spent a few months back in my hometown. Going back home made me realise how heartwarming it was seeing how a place could change so much but somehow still remain the sam - that even if there are new faces and places, the feeling of being there remained the same as how it was growing up.

Glifesnaps photography in bantayan island

I took this photo during golden hour while waiting for the sun to set. It is actually very common for children to play on the sides of the port and it was amusing to see the heart at play, oblivious of what surrounds her.

homegrown / d

Trisikad or a pedicab has been around for as long as I can remember. When I was a child, this was our main transportation and until now, even with more cars in the island, trisikads still carry with them the same old great experience.

homegrown / e

Even with easier access to travel to the city and online shopping, it's amazing how a lot of people on the island still go back to the street vendors to shop. You'll just know where some kids would spend their Christmas cash on this year.

homegrown / k

More than anything else, I think what makes the island special is how fishing has provided for families throughout centuries. It surely is more difficult nowadays due to unethical fishing activities that really need to be stopped, but I do hope this remains and the government gives our fishermen more support.

homegrown / g

The Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, a timeless beauty so rich in history and has aged like fine wine since it was built.

I'm glad that I was able to take some photographs and capture Bantayan's timeless charms.

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Books That Left Imprints

Friday, December 10, 2021

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Glifesnaps books reading image

I have been ready for as long as I can remember and I have loved it ever since. 

I grew up seeing my grandfather flick through his novels for hours on end. When I was a child, I always wondered why something so serene could be so entertaining until I got into reading myself. 

I started with what was available - local magazines, newspapers, old Readers' Digest issues, Tagalog pocketbooks and a few of my grandpa's books (that I never understood but read anyway). 

After much thought and even without anyone asking I decided to list down my all-time favourite reads.

The book that opened me to fiction: 

Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (Roald Dahl)

I went to a public elementary school and back then, we had no libraries. The closest thing we got to one was when we were in grade six and there were books donated and displayed on our school principal's shelf. That is where I discovered this little treasure. Back then, I had no idea this type of genre exists. I could only get my hands on magazines and pocketbooks. This was my first child fiction book and this definitely made me seek for more. 

Now that I'm a few years older, I realise that the plotline of this book has some disturbing areas but it didn't do damage to my young mind so I still think it's still age-appropriate. Just be sure to reason it out well if ever you'll read this to a child.

The book that means the most to me: 

The Princess Diaries: Sweet Sixteen Princess (Meg Cabot)

I hold this book near and dear to my heart not because of who wrote it and what the story was about but the story behind it. Back then, we didn't have much and books were quite pricey. I remembered asking for this and my father came back home saying he wasn't able to buy it. Little did I know, the book was already waiting for me in the room. Even until now and even if I don't have my copy of this book anymore, I still remember how it felt when I got it. It was my very first fictional book.

The story of the famous Princess Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi and her plans for a sweet sixteen bash. It's your typical bubblegum young adult novel. However, the plot is not cheesy at all and actually very entertaining.

My favourite romance book: 

Love in the Time of Cholera (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

This book may not really follow the usual boy-meets-girl writing style in romance novels, but I think this surpasses all romance novels I have read in my lifetime and believe me when I say that is a LOT. The story is perfectly nuanced and the characters are written and developed so well throughout the book that they almost seemed real. 

If you feel like you're losing faith in love or getting lost in trying to understand it, let this book unravel the mysteries through Florentino Ariza and Fermina Daza. You will never regret it.
“She would defend herself, saying that love, no matter what else it might be, was a natural talent. She would say: You are either born knowing how, or you never know.” 

My absolute favourite book of all time: 

The Godfather (Mario Puzo)

This is a blessing to human kind (or at least to me). An aunt recommended this to me way back when I was reading the Gossip Girl series. I was told that this book would change the way I read and so it really did.

Before I read The Godfather, I thought average books with average plots are already gems, but this my friends is the diamond. If you won't read this with an open mind though, you might find this too intense or strange.

The Godfather set the standards for all the books I read after it. I stopped reading books that are shallow or written for the age group that are way younger than mine. I also stopped reading just for the sake of reading or following the hype. Instead, I started reading for value and quality of the plot, the writing style, character development, etc. 

I like to read because it leaves me with a special memory that even years after, I still am able to tell how I felt about a book. I may not read as often now, but when I get that craving to be someplace else or be in someone else's story, I know a book will do just that.
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My Realities of Traveling on a Budget

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

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Travelling has gone so mainstream that it may now be considered a culture. Maybe it’s because of social media influence or maybe the work culture has just pressed on humans too much that we always felt the need to get away and be somewhere where we are strangers.

While photos and videos of travels are always entertaining to browse through, for some of us it is too good to be true. I know a few influencers advertise how awesome the nomadic life is and just dedicating your life to travel is the most fulfilling thing ever, it sometimes is just a good lie.

Not all of us have insurances to cover the costs nor do we have the parents or trust funds or sugar daddies to pay for wherever our hearts desire. For a lot of us, the travels that we make are “treats” and not a regular meal. At times we just got to have to make ends meet and squeeze whatever we can into our travel funds.

Glifesnaps bus stop in Bantayan Island
Bus stop in Bantayan Island, Cebu

Travels out of my pockets are always the most difficult to get through because they take a lot of planning and compromising.

I had to go for cheap hostels but I also had to make sure they are in a safe community and near public transportation. Though not my all experience with hostels have been pleasant, I would go back and do the same thing because this compromise has saved me a ton of money.

I took public transportation A LOT. The only time I took an Uber was when I was rushing to the airport and even that was a work-funded expense. I learned that taking public transportation is cheaper and actually is a lot more fun and I got to feel local. I just got lost a lot but this one’s on me.

I also joined in tour groups for locations that are not accessible by public transport which is inherently cheaper than going solo. For this, it’s better to take the tour group type where you don’t really have to follow a guide all the time. I liked the ones that the bus only drops you off certain spots and pick you up at a specific time. This gave me the chance to explore the place at my own pace. However, if you prefer having a guide, by all means go for it.

For my travels, except for extremely few occasions, I would always go for hawker, street food, food courts, or hole-in-the-wall type. I found that these are always cheaper options and they’re the best way to experience the local food in all its glory.

Street vendor preparing a Banh Mi in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Travelling is one of the things that does not strain you too much financially. It does not have to always be fancy to give you a great experience. If you are willing to make compromises to make the trip fit your budget, then the issue of money will not be able to stop you from the trip.

It just really takes a lot of effort to save up and plan for a trip that’s within a budget but as long as you make sure you do it for yourself and not for everyone else’s applause, it will all be worth it.

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The Times When I Chased Sunsets

Monday, December 6, 2021

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I have always found sunsets so mesmerising ever since I've witnessed one. Whether sunsets are in photographs, in paintings and even so much more in person. 

When I spent some time back in my hometown, I saw a lot of breathtaking photographs of sunsets by local photographers. So when I got the chance to properly use a DSLR, I just knew I had to try and take some myself.

As a matter of fact, it's because of sunsets that I really challenged myself to learn the craft. I still have a long way to go but I have no doubt I'm glad that I got started.

Glifesnaps Sunset Photography

This is probably the sunset photo I am proudest of so far. I was still a noob so I knew almost nothing of composition and I only knew little about the settings. However, in the best of timing, nature just simply worked things out and gave me a chance to take this shot that resembled the sun falling into a goblet of fire.

Glifesnaps Sunset Photography

Chasing sunsets not only helped out my photography, but it also has made me understand why photographers never got tired of taking photos of it and why people choose to spend their afternoons just staring at it when they get the chance.

Other than family and familiarity, sunsets would be what I miss most about the island. Maybe it's the peace of just appreciating its beauty or maybe it's how it colours the sky before and after it sets each day and each day it does so uniquely - or maybe it's both or everything about it.

Let's hope we all get the chance to see one again soon.

Glifesnaps Sunset Photography

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